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  • Darkly Steamgear (Cyborg)

    Darkly SteamGear

    • Age: ????

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: he has a burnt chestnut colored coat, this coat may seem real, but under it is his highly advanced cybernetic endo skin. due to an untold amount of years in who knows where, some of this endo skin can be seen. his eyes are about the equivalent of the color of dry blood, with his right eye being completely artificial. his mane is a steamy dark sort of gray and a dark red. his mane is worn in a bushy bowl sort of fashion.

      Cutie Mark: his cutie mark is a few cogs, with blood trickling down from them. this represents how progress is achieved through sacrifice. it also could be used to symbolize the Inventions he had made in the name of progress and innovation.

      Personality: Traits:<br /><br />-He is highly intelligent<br /><br />-He specializes in multiple fields of engineering<br /><br />-He is quite innovative, coming up with multiple solutions for solving any problem he comes across<br /><br />-Has designed and created multiple inventions that have benefited the cloudsdale weather corporation tremendously in the production of many different time-saving weather-related devices and contraptions.<br /><br />Flaws:<br /><br />-His AEM (or advanced eye module, the brain of his cybernetic systems) has a tendency to glitch out, and take over some of his basic body functions.<br /><br />-His time spent creating contraptions for the [REDACTED] has left him completely psychotic, and deranged.<br /><br />-HE IS HIGHLY UNSTABLE: APPROACH WITH CAUTION

      Backstory: not much is known of this mysterious robotic figure. there have been few records related to Darkly's full backstory. Thanks to the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation attempting to cover up every trace of his existence.<br /> <br />But, most regard him as the engineer who originally came up with the plans to create a machine that could absorb the life energy or spectra, as some may know, from a living being. He also made it possible to [REDACTED] And due to this life-changing tragedy, Darkly designed a [DATA EXPUNGED]<br /> <br />He is currently the head of research over at the [REDACTED], leading the way for some of the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation's Darkest and most secret contraptions.

    Darkly Steamgear (Cyborg)

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