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  • Double Stitch

    Double Stitch

    • Age: 19

      Gender: Female

      Species: Earth Pony

      Cutie Mark: Double Stitch's cutie mark is a heart with a sewing pin sewn onto their flank.

      Personality: Double Stitch is, in general, a nice pony. Quiet yes, but nice. She is happy to make friends with others that accept her difference. <br /><br />D.S. tends to have a low tolerance for rude behavior. If someone shows themselves to be unkind or intolerant of others, she will permanently shut them out of her life. <br /><br />Feminist | Kind | Caring | Easily tempered | Creative | Lazy | Quiet | Calm

      Backstory: At some point in her life, Double Stitch was a regular earth pony. Her parents were both toy makers living in Canterlot, producing all sorts of toys for the young fillies and colts that lived in the city.<br /><br />When she was young, her mother made a small plush pony for her, which she treasured dearly; it went everywhere with her. Nothing in the world meant as much to her as that plush. She would fix it whenever it tore, have her mother replace the eyes if they fell off, and re-stuff it whenever it lost its fluff.<br /><br />This continued for a very long time. Often she was teased for carrying a doll around with her everywhere, and it came to the point where she was harassed by a group of unicorns for it every so often.<br /><br />During one of these occasions, double stitch decided to stand up for herself, engaging in an argument with an older unicorn mare about how it was wrong for her to treat others cruelly. Taken aback by being stood up to, the older mare was furious. In a burst of rage she let loose a bolt of magic, originally intended to destroy the doll. That was not what happened. The doll was somehow fused with Double Stitch herself, rendering her a plush. <br /><br />The group, mortified by what had happened, took off and left D.S. alone. She was terrified. No pony was like her now, she was no longer the normal earth pony she was born as. <br /><br />Knowing this, she fled the city. She had realized that she would never be able to see her family again, but it was better than putting them through the shock of seeing what had happened. <br /><br />She took up residence in a small house surrounded by trees near the edge of ponyville.

    Double Stitch

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