Appearance: Well, even though there IS an image, here's some details.<br />She is a crystal pony with a blue body, purple hair with lime green streaks, green eyes, and camo wings. That's about it. Nothing fancy.
Cutie Mark: Well, Eclipse Petal's Cutie Mark is a crescent moon with a flower with only one petal. I know, cheesy right? Well, basically what it means is that Eclipse is really nice, but has a kind of odd appearance. She has a very dark side though. But of course we need the talent part XD<br />*ehem* Drum roll please.....<br />Eclipse Petal's talent is magic without a horn. I know it's really weird. Don't ask me, I'm not her. Although, I kind of am... Oh, whatever!
Personality: Eclipse is really nice, but if you go out of your way to be rude, or not go out of your way, to her, she does have a dark side.
Backstory: Eclipse Petal has never told another soul about what REALLY happened to her, but this is what happened.<br />One day when Eclipse Petal was little, she was hanging out with her mom. They were on a trip around Equestria. At that moment they were at unclaimed territory. They went camping there all the time, and it was really fun to go there. They both knew what it was though, the first place where the Earth Ponies and pegasi and unicorns lived. Eclipse Petal's mom, Rain Sing, motioned for Eclipse to go and fly up to where the pegasi lived with her. As they soared up towards the city, Eclipse Petal felt joy in her heart, the place where her ancestors had come from. When they walked around, Eclipse Petal knew it was different from Cloudsdale.... Then after they had looked around a bit more, Rain Sing and Eclipse flew off once more, to go check out the place of the unicorns. Then after that, they looked at where the Earth Ponies lived. Then they flew off to Manehattan. While they were there, Rain bought them a hotel room. "Alright." she said. "Let's go make a wish." Eclipse jumped up and down. Every year they went and made a wish at their favorite fountain. When they got there, Rain pulled out a coin for Eclipse and a coin for herself. Rain Sing held her coin and closed her eyes. "I wish..." she began, when all of a sudden, somepony pushed her right into the fountain. "No! Mom!" Eclipse yelled, but Rain Sing did not surface. Eclipse threw the coin into the fountain. "I wish for you to be dead!" she screamed at the pony who shoved her mom into the fountain, but they galloped right away. Eclipse ran after them. As she got closer she could see that they were an alicorn. Her family had never met a nice alicorn.... Eclipse jumped onto the pony. They curled up in cowardice. "Why did you do that?!" Eclipse yelled. "WHY?!" The alicorn just curled up even more. Then all of the sudden Eclipse floated up into the air, her eyes glowing, but the pony on the ground could not move. Everypony, earth, pegasi, unicorn, and alicorn alike watched as Eclipse Petal teleported this alicorn away with some strange force. When she fell back to the ground, everypony seemed to be scared, as well as Eclipse herself. She looked around, then flew up into the sky and flew away.
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