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  • Emperor Ironclaw Headwind

    • Age: 37

      Gender: Male

      Species: Non-Pony

      Appearance: Taller than the average Griffon he can be intimidating in person. His feathers are a perfect white to his neck where the feathers turn to brown fur.<br /><br />Like most of the Royal Family has a longer wingspan than the average Griffon and can fly hours without landing need be.<br />

      Cutie Mark: None.

      Personality: He believes in acts for the greater good. If a few must get hurt along the way to make the many prosper and safe it must be done. He regrets it everything he does. <br /><br />In times of crisis can be very emotional. He holds his people dear to his heart and will act rash if they are in danger.<br /><br />Fiercely loyal. Once he has made a friend he will stand by his side to the end.<br /><br />He has been known to go without sleep for days in times of trouble.<br /><br />On a personal basis he’s very corgile and polite with others and yet doesn’t let his status get in the way of having a talk. After one has left the acquaintance stage he is alright with others using his first name and not acting like he’s a royal.<br />

      Backstory: Born to Empress HardBeak Headwind and a Lord of a Lowland Duchy who was immediately executed after IronClaw's hatch. His mother was an ironfisted ruler who refused to take crap from anyone and was known to crush any kind of opposition brutally. <br />HardBeak often treated IrconClaw a harshly not having raised a son and her father beat her as a child for very minute things but I’ll leave the term “harsh” to the reader.<br />At the end of the day IronClaw’s mother truly loved her son and wanted him to live up to the family name even if her methods and nature were less than ideal for raising a child. <br /><br />At age 14 Iron's mother sent him to study aboard and make a tour of the world to both heighten the Kingdom’s relations and to let IronClaw network. There he saw the world and learned from many cultures and ways of life which would prove valuable later in life. <br /><br />After a long fight with Feather Fever, one of the deadliest known illnesses in Griffons, the Empress died at the age of 73 leaving the throne to IronClaw, now 35. Being the youngest ruler in decades many expected IronClaw to crumble under the pressure. The first months were rough but with the half of good advisors and friends IronClaw shaped himself into an excellent ruler sure to give the Griffon Kingdom a place on the world stage.<br />

    Emperor Ironclaw Headwind

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