Appearance: Flicker Sweet is a cream coloured earth pony. Her hair is two light shades of green. It is slightly wavy and curls near the ends. Very often she carries some sweets in her mane that she can eat later. She's also much chubbier than most ponies, due to her near-constant candy consumption. She hates when ponies make fun of her for it.
Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is a strawberry flavoured lollipop, it represents her special talent of making candy and her enjoyment of eating and giving out candy.<br /><br />The cutie mark itself is not strawberry flavoured though.
Personality: Flicker is a generally happy pony, she is rarely seen not smiling. She enjoys making others feel the same joy he does. She is always friendly to everyone. This coming from both the shopkeeper side and wishing to not offend anyone. She's willing to always lend an ear to anyone wishing to talk about their problems. She is very patient and caring.<br /><br />Even though she is friendly, she holds her true friends closer to her. she is tends to be wary of who she trusts; feeling there needs to be a mutual connection for this. She is keenly aware that not everyone is as open as she is. While she doesn't mind this, she tends to not be judgmental to others.<br /><br />She always tries to find a way to help out the best she can. Either by being a comforting voice or trying to give advice. Worst she has gotten is scheming with others to get things the way someone else really wants it.<br /><br />She always wants to be very fun-loving to those she cares most about. She is very quick to get upset though, especially when her weight is pointed out to her.
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