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  • Flurry Frostworks


    • Age: 20

      Gender: Female

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: Lavender eyes; white coat of fur; teal mane and tail, both tightly braided into segments; athletically built.

      Cutie Mark: A turquoise-tinged snowflake, symbolic of her proficiency in weather related tasks.<br />

      Personality: Flurry is a very amiable pegasus, and will approach almost anypony with a smile and, more often than not, a cheesy joke. Her sense of humor is heavily based on puns, which have been responsible for no small number of facehooves.<br /><br />As somepony who loved her job, Flurry has a fairly strong sense of work ethic and always tries to carry a very optimistic, can-do attitude wherever she goes.<br /><br />Despite her lightheartedness and general good will, she sometimes has trouble with seeing things from other ponies' perspectives, which can often lead to her being quite stubborn during disagreements. <br /><br />She has also been known to hold grudges towards those who have done something she sees as particularly unforgivable. These grudges are usually short-lived, but when she's mad at you, you'd best steer clear.<br /><br />Flurry represents the first of the seven Elements of Order - Compassion.

      Backstory: Flurry is a born-and-raised resident of Winterhaven, the megalopolitan capital of the nation of Fohlenheim. More specifically, she grew up in the aerial Skyhaven district where a majority of Winterhaven's pegasi dwell.<br /><br />She was born to father Cold Snap and mother Icy Hooves, and has a pair of younger brothers - twins Frostbite and Frostburn. <br /><br />As a filly, Flurry was exceptionally close with her father Snap, whom she aspired to be like; her passion for weather control stems from his diligent work as a foreman (forestallion?) at Skyhaven Snow Plant. Flurry also gets her lightheartedness and awful puns from Snap. <br /><br />Flurry's relationship with her mother Icy was always a bit more icy (see, that was a Flurry-esque pun); it seemed that anything she did was met with disapproval or criticism from her mother. Even when Flurry's cutie mark appeared, Icy had far fewer nice things to say about it than Snap did.<br /><br />Frostbite and Frostburn, on the other hand, were victims of Icy's dotage. Both colts were rapscallions to the Nth degree, always causing trouble - especially for their poor sister - yet they would never receive so much as a scolding from their mother, much to Flurry's frustration. Despite this, Flurry was always fiercely protective of the twins; no quicker way to turn her usual smile into venomous scowl than by bullying her little brothers.<br /><br />As a young mare, Flurry got a job at Skyhaven Snow Plant, with Snap as her supervisor. Her initial position was that of a snowflake sorter, but she eventually took a field position as a pusher, hauling loaded snow clouds to their designated destinations. After a couple years of doing this, she was promoted to a lead position where she got to supervise her own crew of pushers - a position that seemed tailor-made for her can-do disposition.<br /><br />Just before the invasion of Winterhaven, Flurry had been getting ready for an early-morning shift at the plant. As the commotion began to unfold, she rushed outside to see for herself what was going on. Aghast at the sights she beheld, she bolted for her parents' house, where only her mother and brothers were home. Icy sternly ordered her daughter to take the colts and flee the city. Flurry tried to object, but her mother was adamant: "Don't argue, Flurry Frostworks, just do this for me. Protect your brothers...make me proud, just like you always have." These were the last words Flurry would hear her mother speak before she fled the capital with the twins.<br /><br />Eventually, Flurry and her brothers came upon a mass convoy of carts and wagons, with many inconsolable ponies either pulling them or dejectedly trotting alongside them. These ponies allowed the trio to take refuge among them as they continued on their journey towards the nearest border of Fohlenheim, bound for parts unknown.

    Flurry Frostworks

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