Appearance: Gale's height is comparable to many other older stallions including Prince Blueblood and Big Macintosh. His coat is Blue in colour, and is closer to a Bright Navy Blue. His mane and tail, although White, used to be a cross between Yellow and Orange. He typically does not wear any accessories, however, when performing music with his partner, Rain Fiona Rider, he wears a tie and neck collar. When fighting he wears a pair of wing-blades of which he invented, to help him fight the forces of the Changelings. His eyes are a Yellow-Gold.
Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is two gusts of wind. They signify his ability to focus on a goal and 'power' his way through to its completion, by any means necessary.
Personality: Gale Victor Clout was never a particularly aggressive Pegasus, preferring to engage in intellectual pursuits, or to solve technical problems with tools and/or devices. His tragedy with the Changelings however, has triggered within him a tendency to anger and lust for vengeance he never knew was possible before. It is only thanks to his friendship with Rain Fiona Rider that his better nature was not totally lost in the aftermath of the attack.
Backstory: Gale was born into a 'stable' family, situated in life, but by no means rich. His father, Typhus, was an engineer, developing many inventions to be used by the Pegasi who live in Cloudsdale. His mother, Vivian, worked as a seamstress in a local Cloudsdale shop. When Gale was born, his parents decided to leave Cloudsdale and move to a smaller village, where they could raise their newborn colt. <br /><br /> After only a few years Gale would begin to show signs of his intelligence, even matching his father in games of chess when he was only 5. When Gale turned 8 he met Rain Fiona Rider, another Pegasus. After several encounters with her, they became best friends. <br /><br /> One night a terrible storm swept through the village. Great gusts of wind, sheeting rain, and lightning racked Gales home. Concerned, he went to visit Rain, to make she was alright. Upon arriving at her home, Gale spoke to Rains mother. She explained that Rain had not returned from the locale apple orchards and that her father was out looking for her. Gale immediately began to worry about Rain and so left to help find her. Rains mother called out to Gale to return but Gale wouldn't listen, he had to find Rain. After searching through the storm he found her, desperately hanging on to tree branch next to a swollen river. The river began to rise around the tree. Rain noticed Gale furiously beating his wings in the stormy winds and called out to him for help, her wings were too weak to withstand the fury of the wind. Gale swooped down to her. Grabbing hold of her front hooves, he began to carry her away from the river. As he found a safer place to rest Rain a bolt of lightning struck him, knocking him unconscious. Rain dragged his lifeless body to her home, where her mother and father quickly helped the two young Pegasi. Gale eventually regained consciousness the next morning, his parents and Rain were waiting next to the bed he had been placed in. To their surprise Gale was fine, however, the lightning strike turned his beautiful yellow and orange hair, pure white. His bond with Rain became that much stronger. Through this act of courage both Gale and Rain received their Cutie Marks.<br /><br /> Several more years would pass, with Rain and Gale becoming ever closer. Shortly after his 14th birthday, Gales life would forever change. He witnessed his entire village burn after an attack by creatures he does not know. Monstrous, horrible creatures, bodies made of blackened flesh, translucent wings, fangs that gleam in the rage of the attack, and glowing eyes that seem to feed upon your very soul. They came without warning, Gale didn't even have time to leap from his bed before their horrible screams filled the night air. After the attack, Gale discovered that his parents and everypony else was either killed or taken captive. Gale felt devastated, even suicidal after discovering he was the only one left. He cried for hours before he heard a familiar sound. In the distance he heard a young fillies voice. It was Rain. After discovering each other, they ran into each others hooves, crying for their loss. Eventually they would leave the ruins of the town. Gale would leave a cross to signify the loss of the village.<br /><br /> After years of heartache and anger, both Gale and Rain would vow to seek vengeance upon the creatures who took everything from them. They currently roam the countryside fighting evil wherever it may linger, ever searching for the creatures they would soon discover the name of. Changelings.
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