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  • Isaiah Raven


    • Age: Unknown. He thinks he's in his early 20's

      Gender: Male

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: Isaiah's a light-blue/cyan coloured Hoovensharian Stallion, a kind of Earth Pony which does not develop a cutie mark.<br />He's always seen wearing his uniform, which belongs to the 51st Hoovensharian Regiment of Light Hoof. It consisted of a red coat with green necking and cuffs, a Stovepipe shako with the Light Hoof horn insignia and grey breeches.<br /><br />As regarding his body, Isaiah is a small, skinny guy, who uses his agility and brains to his advantage. He can easily climb up trees and small ridges, as well as gallop quite fast and with ease.

      Cutie Mark: Isaiah, like all Hoovensharian Stallions, never developed a cutie mark. It is not in his blood to have one.

      Personality: Isaiah is a quite disciplined, strict and stubborn fellow. At least while on duty.<br />Whenever he's got a bottle o' rum or wine next to him, he turns into a much nicer guy.<br /><br />He's empathetic and comprehensive. He cares for his fellow rankers, and trusts them with his life, as they trust him with theirs. He never, nor will betray a friend, and will do whatever it takes to help.<br />However, priority goes to the regiment, then to his friends, and finally his own skin.

      Backstory: Isaiah Raven was, as most of his fellow soldiers, born in the gutters. His mother was a whore, who worked in a cheap brothel from the crappiest district of West Riding, Hoovenshire. His father was never known, though it was believed he was a drunk vagrant, who met his mother on a one night stand. Paid her a few bits and buggered off to never be seen again... alive.<br /><br />His mother gave him birth some day in January. The year was unknown. It is said that Isaiah was born on the coldest day of that winter, which took the lives of hundreds of peasants and destroyed a harvest that could have saved thousands more. His mother, among them. Before her demise, she abandoned the foal, leaving him in a cold alley, on his own, 2 days after birth. He was found by a guard, under the snow, fighting to keep just a tiny bit of warmth in his body.<br /><br />The guard took pity on the poor foal, and finding no reason to act otherwise, he took him on his back and to his barracks. When arriving, he reported to his officer about the strange finding. He was assigned the responsibility of taking care of the new born foal, naming him and giving him shelter. He named the foal Isaiah Raven, in honour of his grand father. <br /><br />Around the age of 5, Isaiah's foster father was sent to battle. It is said he was hit by a mortar shell, and his body disintegrated. One of his fellow soldiers wrote a letter to the kid, explaining what happened. Since then, there is a period of time in which Isaiah disappeared. His name vanished, his friends forgot him, his entire life became but a small footnote in the history of a dead and broken family.<br /><br />Around 10 years later, he was found in the woods, close to Glascow, with a band of brigands and highwaycolts, who stole from the merchants and travellers that went through their territory. He was arrested and put into a small, cold cell in East Riding. Each day he cursed his luck, and got close to going mad. For the next 2 and 1/2 years, he would not see the light of day, nor hear the beautiful sound of nature.<br /><br />He finally saw the light of day on March 14th, year unknown. He was sent to the gallows, to be hung for murdering and armed robbery to merchants. With a rope around his neck, his body and all hope of freedom were dropped through a trapdoor. Isaiah's neck, however, was too strong to submit. As opposed to everyone's beliefs, Isaiah Raven, was alive. When the guards noticed, the rope was removed, and he was allowed to leave. Why? Because any pony strong enough to survive the gallows, was immediately sent to the army. Only around 1/2000 managed to survive.<br /><br />The colt was sent to West Riding for basic training. He was put in a boot camp company, under the command of Sergeant Major Grey. There, he was assigned to Light Hoof, due to his excellent accuracy on long ranges, as well as his ability to climb and jump around on trees. Ability earned thanks to his days as a brigand. For the next 8 months, he would be the best shot in his unit... and the one who could drink the most without passing out. He quickly became a drunk.<br /><br />By the time of the Zebrican Invasion, Isaiah was promoted to corporal, and was assigned a small squad of 4 colts. His first taste of battle took place during the retreat of Hoovensharian forces from the electorate. Since then, he fought (and drunk) along his fellow squad mates in the 51st Regiment of Light Hoof, serving under the Equestrian Solar Army.

    Isaiah Raven

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