Backstory: Lance Vanguard was born in the city of Canterlot to a wealthy and influential family. He attended a normal school, excelling in athletic fields. When he was ten he was part of the school Hoofball team. When he was fifteen he was accepted into the Canterlot Hoofball team, competing across much of Equestria.<br /><br />After becoming the Team Captain at the young age of sixteen, Lance decided to drop out of school, pursuing his dream of becoming a member of the Royal Guard. After finally being accepted for training, he becomes friends with many of the other new recruits. At eighteen he manages to become an officially appointed Royal Guard. Lance and his friends meet the other guards at the palace and are given a warm welcome. Lance attempts to claw his way up the social ladder, becoming the centre of attention in most conversations and gaining new friends. It went with relative success, and every pony serving in the guard had become acquainted with him.<br /><br />After two years of service, Lance had managed to reach the rank of lieutenant, seconded only by Shining Armour. He envied him with a passion, taking every opportunity to prove his worth as a captain, proving that he was fit for the position. Each attempt was met with failure with Celestia always seeing Shinning with more favour. To this day Lance has refused to back down, still after his captaincy. His current role as lieutenant has restricted his influence among the guard, but despite this his eyes remain locked on the true prize; total leadership of the Royal Guard.
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