Cutie Mark: His Cutie Mark of a Lightning bolt inside a circle was earned during a freak storm at Cloudsdale. As a young colt he stood on a cloud and was watching other young ponies playing, he witnessed a freak storm appear out of nowhere and he jumped to action to try and help the other ponies. When he arrived lightning bolts began to strike the area where they were standing. He jumped in the front of the strike with his wings raised to block the strike, as the bolt struck his wing it bounced off it and went another direction. Noticing this, Lightning waited for the next strike and did the same thing, but this time he aimed the strike away towards the ground redirecting the strike away from anypony else. This incident is what earned him his Cutie Mark.
Personality: Lightning personality is very laid back, he won't be the one to start a fight or an argument, but if it comes to that he tries to calm the situation down. He very competitive when it comes to flying or any type of activity, he will work his hardest to become first, but will not cheat to get his way. He shows a lot of confidence in himself and in his abilities as a flyer and a friend. He is also very shy to meet other ponies, he's not one to bring up a conversation, but will talk if talked too. He's doesn't do well with drastic change and begins to freak out if he can't help the change, after awhile he will calm down, but he doesn't take it lightly.
Backstory: Lightning doesn't remember his parents at all, he was left at the flying school as a baby and grew up with the instructors at the Wonderbolts Academy. Once he was old enough to move on his own he began to intend the young flyers school to begin his training into flying. He was a straight A student you would say, made exceptional marks on his test and work. On one of his days during a break he was overlooking the area when he noticed a Freak Storm cloud forming above a group of young ponies, being in his nature to help, he jumped down to get the young ones out of the way, but as he arrived a lightning bolt struck at his position. He knelt down and covered himself with his wing Blocking the incoming lightning strike sending out away for the young ponies. After he realized what he had accomplished he waited for the next strike. AS the next strike was sent towards him he performed the same maneuver he did last time. The lightning bolt struck him but instead of being off guard he redirected the strike away towards the ground. During the incident he earned his Cutie Mark and was inducted into the Weather Team of Cloudsdale, where he learned basic weather controlling techniques and continued his flying classes. During his time on the Weather Team he perfected almost all his flying maneuvers and was drafted into the Wonderbolt's Academy. There he continued to study hard and worked the hardest he has ever worked, After a few years of hard work and a lot of injuries later, he graduated the Academy and was placed in an auxiliary unit of the Wonderbolts and shipped out to Ponyville where he currently is a Weather Observer for the town. Once arriving he was accepted with open arms, and fell in love with a young mare, named Rainbow Dash. He hasn't been able to show his true feelings until recently where he confessed his love to her.
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