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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

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    • Age: around 23 or older

      Gender: Male

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: He loves his formal wear, it makes him feel more superior. He's not afraid to put on a dress for a role (or when he feels like it, he'd like to remind you that it is strictly none of your business). He's as comfortable in a dress as he is in any attire.<br /><br />He prefers more traditional formal attire. English cut suit over tuxedo anyday. He is not overly fond of bow ties but will still wear one when he feels like it or the dress code required him to

      Cutie Mark: Subject to change since it seems bland<br /><br />The two masks of drama,shows his talent for theatre and his ability to mask his emotions and self reserved ways <br /><br />He gained it when he did an iconic soliloquy and through it internally acknowledged his pain and accepted it as part of him, learning that it's okay to be feel pain, to be angry, frustrated

      Personality: He's a very charismatic pony always with an unwavering smile that some may describe as smug. Great with words, has the ability to come up with rousing speeches that could mobilize armies. He is quite snappy when irritated or disturbed and can be very demanding and perfectionistic. He is not afraid to voice his opinions but doesn't like to hurt other's feelings but may sometimes be oblivious when he does. He displays the image of being a confident but is brittle and defensive. Rather fragile. He can be quite a dick sometimes, and can be very ignorant to the suffering of others. He can't stand ponies with huge egos without the skill to back it up<br /><br />He doesn't talk about his feelings, mainly because he is emotionally lost and doesn't know how to. He is afraid of being lonely but is fine being alone. However, he is afraid of forming new relationships with others as he childishly believes they will leave him. He is very well walled up. Despite his insecurities, he is welcoming of one night stands and brief dates, not afraid to sleep around with anypony regardless of age and gender. (Though he'd prefer an older mare but a younger stallion) He longs to start a family but doesn't want to give up his days of fooling around and is afraid of committing himself fully in a relationship.<br /><br />He is very well mannered and always the gentlecolt. But is not below the occasional lies and light blackmail. He is not a fan of violence but it is not completely beneath him. He won't pull his punches. He's seen his fair share of bar fights.<br /><br />Deep down inside he is very bitter and lonely. He hated his parents for sending him away to board at such a young age but constantly crave their approval and from the ponies around him, eager to please. Since he graduated, those feelings have become more mellow but still there. He finds approval from his audience and critics. He thrives in their attention and applause. Criticism is not usually well received, he gets offended personally sometimes. Very conscious of his appearances and what people think of him<br /><br />Despite the minimum love he'd been given, he is a very caring stallion to those close to him and enjoys entertaining others. He is patient with young ones and is more than happy to play with them or perform for them, he seldom gets angry at foals and fillies. He's kinda like the cool but creepy uncle.

      Backstory: Since the age of 7, he was sent to boarding school to board full time. His father was a famous stage actor well known for playing heroic characters and his mother did theatre costume, mostly dresses and period pieces. He remembers little of the days before. Fragments almost like pictures of another life. His mother liked to dress him up in fancy dresses and doll him up when he was very young. He doesn't really remember it but the pictures do exist.<br /><br />He was absolutely miserable there like any colt would be, forcibly separated from his parents and their affections. He took on the role of the charming young everypony that everyone likes to avoid being vulnerable and getting bullied. And overtime that's who he became. He was okay at athletics back at school, was in reserve for the hoofball team but deemed it too hard and he's too lazy so he's more of a reluctant benchwarmer.<br /><br />He seldom went home during the holidays, if he did the house would be empty anyway. He had the whole place to himself. He'd dig through his mother's dresser, his father's wardrobe, tease the housecat, slide down the stair banister and other forbidden activities. Nearly drowned in the pool once (or twice). He stills enjoys swimming.<br /><br />On the rare days they bought him to work, 'foals' weren't allowed into the theatre so he was never allowed in except during rehearsals, and even then he was restricted to only the backstage and if he was lucky, he'd get to watch the actors rehearse, hiding behind the rows of seats. If you've ever lost something shiny and important in between the seats, chances are he pocketed it.<br /><br />He'd help clean up after productions and even met some of the actors in some occasions if they stayed back late. But usually he was in the background, painting the backdrop or fixing simple lighting.<br /><br />Ponies seldom see the darker side to him. His roommates/dormmates may be the only ones who know that side of him since he only ever threw his fits within his room which makes it hell for them. He destroyed things, cussed and was an all round headache. <br /><br />He discovered his love for theatre when he found it to be a good way of venting and coping with his life. He could swear, break a chair, 'stab' somepony etc all in the name of character. He became the head of the school's acting circle after the last one graduated. He took younger students 'under his wing' and trained them. His roommate(s) don't really have a choice, they're stuck with him. Coaching was inevitable. This makes him somewhat unbearable to some.<br /><br />His parents have attempted to reconcile and salvage their relationship as old age cause ponies to slow down and reflect. He still ignores them mostly but does acknowledge their efforts in small ways, gracing them the occasional dinner or brunch.<br /><br />Since graduating, he runs a small theatre in Canterlot that also holds drama classes that are open to ponies of all ages. He personally likes to teach them when he can and hopes to pick up a protégé someday like he did in school. He's also learning to perform in musicals and dreams of taking on Broadneigh


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    Still no name, eh? ^^' I wish I could help. Great character otherwise. :P


    It's killing me! I'd love to start using him for an RP but it just hasn't 'come to me' yet

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