Appearance: Thunderbolt is a dark blue pony with a light blue and yellow mane and tail. Like most other Machine Cult members, he wears a red hooded cloak with a golden outline. Thunderbolt has one mechanical eye, which enables him to see in the dark. His front right leg is mechanical, and interchangable so he can equip himself with a variety of tools, such as a drill or a welding tool. His left hind leg is also mechanical. He has designed and built a jetpack for himself, which he uses if necessary.
Personality: Thunderbolt is a strong believer in 'the end justifies the means', and this occasionally makes him unpopular with other ponies. He believes that knowledge is power and, because of that, that is should be guarded well. He will completely disregard the opinions of others in order to persue his beliefs or to get what he wants.
Backstory: Thunderbolt was born in Ponyvile 46 years ago. After joining the Mechanical Cult 36 years ago, during its founding, he managed to achieve the rank of Machine Priest. However, in his quest for knowledge, he stumbled upon a book which predicted the second coming of equestria's rightful ruler, and also his defeat by six servants of the false empire. He linked this to the events concerning Discord and his defeat by the Elements of Harmony. He shared this knowledge with a few fellow Cult members he knew he could trust, and one of them started the heretical organisation which Thunderbolt later joined.
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