Appearance: Mimi Vanilla is an earth pony. She has a pearly white coat. Her eyes are oval shaped and dark green. Her mane is pink with white streaks. She has side swept bangs and her mane is loosely tied. Her tail is long and flowy but sometimes loosely tied too.<br />
Cutie Mark: Mimi's cutie mark is a cupcake. Pink frosting with grey wrapper. She earned it when she was baking, she always had a passion for baking, she created her own style of cupcake which won the hearts of many canterlot ponies.
Personality: Mimi is sweet, kind, and caring. But she is also, overly dramatic, conceited, and annoying. Most ponies's first impression of her is that she is bossy and demanding. But once you get to know her, she is one of the sweetest ponies that you'll ever meet. <br /><br />Her sense of humour is really weird but funny sometimes. Most of her friends find her jokes a little corny. She is really adventurous. She is a perfectionist when it comes to everything. She also suffers from OCD and ADHD.
Backstory: Mimi Vanilla was born on April 2, 2001. Her family lives in Canterlot. From a young age, Mimi's mother would always tell her to become a doctor or a lawyer so that she would earn a lot of money. So Mimi always thought that being a doctor was her destiny. She always made baking her hobby. But her mom doesn't support her in baking<br /><br />At 10 years old, Mimi decided to secretly join a baking contest. One the day of the competition, she found her mom sitting on the judge's panel. She knew that she had to impress her. After she made her own version of a cupcake, Mimi's mom tasted it and she loved it. She apologized to Mimi for trying to control her. And Mimi's cupcake was one of the best that the ponies ever tasted. When she claimed her trophy, her cutiemark was formed.<br /><br />At 14 years old, Mimi opened her own bakery in Manehattan. Winning the hearts of so many people in Equestria. Till this day, Mimi is enjoying her life baking for the ponies in Equestria.
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