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  • Neuro And Lon


    • Age: Barely in adulthood (Neuro) / Adult (Lon)

      Gender: Male

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: Neuro:<br /><br />Neuro is a pale, very dark brown maned, fragile unicorn. He has a pair of mean, piercing blue eyes and a pointed muzzle. He looks like he has just gotten out of his puberty, but the way he looks and moves clearly shows not only authority, but knowledge and contempt for anything around him.<br /><br />Lon:<br />Lon is a giant of a stallion, who also wears pilot shades and a suit. He has several weapons hidden on his person, and his favourite is the Sig Sauer heavy-caliber handgun with a few tweaks and modifications. He is bald, and has a short blonde tail. He always has a grumpy or neutral look on his face.<br />

      Cutie Mark: Neuro:<br /><br />Neuro seems to have a cutie mark with a barely decipherable meaning. It is supposed to resemble his ingenuity to use all that is known to him to plan and organize anything the way he wants it to turn out. It can also resemble the vast amount of links in his brain. There is a code hidden in his cutie mark, but it has been encrypten only by Neuro himself.<br /><br />Lon:<br />Lon has a fairly simple cutie mark. A blue shield, with a sniper vision in the middle of it. He was supposed to become a guard since the day he was born, but his familiarity with firearms is something that he has discovered for himself.

      Personality: Neuro:<br />Neuro is sceptical, mean, patronizing and nearly pure-evil to most ponies that have a short chat with him. His quick and mature reasoning disturb a lot of ponies, since he doesn't look very old at all. He can sting nearly anyone's feelings, no matter how much they hide their weaknesses.<br /><br />Neuro is a calculating, planning pony. He is almost always playing chess in his head, planning ahead on any possible action anypony around could possibly take, and the actions they could take after that... His genius mind can predict nearly anyone, and his knowledge allows him to anticipate on their actions, and adjust them to what he wants with the subtlety of a seasoned diplomat.<br /><br />Neuro has nearly no soft side. He is in need of friends nor family at almost any time. The only person that could come close to being a friend to him is Lon, who is actually somepony he employs, so that doesn't go very far. But when he does eventually open up to someone (which hasn't happened before yet) he doesn't even know what he will do himself. Neuro almost never expresses his feelings.<br /><br />Lon:<br />Lon is nearly as calculating as Neuro is, only on one aspect. How can this person harm Neuro and how can I prevent him from doing that... It is nealy the only thing he focusses on, since he is a highly trained bodyguard, trained since the day he was born. He too nearly never expresses his feeling, since those are not desirable when he has to focus on protecting Neuro. Whenever Neuro does get himself into danger though, Lon will express his anger. A silent, deadly anger, usually leading to the deaths of several ponies with a bullet to the head.

      Backstory: SPECIFICALLY FOR STILLWATER.. FoE background will be made shortly :3<br />Neuro and Lon go back a long time. Neuro has always been part, and is now leader of, a very rich family that owns several companies. These companies are influential to several happenings in the city of Stillwater, and so to its people.<br /><br />Neuro's father died shortly after Neuro got into puberty, leaving him to lead the company and the family. Under this crushing responisbility, Neuro has let his talents thrive. Neuro is a genius mind without a moral compass whatsoever. He has used the mony he posseses, and the companies he leads to provoke the gangs to start fighting, and he then provided both sides shelter, food, weaponry and other nescesities for long-term combat. He has made a substatial amount of money of that, on top of his already existing fortune. However, several of the small gangs found out about this, and took revenge. They destroyed most of Neuro's supplies, stole most of his money and killed all of his employees, except Lon of course.<br /><br />Neuro, however, had predicted this, and had taken loads of his money and weaponry with him, faked his own death and dissapeared into the depths of the city, only to rise again when the gang wars were about to start again.<br /><br />Neuro is not interested in the victory of any gang in Stillwater. He is only interested in money, and he will do anything to reaqquire is fortune. In secret, he has rebuilt part of his company, so he can supply the gangs again. Yet this time he offers one more thing. Himself, in exchange for a considerable amount of money, and Lon, for a considerable amount of money as well. Behind his thrive for money lies a tiny speck of revenge to the ones who had destroyed his company: The saints. Therefore he has chosen to employ himself at the Vice kings, so he could focus on destroying his enemies, while regaining his fortune at the same time!<br /><br />Lon:<br />Lon has been a bodyguard for as long as he remembered. He did not really have a say at all in the appearance of his cutie mark. He was trained every day in his youth, until he was good enough to protect his very own pupil, in this case: Neuro. He was chosen to protect Neuro because Neuro is the most important part of his family, and therefore the most nescesary to protect. Secondly, Neuro is also the one who participates in the most dangerous and illegal activities, in contrast with most of his family.<br /><br />Lon is part of a family called the Burstbusts. This bloodline has brought forth a group of highly trained - combat oriented bodyguards to protect the most important people in equestria. Some have been enlisted in the royal guard, others have been selected by gangleaders or political celeberties. To the burstbusts, it does not matter who's side their pupil is on. As long as they pay, and are important, the burstbusts do what they have to.<br /><br />Lon feels the same for Neuro as Neuro for him. Something that comes close to the only friendship that he has ever had. Even though he is a lot older than the unicorn, he knows that Neuro is not someone to belittle, since he has the mind of an adult.

    Neuro And Lon

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