Appearance: <br />Nightgazer<br /><br />Before you stands a simple pegasus pony filly of about 17 years of age. She is not that tall, but then again she is standing on four legs and not upright. Her mane is purple. She is wearing a crescent moon shaped hairpin, a cap with the words "Bad Filly" on it now, a dark blue headband, and a dark blue fake-leather jacket. Her eyes are a striking dark blue color.<br /><br />Her coat is dark blue. So are her wings. She has a starlit sky with a telescope as her cutie mark on her right and left flanks also. Her tail is purple. Same color as her mane.<br /><br />She smiles happily and waves a hoof at you in greeting, and then poses some. She seems rather happy for right now.<br /><br />
Cutie Mark: <br />A starfilled night sky with a telescope.<br /><br />
Personality: <br />See her backstory.<br /><br />
Backstory: <br />Disownment And Lifestory : Nightgazer's family always regarded her as odd <br />since she was a pegasus while they were all unicorns. They regarded the <br />fact that she could not see in sunlight as a sign that she was unfit and <br />cursed by Celestia. They regarded her birth as an omen of shame... that <br />she would be unlucky and bring shame to their family. And they made sure <br />she never forgot it while growing up.<br /><br />When she got her Cutie Mark, they took it as further proof that she was <br />allied with darkness. Them thinking anything to do with the night had to <br />be completely evil.<br /><br />She tired of this and at age 13 decided to rebel. She snuck out and went <br />to a night tavern. There she met a filly who "helped" Nightgazer discover <br />that she "liked" fillies. The two kept seeing each other until <br />Nightgazer's family discovered this. They were furious. They demanded she <br />stop seeing the filly at once. She refused them. They cast her out, <br />stripped her of her titles, and forbid her to use their family name. Their <br />last words to her as she was leaving were "If you ever come around here <br />again we'll see to it that you are dead." Her last words to them were <br />"Screw you you bastards, rot in hell!"<br /><br />She decided to go to the filly that she was seeing, only to discover that <br />her family had used their influence and caused the filly's mother and <br />father to loose their jobs and have to move away. She tried her best to <br />find her. Finally a few years later she did, and they spent the rest of <br />the filly's life together. The filly's parents were to Nightgazer what her <br />own should have been. They accepted Nightgazer fully, and loved her deeply.<br /><br />It was during this time that Nightgazer discoverd what she was. She was a <br />mutant. She stopped aging at the physical age of 19.<br /><br />After her lover died of old age, Nightgazer lost it for a few years and <br />went out into the wilderness. She suffered things that should have killed <br />her. But she healed right up and survived just fine. Physically that is. <br />Mentally another story.<br /><br />Finally after a few years, she didn't know how many, she snapped back into <br />sanity and rejoined society. She spent her life since then as a wanderer, <br />going from place to place... wherever the winds would take her. Her latest <br />stop in her wandering is <insert rp's location>.<br /><br />
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