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  • Nightwing Gale


    • Age: 22 (9/15)

      Gender: Female

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: Body: smaller than average, approximately half a head shorter than most mares. Has hypermobilty, and is capable of surprising twists and turns. Has a high endurance, but doesn’t have a particularly high pain tolerance.<br /><br />Eyes: Bright amber. Usually sly and condescending, like she knows something somepony doesn't.<br /><br />Scents: Smells faintly of Nightshade due to her perfume<br /><br />Voice:<br />“Darling, my opinion is worth a thousand of yours, and its not even worth the time it would take to explain it to you. All that you need to know is this; I play to win. And I’ve never lost before…”<br /><br />Speaks in a Neightish (British) accent. Her voice tones low, but rises. It’s generally sweeping and cocky, even when she’s shouting, giving the impression that she’s self-assured and studying you. It doesn’t change in structure, only in intensity, so it sounds the same even when she’s shouting at you. Only ever changes when she’s surprised, in which case it starts to fall, becoming soft and inaudible. Speaks at a volume that’s slightly below an indoor voice level, as she wants ponies to hear when she’s speaking. Puts emphasis on every other word in a sentence.

      Cutie Mark: A single black feather, representing her her ability to move silently through the sky

      Personality: Deceptive and manipulative, she treats friends like pawns and enemies like games. She hates others, and she finds an intense joy in breaking ponies down psychologically; it's one of her favorite pasttimes<br /><br />She believes she's good at it too, really good. She's boisterous to an extreme, and really can't help leaving her mark on everything she does, be it stealing, arson, or hurting others. Above all things, she wants ponies to know it was her, even if it requires being reckless and dangerous.<br /><br />There's a more refined side to her, however. She loves high-culture, and everything that's refined. Classical music, fine wine, and ballroom dancing are a few of the things that she happens to enjoy, and she considers herself to be a mare of "high-taste" to go with them. It dictates and governs her actions, as she won't do anything that she considers beneath the standards that she held for herself. Even if it runs against her own interests sometimes.<br /><br />Strengths:<br />Incredibly devious and knows how to spot and manipulate strengths and weaknesses; she’ll gladly use others kindness against them or kick someone when they’re down. She's technologically savvy, and likes building things. She's good at design and repair, and all the things that she carries with her were made by her in some manner or other.<br /><br />Weaknesses:<br />She loves the attention she receives from ponies, and so absolutely hates to be looked down on by the ponies she's giving her attention to. Just as well, she hates to be on the receiving end of the joke, and she’ll respond erratically if it's clear she's not being taken seriously. She also has a habit of not taking those around her seriously if she’s not paying specific attention to them, since in her eyes, they’re worth less than her time or energy would allow.<br /><br /><br />Likes: Red, because of its intense, bold nature.<br />Silver, because it stands out. <br />Black when out doing missions, for stealth purposes.<br />Mangosteen(food).<br />High quality, prepared food. She's willing to spend a lot of money in order to get it. Nighttime.<br /><br />Dislikes: Food with little flavor or imagination.<br />When it turns out she's playing someone else's game<br />When people play along with her instead of reacting negatively.

      Backstory: Nightwing Gale was born in the large city of Trottingham, but despite the big city and bright lights being ideal for someone like her, she was never once happy there when she was young. Being the fifth filly of a six children and the daughter of a unicorn musician, she was well taken care of, but constantly ignored and forgotten. Her life as a child was a constant struggle to stand out, despite it being her dream to stand out, and it only got worse when she quickly became the last of her family to receive their cutie mark. Her only talent at that time was her stellar grades, and even that wasn’t enough to distinguish her from the crowd.<br /><br />Gradually, the bitterness gave way to anger, and she turned to misbehavior, the one action that was guaranteed to grant her the attention of those around her. It started with simple things, like mean words, tripping other students at school or casually bumping into somepony to start a fight. As time went on, however, it began to escalate; she turned her actions on her siblings, and even began acts of vandalism as a means of standing out. Her plan worked, but in a way unexpected; she now spent most of her days at the time locked in her room due to her misbehavior.<br /><br />Eventually, after steady months of this, she ran away from home, and it was at this point her life took a turn for the worst. On the run, she at first was only out to survive, but then quickly found out that her massive intelligence, small body, and silent wings made her an excellent criminal, and that it not only came natural to her, but that it was fun as well. She went from petty crime to large ones, making it her own little game, eventually; she would always making sure to leave one tiny black feather to mark her crimes, hoping that someday, a pony might step up to be a challenge for her. Currently, she’s still waiting for that day.<br /><br />Family:<br />Raven Sunset (Mother)<br />Sunrise Elegy (Father)<br />Sunny Robin (male Pegasus)<br />Starry Swallow(female Pegasus)<br />Twilight Mourningdove (female Pegasus)<br />Midnight Blues (male unicorn)<br />Daylight Rhasphody (male unicorn)

    Nightwing Gale

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