Appearance: Gray coat, dark gray mane, violet eyes.
Cutie Mark: Treble Clef, denoting her love for music.
Personality: She is very proper, and while she can be little too uptight, her best friend, Vinyl Scratch does wonders to prevent her from becoming snobbish.<br />She plays both the cello and the violin, but prefers the cello. In her free time, she likes to read, and to take walks in the woods.
Backstory: Octavia was born in Canterlot, but as a foal she and her parents moved to Ponyville, where she met Vinyl Scratch, her best friend. She loved classical music from a very young age, and wanted to play a cello since she first saw an earth pony musician called True Note playing one. True Note agreed to teach her to play, and was her musical tutor throughout her fillyhood. The bowtie she customarily wears was given to her by True Note before her first public performance, during which she gained her cutie mark. Thus, it holds great sentimental value for her. She went on to play for many different audiences, eventually catching the eye of the Canterlot Musical Ensemble, whom she currently plays with. She still lives in Ponyville, rooming with Vinyl Scratch.
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