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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

  • Parka Posy

    Parka Posy

    • Age: 18

      Gender: Female

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: Pale pink skin, with purple and blue curled hair to one side.

      Cutie Mark: A humming bird and flowers, to represent my hummingbird totem animal, my desire to spread joy, my passion to create and my ability to find beauty in everything.

      Personality: The traits that come with having the spirit of the humming bird!<br /><br /><br />The hummingbird is a messenger of joy and hope. <br />They are always seeking out the sweetness of life. Flowers and plants love the hummingbird- for when it drinks from their nectar, it also pollinates. Because of this, cultures associate the small creature with healing and almost magical-like properties. It is said that the hummingbird brings love as no other medicine can, and its presence brings joy to the observer. <br />They could never become addicted to any artificial stimulants, for they find joy in their own heart, and are happy and find even more joy in spreading joy, love and beauty to all around them. They have a knack for seeing the good in people, and aren’t put off by a gruff or hard front, as they know that below this surface goodness and beauty reside. <br /><br />But hummingbirds are only able to store enough energy to sustain themselves for a few hours at a time and must feed regularly and often to survive. They also have a spirit that must be free. If they become caged, or restricted, their wonderful, free, loving energy suffers great depressions and feelings of uselessness. <br /><br />The hummingbird serves to remind us of the beauty and wonder of the world and help pull our awareness out of the mundane so that we can recognize and value the magnificence of Creation. <br />

      Backstory: If I were to be an element of harmony, I would be a mix between Laughter and kindness. With a touch of Honesty and Generosity. <br /><br />I must create or design something whenever I can, or else I fall into a depression. For me, everything must be a learning experience, or it's hard to keep interest! My biggest goal is to help spread beauty, knowledge and inspiration as much as I can. <br /><br />As for my cutie mark, I suppose I got it once I found my spirit animal- the humming bird. <br /><br />As for how I found the hummingbird, it started probably in elementary school. My older sister went on a band trip out of town and brought back a small stone for me with a carving that was part of a series of animal totems. That carving was a hummingbird. She knew I loved cats, so I asked her why she got me a hummingbird of all things. <br />"Well, the paper said the hummingbird was for joy, I thought it would fit you best" Is what she responded with. <br />Alright. I suppose that makes sense. So I carried the little stone around with me and played with it when ever I felt anxious or out of ideas. Though, sadly, I lost my precious little stone a couple years later. <br />Not too long after this, a native elder came and visited one of my classes and gave a speech about animal totems and cultural stories. I found the speech interesting and went up after class to personally give him thanks. <br />And in the short amount of time that we had spoken, he said to me; <br />"You're a hummingbird, aren't you? I can see it." <br />At the time, I didn't know how to respond, so I simply shrugged it off. <br />Then just a few months later, my mother brought me a small metal coin back from her honeymoon. And again- it was a hummingbird. I had never spoken to her about hummingbirds. Never. Nor did she know about the last hummingbird stone that I had. <br /><br />So finally, I figured I had 'aught to take a hint. And after some further research and meditation- At last, I had found the hummingbird, and the hummingbird had found me.<br />That discovery alone, must have been the most satisfying feeling I had ever experienced.

    Parka Posy

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