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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

  • Pilot Light


    • Age: 24

      Gender: Female

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: -See Image-<br /><br />Occasionally wears a golden pendant in the shape of a heart. Her Aunt bought it for her as a present for getting her first job.

      Cutie Mark: Three red crosses.

      Personality: Clean, everything has to be clean. No dirt, no grime, just a safe and germ free environment. After living in near poverty for most of her life, Pilot has become obsessed with the cleanliness of her environment. However, thanks to plenty of support from her friends and family, she's slowly overcoming her mind-set.<br /><br />Pilot is still a very talented conversationalist, able to get along with most ponies if she chooses to. She knows when to be gentle and subtle with her words, showing a form of kindness that can only be given through words and support. But when her friends try to support her in return, she is often reluctant to accept their help and cuts herself off.<br />

      Backstory: Pilot wasn't born into wealthy family at all. She grew up in a place where money was tight and luxuries were simply out of the question. At the age of ten she was removed from her parents’ home in Manehattan after it was deemed unsuitable to raise a filly in and was sent to live with her Aunt in Ponyville.<br /><br />Here she began to show the first signs of a mild case of OCD, her Aunt remarking the place had never been tidier. Growing up she kept a small group of friends, most of the other kids just saw her as the weird germaphobe filly.<br /><br />Pilot was thirteen when she received her cutie mark. One day at school one of the colts had injured themselves on the playground, and while all the other kids stood back at the scene, Pilot stepped forward and comforted him. Asking one of her friends to get help, Pilot stayed with the colt and did her best to make sure he was okay.<br /><br />She tried to make an improvised bandage for his leg by using one of the other girl’s ribbons, and for the most part it worked. When the colt was taken to hospital one of the staff remarked at her interesting cutie mark. Pilot was surprised to find three red crosses on her flank, bouncing off the walls in glee. She could be a nurse, or a doctor, or anything that helps other ponies.<br /><br />Since then Pilot has gone on to leave school and begin her studies to become a nurse at Ponyville Hospital. After the arrival of Twilight Sparkle the Hospital seems to really have its hooves full. When Pilot applied for an internship it was quite a blessing for them. Three years on and she had become a part-time nurse with a uniform and everything. And it’s all clean!

    Pilot Light

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