Appearance: Tall, the back of his body is grey, the front white. He is actually a tri-alicorn (like an alicorn, but with three horns), and his horns each have red tips. His wings are red and white.
Cutie Mark: A pheonix feather. This symbolises the blessing a pheonix gave him as a foal to protect him.
Personality: Brave and headstrong. He is good with tactics, but will often jump straight into the action without considering the consequences.
Backstory: His father was a tricorn (a magic pony with three horns instead of one) named Searing Heat. His mother was a pegasus, but she died when Inferno was born. His father was born in the capital of the Ponethenian Empire. After the last emperor died, Inferno's cutie mark was recognised as a symbol of power, and he was crowed the prince of Ponethenia.
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