Appearance: He's very... Blue. Every inch of his body is blue, except his eyes, which are a brilliant bright green, and under them have a sprinkling of white freckles. His mane is styled like RD's, but doesn't have her rainbow mane.<br /><br />His wings are very interesting, the lower fur on his wings being the same color as his base coat, while his feathers are a shade darker then his fur.<br /><br />He always wears his white lab coat, along with his goggles, just incase he needs to fly or do a dangerous experiment.
Cutie Mark: Even though he's a bit of the sciencey-type, and doesn't really like to fly, he has a rain cloud as his Cutie Mark. Maybe it has to do with the weather? Eh, it was pretty random when he got it any ways.
Personality: Not really much to tell about this little guy. Not much of a fighter really, though he's pretty stubborn at times. Eh, he's really smart and pretty kind. What else can I say... He's not really one to be, described.
Backstory: Nopony really knows his backstory to well... Basically his parents didn't want him and dumped him at his uncle's house. From there on he lived happily and spent most of his days known as, 'the nerdy kid who spent all day in his room working on homework and science projects'. Yeah... long nickname right?
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