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  • Rocket

    Courageous Thunder Dash

    • Age: Exact age is unknown (around mid-teenage)

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: Half pure pegasus, half robot. Has wings with built in rocket thruster that make him able to fly. Dark blue steel body. Still has his natural pony tail.

      Cutie Mark: None because of him being part robot.

      Personality: Rocket is generally docile and is very compassionate towards ponies. However, he can be misunderstood which leaves him in a very sad mood. It takes him a while for him to process things. Known to have a form of high functioning Aspergers ever since his "conversion" a week after birth.

      Backstory: Rocket was born a regular pegasus, but he had a severe heart condition that developed while he still in the womb of his mother. When he was born, the doctors stated that he would only live for the next week. The mother did not want her only son to die. Rocket's mother searched everywhere for a solution for Rocket's heart disease, but every doctor said it was terminal. After searching every possible place up to the very last day, she still couldn't find a cure. It was over. Rocket would die. But...it wasn't over yet. A scientist who had been experimenting with cyborgs and full fledged robo-ponies came to the rescue. The goal: convert rocket into a cyborg pony. The operation was long and tiresome, but the scientist was able to complete the task at the sacrifice of most of Rocket's pony body. His wings were replaced with steel rocket wings and his mane sadly had to be cut. It was replaced with a special helmet that contained a small CPU that slightly boosted his brainpower. His heart was controlled by an electronic battery (sort of like Iron Man). As he grew, he constantly had to undergo changes in his body. Because of his conversion, he sadly couldn't get a cutie mark, like a purebred pony. Up to this point, he's still trying to find where he belongs despite being able to get a cutie mark.


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