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  • Rosalina Waves


    • Age: 18

      Gender: Female

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: Rosalina is a relatively tall mare whose height comes from her slightly-longer-than-average legs. Although the difference is subtle for the most part, the longer legs seem to give her an advantage in swimming as they help her swim farther with less effort than that of the average adult mare. As a result, Rosalina is an naturally gifted swimmer. <br /><br />Her coat is a light shade of cerulean blue. Her mane and tail are medium blonde, which noticeably contrasts with the rest of her blue complexion. The front of her mane is let down loosely into bangs while the back is styled into a French braid. Her tail is voluminous and somewhat bouncy, despite how much she tries to comb it down.<br /><br />Her most noticeable physical attribute are her eyes, which have the brightest and richest hues of blue in all of Equestria. For this reason, she often tries to not make much eye contact with ponies outside of her circle of friends, as most would be left mesmerized for at least a minute or two before they could regain focus.

      Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is an upside down light ocean blue triangle (the upside triangle itself is the alchemical symbol for water) which represents her rare ability to influence and hydrokinetically control water in all of its three states (water, ice, vapor).

      Personality: Rosalina is an introverted mare who prefers her peace and silence, in which she often spends her time meditating and swimming in the ponds around her home. She can be considered lazy and boring to be with at times but she is simply just easily-entertained. She also occasionally writes in her journal that she has been carrying around with her for the past few years. She goes by no set schedule or routine, so she may update it weekly or monthly.<br /><br />She has two nice and loyal friends that she enjoys being with and the times that they spend together always serve to make Rosalina's day a lot more interesting and fun. She enjoys racing with them around town and/or visiting any famous landmarks that they occasionally come across. Thanks to her gift, she especially enjoys having snowball fights and practicing ice skating with her friends whenever they visit her place. <br /><br />She is also a very trustworthy mare who her friends can always rely on without ever being let down. Rosalina herself used to have a tendency to trust anything that anypony told her, which unfortunately came with its costs. Because of this, she had been lied to, betrayed, and even fell for countless cruel pranks in the past. She now sees that not everypony is good at keeping their promises or sticking to their word, and even realizes that some would take advantage and abuse one's trust. As result, she has grown to become very judgmental and observant when first getting to know a new pony. If anypony does her any wrong with their first impressions, she will not want anything to do with them from that point on. Her friends realize how problematic that is and have been trying to help her with that.

      Backstory: Rosalina Waves was born directly across the sea from Equestria along the shore of Tempest Cove in Fawnlandia - a region heavily populated by deer and a small number of pony immigrants. She was raised by parents of great prestige and power who actually had authority over the deer colony that lived there due to their great wealth and their peaceful relationship with them. Her parents were both powerful unicorns who ruled and governed the land. The deers that lived there even viewed and respected them as highly as being king and queen, and shortly after Rosalina's birth, her parents were officially given those titles by Tempest Cove's overseer of trades and affair after a long and celebratory ceremony in honor of them having kept peace with their kind and even protecting them from invaders for three decades since their first settlement.<br /><br />When her parents first arrived in Fawnlandia, they decided to make their settlement along the shoreline as there was an abundance of water, minerals, and other valuable resources. Within the first year and to their dismay, they were having a lot of difficulty manually converting the nearby sea water into drinkable water. It was a slow process, even for the deer inhabitants. However, that didn't stop the unicorns and eventually they decided to try to use their magic on the water. Since there was a lack of resources on spells having to do specifically with water, they had to create an entirely new form of magic. After hundreds of failed attempts, they eventually were able to unlock and use this new magic with great skill and use it to not only help provide enough purified water for themselves but to share it with the rest of the inhabitants. <br /><br />Her parents were a little surprised to see that Rosalina was born an Earth pony, but nonetheless they loved and cared for their daughter immensely. She felt incredibly safe within their huge castle-like home that her parents had made themselves out of pure ice. Her mother schooled her as a filly while her father helped keep the land safe and made sure that everything was in stable order. Over the years her parents status of power and control grew and they were becoming more and more recognizable throughout Fawnlandia. However, that also resulted in her parents becoming more busy and distant from Rosalina, who was beginning to feel lonely at the time. <br /><br />The fact that she was the only earth pony, never mind one of the only ponies, in a country full of deers made her feel worse whenever she thought about it. She wasn't really treated fairly by the younger deers and was even made fun of. She was often called a royal brat as some of the fawns assumed that she was overly-spoiled by her parents, which she knew wasn't true at all. Her mother occasionally still gave her comfort and love whenever she could, despite her father being away on trips to purchase more resources for the land. She told Rosalina one night that once she turned 16, her father and her would plan a ceremony for her in which she would be given the title of princess of Tempest Cove. This news made Rosalina happy beyond belief. <br /><br />Unfortunately, a few weeks later, the entire land was invaded by a malevolent tribe of deers coming from the north who were bent on conquering every last corner of Fawnlandia. The battle was unforgettable for Rosalina, who was only 14 years old when it took place and her parents, who were with her in their home on that day, were unprepared along with the rest of the deer of the land when this surprise invasion occurred. <br /><br />Driven by their passion of wanting freedom and independence in their own homeland, they fought back aggressively and thus, the greatest battle in the history of Tempest cove began. The enemy invaders however, had a great advantage as they were armed with their long halberds and equipped with specialized crossbows while the defending deers had no other weapon to use but their antlers and numbers. Rosalina's father immediately stormed out of their home and attacked as many of the invaders as he could using his hydrokinetic magic. Rosalina watched in awe from the main lookout window as her father froze several invaders and launched hundreds of gallons of water at them with tremendous velocity. The young mare wished she could somehow help but knew that was better to stay with her mother in the home. <br /><br />Though her father was a highly skillful fighter and fended off the invading deers for a good bit, he was eventually incapacitated when one of the enemies took him down by surprise with a crossbow. Both Rosalina and her mother stood and watched in horror as the king of Tempest Cove was now unconscious and being dragged away by the relentless invaders. They soon spotted the two mares that were visible in the castle's lookout window and immediately charged towards and broke through the gates at the entrance. Rosalina felt like it was the end for them and clinged to her mother tightly fearing for the worst. Her mother comforted her before quickly making her way to the chest of drawers in the room and pulling out a small bag of fine white powder. As she gave the bag to her daughter she explained that it was her magic horn powder that she had been saving since Rosalina was born. She told her that if she wanted to grow up to be as great as her father was, all she had to do was mix the horn powder with water and drink it. Her mother then pulled her into a tight hug and whispered into her ear: <br /><br />"You need to go now my little Rosalina. I just want you to know that once you drink this, we will not only be together in heart, but our magic will continue to flow through you. You are going to be one extraordinary Earth pony Rosalina. I promise you. I will always love you ... now go!"<br /><br />Upon hearing what she didn't realize at the time to be her mother's last words, she dashed out of the room to find the one safe route that her parents always used to tell her about in case of emergency. Luckily, after a brief minute of frantically searching, she found the emergency backdoor of the castle and immediately exited out and galloped as fast as she could into the nearby forest. She needed to find a pond fast so that she could gain access to her parents magic and escape from there. By another stroke of luck, she soon found a tiny pond with clean water. Following what her mother had told her, she consumed a mix of the water and her mother's magical horn powder. She then suddenly felt a shaking sensation flow throughout her entire body and collapsed into a state of slumber which lasted for a little more than hour. After having finally woken up, she decided to carefully observe the aftermath of the battle that had taken place and sadly all was in flames. <br /><br />In that moment, she desperately wanted nothing more than to be far away from this country that was falling apart before her very eyes. She then proceeded to galloped as fast as she could along the shoreline until she was no longer able to see Tempest Cove in the distance. Once it was finally out of her sight, she knew she was safe, for the time being at least. She rested along the empty shoreline until nightfall when all the stars and constellations in the sky were visible and crystal clear. There were three bright blue stars that stood out from the rest as they appeared to to be aligned in the shape of a perfect equilateral triangle in the far off horizon and Rosalina felt the desire to follow this blue starry triangle for some reason. It was as though she thought that it could lead her somewhere, somewhere safe. She then thought back to her parents and reminisced on all the times in which she had seen them display their amazing powers and control over water. She also thought back to earlier when she drank the magical mixture as her mother instructed. Rosalina felt some excitement in her heart as she wanted to attempt to use this newly bestowed magic to follow those special stars in the sky.<br /><br />As she slowly made her way to the very end of the coastline, she took some deep breaths and thought about how she would actually activate her new abilities. She decided to just simply think hard about doing something with the magic and the first creative thought that came to her mind was of freezing every square foot of the ocean that she'd place her hooves on. As she walked past the shoreline and placed her front right hoof gently on the shallow water while thinking hard about the water freezing underneath, she began to hear what seemed to be the sound of ice slowly forming right under her hoof. She immediately looked down at the first ice platform that she made and almost yelled in immense surprise. Thankfully she forced herself to remain calm and focus hard. She then carefully placed her left front hoof forward on the water which froze and connected with the first ice platform. She couldn't believe it. Eventually she completely left the shoreline and her whole body stood above the shallow waters on what was beginning to become an ice bridge. She then turned her eyes once again towards the three blue stars near the horizon and made sure not to lose track of them. <br /><br />She continued to walk, with each step forming a new platform of ice that would connect with the last. She felt like she was dreaming and as her heart raced with more excitement and adrenaline, she began to gradually speed up her pace. Her ice bridge was growing longer with each new frozen step upon the sea. Before she could even realize it, within just the first hour of her journey Fawnlandia was already out of her view. She was amazed upon looking back in the direction of her home country and see how far she has traveled. The three stars were even shining brighter and more brilliantly in the distance, which was all it took to encourage Rosalina to go further. She began to gallop fast and was in absolute awe upon looking back to see how much faster the ice bridge was growing as new ice platforms were forming instantaneously under each and every new rapid step the mare took. She kept galloping for as long as she could across the vast ocean and she didn't care how long it would take to reach her destination, she just needed to find a new home and start a new life. She knew that her destiny was beyond Fawnlandia, she knew that there was a better place and a higher calling just waiting for her out there. In that moment, her cutie mark appeared which was an upside down light blue triangle, resembling the pattern that the three blue stars were aligned in.<br /><br />She felt that everything was changing in her life all too soon and that so many things were happening to her all at once. She was elated to have discovered her newly bestowed abilities and be one of the very first Earth ponies to use such magic, but at the same time, she was extremely heartbroken from having to leave her parents behind as their homeland was getting burned down. She didn't even knew, and still doesn't know, whether they're still alive or not.<br /><br />The next early morning, the sleepless and determined mare was still managing to gallop across the ocean when finally and to her utmost relief, she saw a nearby harbor enshrouded in a light fog in the distance. Using her magic, she attempted to thicken the fog so that no pony would notice her arrival. She was filled with utmost joy as she took her very first step on the new land. She was even happier to see that within the fog, there appeared to be other ponies! She couldn't thank the stars enough to having lead her to a land in which she would no longer have to feel alone. Overwhelmed with happiness, she even galloped up to one of the ponies in the harbor and give them a tight hug to let out her immense joy. <br /><br />Over the course of the four years since her arrival, her life continued to go through some ups and downs but overall she felt a lot safer and so much happier being in this new land called Equestria. Within a few months after her arrival, she found a wonderful foster home in Germaney that was owned by a kind elderly couple whom she couldn't have been any more thankful to have had. They were able provide her with support, love and they even helped her attend high school for the first time in which she met a couple of her closest friends that she is still with to this day. The experience however, was rough at first since she was not used to being surrounded by so much of her own kind. At the same time, she was so happy to be around others like her and developed a tendency to immediately trust and believe everything they would tell her, which unfortunately didn't turn out well and resulted in one of her worst experiences since arriving in Equestria. Thankfully, with the support of her few close friends, she was able to survive. She still gets tearfully overjoyed with having the opportunity to not only be among her kind but to also have made such amazing friends that she plans on cherishing for life. <br /><br />Shortly before they were finished with their high school education, Rosalina decided to reveal her gift to them during a small get-together. She was immensely nervous about it at first but she knew that her friends deserved to know. Although her friends were speechless with shock for the first few minutes upon having seen an Earth pony perform feats that were once thought to be only possible for a Unicorn, they reassured her that she can trust them to keep her gift a secret from the rest of the world. Rosalina thanked them by giving them a tight group hug for she couldn't have been any more grateful.

    Rosalina Waves

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    Another amazing OC, another amazing backstory! :D

    As she walked past the shoreline and placed her front right hoof gently on the shallow water while thinking hard about the water freezing underneath, she began to hear what seemed to be the sound of ice slowly forming right under her hoof. She immediately looked down at the first ice platform that she made and almost yelled in immense surprise. Thankfully she forced herself to remain calm and focus hard. She then carefully placed her left front hoof forward on the water which froze and connected with the first ice platform. She couldn't believe it. Eventually she completely left the shoreline and her whole body stood above the shallow waters on what was beginning to become an ice bridge. She then turned her eyes once again towards the three blue stars near the horizon and made sure not to lose track of them. 


    No...no I'm not going to make that reference...XD

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    I'm guessing a Disney movie lol I wasn't even thinking about it. xD


    Honey you basically narrated that part from Frozen where Elsa ran away from the castle onto the ocean and turned it all to ice :P

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    Honey you basically narrated that part from Frozen where Elsa ran away from the castle onto the ocean and turned it all to ice :P

    Except I multiplied it by tenfold. lol xD Unlike Elsa, Rosalina was not born with this magic, and she was also very nervous upon using it for the first time.

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