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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

  • Scaredy Cat


    • Age: 18

      Gender: Female

      Species: Non-Pony

      Cutie Mark: a ghost, to represent her love for capturing ghosts and studying them.

      Personality: well, how do we start off? shes a huge scaredy cat, so much to the point where she can get freaked out over her cat meowing. but a chicken or not, shes willing to go through her fears to help her friends. shes half of the time, very cheerful, but loves to spend her time studying the mysteries of equestria. she hopes to one day become a well known supernatual investigator.

      Backstory: it was the day that her parents was finally settled in their new home when she came into the world. when she was younger, the little gal was quite a snob unlike the all grown up scaredy cat.<br />every couple of nights her parents went out, they never told here where they're going, but always told her to never follow them.<br />one day, she did. and what she got was a bit of an adventure of quietly helping her parents solve a mystery, and due to that was the result of her cutie mark. as she got older, a little sister came along, her name was grisly midnight. a few days after she became 18, her parents mysteriously disappeared, and so now she owns the grand mansion, and is still following in her parents footsteps, with the help of grisly midnight and salem, her pet cat.<br />however, she does wonder where they're at, and hopes that they return soon.

    Scaredy Cat

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    While the design is very intriguing and I do have a love for the mysterious stuff I recommend making a few altercations to the oc.

    !. if she solves mysteries why would she have a ghost hunting cutiemark?

    2. we are just told she has a cat at the end instead of giving any insight of how she got the cat in the first place.

    3. something a bit more detailed on how her parents vanished is required to completely comprehend this situation's depth.

    4. normally when making an OC you want to have them grow as a character, although you seem to have her go from (forgive me for being blunt here) stupid and courageous to intellectual and cowardly.


    If you would like I can help you out with the story a bit. Here is an example of my work.



    PM me if you would like help and have a nice day.

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