Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is a silhouette of a pony laughing its head off, because she's really good with any style of comedy. Stand up, skit comedy, dark, you name it.
Personality: She's quite the conversationalist, since she knows almost everything about everything to poke fun of in her shows. She's not exactly full of herself, but does have somewhat of a competitive spirit. Most of the time though she's pretty fun & nice. However, she's pretty sensitive about any talk revolving her family life, and has a bad habit of getting even, usually in the form of pranking.
Backstory: She had grown up a few years with her original parents on Fillydelphia. She was about a foal when her parents hadn't come back from a trip from Canterlot. The police/guards never found out what happened to them, but they were eventually pronounced dead. Her grandmother had taken her in after that, and she learned the only way to cope with the loss of her parents was with laughter. She was constantly trying to get herself to laugh, and making other people laugh seemed to cheer her right up, so later she began coming up with her own jokes, and quickly became the funniest mare in flight school. After getting her cutie mark in the school talent show, she worked harder & harder to go professional, and eventually, booked a tour around most of Equestria for her debut. She progressed through that, and after seeing what Equestria had to offer, for whatever reason she decided to move right into Ponyville, a block or two away from the infamous Sugarcube Corner.
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