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  • Sterling Crimson


    • Age: 18, unless otherwise stated.

      Gender: Male

      Species: Unicorn

      Cutie Mark: A musical note and a needle. He's a scientist and a musician at heart, the first of his kind in Equestria!

      Personality: Lots of fellow students know about his intelligence, especially when it comes to visual and textual memory. Nonetheless, ponies of all kinds make fun of him for being too eccentric, too weird, and especially too outspoken at times. Compounding his misery was the time when his parents told him the hard truth: that he had autism. He sought to destroy his past, but it just could never be done. The ponies' taunts of him were legitimate, and it hurt his self-confidence more and more...<br /><br />Those days of high school and university (ponies making fun of him) took a toll on him even with his successes in both biology and music. It left him depressed and impulsive. He also over-analyzes situations and has little faith in things working out in his favour when things look really bleak.<br /><br />Over time, he matured as a stallion. Ever since he met Evening Glory on the isolated beach after the sinking of the S. S. Seagallop (see A TROPICAL ODYSSEY, a roleplay), his personality took a turn for the better. He better controlled his negative aspects and as a result was able to become much more amiable and calm towards his peers. Nonetheless, he retains his shyness towards strangers.

      Backstory: Sterling Crimson. A stallion born into a low-middle class family. An only foal. Nonetheless, his parents, Front Page and Bubble Gum, loved him so. Front Page was a newspaper journalist for the sports sections in the Manehattan Gazette, while Bubble Gum worked as a housewife and an assistant editor to Front Page's work. They struggled to make ends meet, but blessings from ponies who enjoyed their journalistic efforts, especially from sports stars, helped them continue onward. <br /><br />Front Page had given his all to building up his savings for Sterling to enter medical school. He could see it all in him. His attention to detail, his love for the microscopic, and especially his love of the pony body. Every day he would place just a little bit of money into his jars of bits just for medical school, and Sterling as a foal would marvel at the mount of bits that were accumulating in each successive jar.<br /><br />His parents also imparted to him a love of music. They made Sterling practice on the piano and violin for an hour a day to see his musical talents and loves mature. As Sterling grew, he would attend piano competitions and wow crowds, leaving them wondering why Sterling wasn't going for a life in music. The amount of tips and prize money he gathered also boosted his chances to enter medical school.<br /><br />The story of Sterling's cutie mark is quite an amazing one really. There were two parts to it. It was during a medical training session where the students were learning how to perform a surgery. <br /><br />It was long ago in high school...<br /><br />The first part was where the ponies were needing methods of entertainment at the waiting room before the session began. The only item available was the piano. Sterling suddenly felt a drive in him to play on the piano. He played lively music that amazed and entertained the listeners! That's when the music note appeared during his performance without him knowing it! <br /><br />The second part of his cutie mark appeared just as the surgical practitioners began the training sessions. When Sterling wowed the other ponies with his excellency with his horns and hooves in treating a practice patient, the needle appeared! When Sterling looked at his cutie mark, he was wowed at the two components! Nopony ever had anything like it!<br />---------------------------------------------<br />Alas, the story of his cutie mark was quickly forgotten. Throughout his whole life in Manehattan, he faced a lot of strife from classmates because he was just different. He was called "retarded" and "autistic" just because he was really smart and not as sociable. When his parents told him about his autism, he blasted the truth away, hoping to scrap his autistic personality...

    Sterling Crimson

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