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  • The Egotist

    Victoria and Co.

    • Age: 29

      Gender: Male

      Species: Non-Pony

      Appearance: (I don't actually have a picture, I just used one of Mask DeMasque because the appearance is somewhat based off of him, it's not exactly what he looks like, it's just there as something to give an idea.)<br /><br />The Egotist has short dirty-blond hair, a slightly tanned complexion, and a dazzling smile of bright white teeth. His eyes are a dark green and he is rather skinny.<br /><br />Although proud of his appearance, the Egotist hides behind an exuberant getup.<br /><br />I tall man (approx. 6' 8"), the Egotist dons a costume made of an extremely resilient fabric. It is entirely hand-made out of a fire-proof, acid resistant, alkaline resistant, and tear resistant, material he discovered and perfected himself. <br /><br />The costume includes several elegant pieces, including a dark green cape, a jacket of gold, green, and white, and a pair of white slimline pants. <br /><br />The Egotist also wears a green hat atop his head. The hat itself houses multiple gadgets, including a small blade, and an igniter device enabling the hat to explode or spontaneous combust on command.<br />The hat is quite large and wide brimmed. It has a golden brooch pinned to the upper front corner of the base.<br /><br />Along with his hat, the Egotist has several other scientifically augmented pieces to his attire. His boots conceal several boosters in their sole, enabling him to fly short distances, while his bracers serve as both weapons (including a flamethrower, a laser blaster, a grappling hook, a smokescreen, and several small missiles) and an interface as to access them and other various pieces of information. <br /><br />As a final stroke of mystery, the Egotist wears a metal mask that covers all of his face but his mouth. The mask covers the eyes in order to give him a heads-up display for tracking, user interface, and enhanced vision. The mask is an oddity as it is made of a rare metal instead of the fabric the rest is of the costume is made of.

      Personality: The Egotist (as you may have guessed) is an egotist, believing himself to be the best possible living human in the world. His pride gives him great strength, allowing him to feel invincible and nonpunishable, giving him almost limitless potential. <br /><br />Because he feels like he is untouchable, and that no one can stop his actions, the Egotist rarely commits to one side completely, often switching to the worse off side in an attempt to bring balance and chaos,sometimes in the middle of a battle. <br /><br />The Egotist has no fear, no love (other than for himself), no lust, no greed, no charity, and no humility, leaving him an overpowering sense of duty, power, pride, superiority, and understanding. As such, the Egotist is quick to learn, hand down his judgement, cast doubt, and engage in a fight.

      Backstory: Before becoming the C.E.O. of Davis Industries and the Egotist, Manny was a famous defense attorney in Seattle, Washington. After losing a case in order to have a notorious criminal arrested, Manny's daughter was kidnapped and killed. During a yearlong fall from grace, Laura left him, he lost his position as a lawyer, and Manny had to turn to theft to pay his bills. <br /><br />Shortly after becoming a thief, Manny was offered a job to steal a prototype device from a company with a military contract, Timeline Science. The product he stole malfunctioned and transformed Manny's mind and body, making him an egotistic genius, with incredible strength and speed. The Egotist was then born. <br /><br />After designing several pieces of advanced technology, Manny purchased Fulcrum Industries and renamed it after himself. Helios appeared shortly after the purchase and confronted the Egotist, who, at the time, was bringing chaos to the area in the form of destruction and theft. <br /><br />Their confrontations soon began to be a regular occurrence. After a particularly large fight, the Egotist fled the area and Helios was exposed as a false hero, having used criminal activaty to fund his own powers (a super-advanced suit of mechanical armor, specifically designed to use its own byproduct heat and fumes as a source of power and weaponry). <br />

    The Egotist

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