Cutie Mark: Thunder Laugh's cutie mark is a simple yellow lightning bolt. This symbolizes his job as a weather pony that makes storms, as well as his spontaneous nature.
Personality: Thunder Laugh is an easy going guy, but not what you'd consider normal. Thunder Laugh is a strange pony. He loves making ponies laugh. Thunder Laugh is very random. He'll do things that don't make sense, just to get a reaction. He hates formalness and bullies. Thunder Laugh is extremely scared of spiders, but hates most bugs in general.
Backstory: Thunder Laugh's backstory is nothing special. He's just your average pony with an average past. The most notable thing about Thunder Laugh's past, is that he was once "normal," but he moved from his home when he was about 11, and meet some awesome ponies. These ponies changed and shaped Thunder.
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