Appearance: Time Bomb is a brown pony with a black mane. He mane is usually frazzled, as he prefers to operate the machinery that makes things blow up.
Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is a time with a bomber, signifying his specialty with bomb crafting as well as setting off bombs in a certain way.
Personality: Time Bomb is energetic, usually hyper, eager to blow up his enemies when he can. Bombs are his life. He technically breeds them, operates them, and, strangely, care for them. He has recently discovered how to use a time bomb in a cannon without the bomb blowing up inside the cannon itself.
Backstory: Time Bomb's home town is Casaflanca, Marocco. He's always dreamed of coming a pirate, always watches ships leave the bay, wanting to come along, and even more so, now that he has developed a new weapon for whoever he goes along with. He always imagines that the next crew will take him in, but he always fails. He is, however, unbreakable. He will keep trying,
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