Appearance: Toxic Hoof has Aqua Blue eyes, his mane and tail consists of two shades of green and he has a very light brown coat.
Cutie Mark: Toxic Hoof's cutie mark is of a green toxic symbol. This not only defines his special talent but it is also his source of radioactive power, which is rendered useless/ harmless when he is calm or happy but can still use as a sort of visual display.
Personality: Toxic Hoof is a shy pony but if somepony were to talk to him he would happily talk back. He is very trustworthy and honest and will never abandon a friend in need. There is almost nothing that would upset or anger Toxic Hoof, he is like this because he is fearful of becoming Toxic Bomb again.
Backstory: Toxic lived in cloudsdale when he was growing up but moved to a school in ponyville where he made lots of friends.<br />Although he is proud of his cutie mark he is not proud of how he acquired it.<br /><br />It was a day like any other, Toxic was at school having lunch with his friends when the school bully came over to where Toxic was sitting, they started teasing him and his friends for being blank flanks, normally this would not effect Toxic at all but this time it was different, they weren't just teasing them about being blank flanks.<br /><br />After a lot of teasing and name calling one of Toxic's friends had had enough and lashed out at one of the bullies, hitting him right in the side of the face with his hoof. This outburst only gave the bullies a specific target to focus on. Toxic tried to verbally calm everypony down to no avail. A fight broke out, a fight that consisted of 3 on 1, that 1 being Toxic's friend.<br /><br />Toxic felt a tsunami of rage flood his emotions, he flew right into the three bullies, knocking them off his friend and sending them flying. Filled with rage Toxic lost his calm and caring nature and in its place an angry and terrifying one took its place. Pony's around him noticed a faint green glow forming around Toxic, his mane and tail looked like they were alight with green flames. Toxic felt like he was going to explode from all the rage. The teachers saw what was happening and a few of the unicorn teachers managed to put up a force field around Toxic. Then it happened it was similar to a magical surge that a unicorn might have but instead of casting strong spells a massive explosion happened.<br /><br />The force field managed to stop most of the blast but not all of it was contained, thankfully nopony was hurt. Once the smoke had cleared everypony saw Toxic passed out on the ground, a cutie mark of a toxic symbol on his flank.<br /><br />Toxic's outburst gained him a new nick name, "Toxic Bomb". Nopony bullies Toxic or any of his friends anymore.<br />Due to his outburst Toxic vowed to never turn into Toxic Bomb again.
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