Personality: She is most of the time sad. She loves to listen to Vinyl Scratch. The rest is unknown for the people
Backstory: She was a nice little unicorn who talked with many and belived in everybody, she didn't think that it was evil people in equestria. One day a old lady moved to ponyville. No one talked with her so one day she wanted to be nice and talk with the old lady. She knocked on the door.<br />- Come in little filly. (She was like 10 around this time) Trina opened the door and stepped in. The old lady stood in front of her.<br />- Little filly can you take down that box from the shelf please?<br />- Sure but why dont you use your own magic? asked Trina and tooked down the box.<br />- My magic isn't so good anymore, thanks.<br />Trina started to get dizzy. <br />- Uhm, I should go home im getting a little dizzy. I talk to you later miss. She went out of the house. Everyone stared at her. <br />- What, what is it? she asked fast.<br />- You.. you have wings! A little filly screamed<br />- What? Trina said quick and looked back. She saw them White wings with black at the end. She quickly ran home to her mom. <br />- Mom! Message the princess or anyone who can take the wings away! Her mom did it quickly some minutes later a person knocked on the door. It was Luna, Trinas favorite princess. <br />- Your highness, its a honor Trina said quickly<br />- Can you please take the wings away? <br />- First tell me the story how you got them. Luna said. Trina telled her the whole story about the old lady.<br />- Hmm, never heard of her or anything like this. <br />- Only a Alicorn can turn others to alicorns. She must be powerful. I'll give this a try.<br />Luna focused all she could on taking the wings away. A bid shield blocked the magic and Luna flew away a bit. <br />- Agh, help! Trina screamed.<br />- What? Trinas mom said quickly.<br />- I cant see anything! Trina said quickly.<br />- I'll come back later. I need to talk to my sister about this. Luna said and disappeared. <br />They tried and tried nothing fixed it. Instead her eyes changed color everytime they tried to fix it. They decided to let her be a alicorn and see what she will do in the future. Now she is 15 and haven't got her cutiemark yet. Luna and Celestia is starting to get worried about her.
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