Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is similar to Luna's. I forgot to put her cutie mark but it's supposed to be 3 crescent moons. She got it from her mother, now the Royal Princess of the Moon, Princess Luna. Luna helped her raise the moon for the first time, and she got her cutie mark!
Personality: She is really a night pony, and she usually likes to be outside with her mother, picking flowers for her and drawing her pictures.
Backstory: She was born in a castle to her mother, Princess Luna. Luna was not married, she got divorced before Twilight was born. When Twilight was born, she got worried sick and asked Princess Celestia to help her take care of Twilight. So Celestia was her aunt and took care of her during the day, and Luna took care of her at night. One night, Twilight cried so hard and Luna didn't know what to do. She was crying because she wanted Celestia to hold her. So Celestia woke up and started to cradle her to sleep, but whenever Celestia wakes up, the sun rises. Now what? Celestia gave her powers to Luna to raise the moon and the sun! Luna was shocked, having to raise both sun and moon. But when Twilght turned 6, Luna gave back Celestia's powers. Now, Twilight is 8 and at school in Canterlot. Twilight makes Celestia think of Princess Twilight because Twilight works very hard to become like her mother, Princess Luna. :)
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