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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

  • Warscar

    The Razor Wing

    • Age: Cant remember. Lost track years ago.

      Gender: Male

      Species: Unicorn

      Cutie Mark: Taken off of his body as a trophy of war when he was a P.O.W. He has had the wound stitched closed since then.

      Personality: Very old soul, fed up with life, rebuilding himself, old man, bitter

      Backstory: Warscar has been around since before the time of Equestria. He has watched the world change around him over the years. He was 22 when the Great War of The Three Breeds broke out. He had seen much blood, death, and destruction in those days. Warscar even lived through the big freeze of the war and saw peace rain over the land by age 30. He’d seen the founding of the land of Equestria and watch as the three breeds lived in harmony. He was made the Head General and Captain of the Royal guard, serving under the Great Three Elders of each breed. He would later fall in love with a pegasus, she was the granddaughter of the pegasus elder. But the elder blessed their union and they were married. As the years went on another war would break out. This was the first time The Changeling forces invaded Equestrian soil. Warscar and his troops were able to keep them at bay but they would take what was most dear to him, his wife. The elders said it was not worth chasing after her. Warscar was outraged. Over the next few days he gathered some troops and led a covert mission to attack the Changeling nest. As they got there everything was going smoothly. They found the other P.O.W's and his wife. But everything went wrong when one changeling set off an alarm to the whole nest. They fought as hard as they could, many of his troops dyeing in the escape. As Warscar and his last few men made it to the gate they found themselves surround. He knew they were going to die if he didn't do something. He looked into his wife's eyes told her he loved her and cast a teleportation spell on his wife and troops. Before he sent them off she tells him she is with foal just as they vanished. At that time the Changeling King knocked out Warscar and he was taken as a P.O.W. Warscar would spend the next five years as a slave to the King. He was stripped of his power and his cutie mark was cut off of him as a trophy for the king. As his sixth year was coming up he had his plan to escape. On the night of the Blue Moon he would make his move. As the king came to check on him he made his move. He fought for his life and with everything he had. Within minutes he had made it out....but just barely. Beaten, bloody, and wounded he made his way back to Equestria. Warsca got to the front gates and passed out. He would wake up three days later in the med ward to a hero's welcome. On his release he made his way home where he would find his wife and child. But the child was not what he thought it would be. His child had a horn and wings. His son was the first of a lost breed, the Alicorn. The breed was said to be a myth, and that only a powerful unicorn and a strong pagasus could make one. He did not want the Elders to find out about this so he kept it to himself. Over the years Warscar would train his son in magical combat and have him ready for anything. On his sons 20th birthday chaos would strike the kingdom. As two of the new rulers cast a love spell on their selves the kingdom started to fall apart. Also a new force had entered to the kingdom. Everything was strange and out of order. As Warscar got to the palace he saw this strange creature sitting in the thrown. It called its self Discord the new ruler of Equestria. He had no choice but to serve under him, but over the years Warscar would start an underground movement against Discord. After ten years under his chaotic rain they struck back. The whole Equestrian army stormed the palace, but to no avail. Discord was more than ready for them and slaughtered them in the most heinous ways possible. Once Discord found out Warscar was behind all of this he had broken his horn and cursed him to where it would never grow back. Discord would rule for another forty years unopposed. Warscar was now an old man with death at his door. But then one day his son came with a new army, ponies of all breeds and even a few new alicorns. They would fight for days. But one day Discord was approached by Warscar's son. He and Discord would fight for hours. But alas he was no match for Discord. As he fell at his father’s feet Warscar pulled whatever magic he had left and stopped time. Warscar got his son and got them out of the palace and far from the city. As time started again Warscar started to die. His son knew he could not let that happen. He then cast a spell on his father to have eternal life, but in trade for his invulnerability. Warscar woke up the next day to see his son was gone but left a note for him. After reading it he ran to the palace as fast as he could. But when he got there it was too late. Many ponies of all breeds lay in the court yard and palace halls dead and dying. Even the new super breeds of alicorns were no match for Discord. As Warscar made it to the throne room where his son and Discord were fighting he saw his son laid out on the ground beaten, bloody, broken, and dying. Discord picked him up as he looked out the door at Warscar. “And it looks like your dear father has come to see you off. Well bye bye.” Discord then cut his sons head clean off and it landed at Warscar’s hooves. All Warscar could do was warp out of there and back to his hide out. He then fled the city with the remaining ponies and alicorns. Warscar would train the two mares and make new spells for them to use. But as the years turned into decades, the decades into millennia the girls grew stronger and more powerful. They each had made a secret weapon to end Discord. On the thousandth year they attacked again and defeated him. The rule of Discord was no longer. After fulfilling his sons dying wish he left and went to Carvidas, the land of the larger breeds. Warscar would stay there for a few years and fight in a few wars. A hundred years later he moved to a home in the Scorched Lands outside of Black Water City. There he would fight in more wars than ever before. After his many years of battle he retired and move back to the outside of the city, where he found a new born pegasus foal abandon in the woods. Warscar took her in and raised her as his own. He gave her the name Windscar, after his wife who died many years ago. He trained her to fight and fly as best a broken unicorn could but he knew she needed more. So he would move back to Black Water City and have a few war buddies to take her under their wing. As she grew older she would lead and win a war against Tartarus (not the hell, it’s a city) forces with her husband. Warscar now lives in the palace with his family. He is now looking for a way to reverse the spell his son put on him all those years ago. Warscar found out that he could die, but would be brought right back to life with every new sunrise. He is tying to find a way to not see his grandchildren die before he does, like so many others before him.


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