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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

  • Windslash


    • Age: 37

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Cutie Mark: His cutie mark of swords represents his skills with blades, mainly swords. He appreciates the art of the sword, ironically, he doesn't like unnecessary violence<br /><br />

      Personality: Quite kind, during a disagrement he would prefer to talk things out instead of fighting. strong belief in honor and justice which makes him vulnerable and able to be taking advantage of, he will never attack anyone who is unarmed. He likes fair fights, but if he underestimates someone, he will tend to go easier, witch is quite dangerous for him. But he will follow orders he is giving to a certain extent. During big battles, he will try his best because he doesn't have the luxury of making things fair for his opponents.<br /><br />

      Backstory: Born and raised in a small family. When he was 12 he got to practice fencing. Windslash was quite skilled. One year later, he found out that sword fighting was his special talent and got his cutie mark of swords. Windslash was kind as a kid, so his parents were quite shocked that he would like an activity such as sword fighting. Windslash was always a good sport, accepting defeat with grace and not bragging when he would win. <br /><br />For the next couple years Windslash would practice and learn new fighting styles. He developed his own fighting style using two swords and wing blades. He holds his swords in his two front hooves, and flies towards his opponents. Windslash constantly switches between flying and staying on the ground. When on the ground he uses his wingblades as more of a defencive tool, blocking an attack, then attacking with his swords. However, when on the ground he can't walk because he needs all for hooves to walk but he has two swords in hand. If he needs to, he will sheath one of his swords and put the other in his mouth to continue fighting. When flying he fights with more speed and precision. But if he wants power in his attacks, he will fly towards his ennemis, gainning momentum. <br /><br />Windslash moved away from his parents, when he turned 19, he would continue to practice sword fighting. One day, Windslash fought agaisnt someone who just started sword fighting, Windslash didnt feel that it was a fair fight, so he decided to go easy on his opponent. After clashing blades for a while, his opponent landed a blow on Windslash's neck, if the swords hadn't been modified for safe use, Windslash's honor would have cost him his life. <br /><br />At 20, he heard of the adventures of the new elements of harmony (twilight and friends), and liked how they helped keep Equestria safe. <br /><br />When Windslash was 22, the royal sisters disappeared, like everyone he was quite shocked. He had his hopes that they would be found but as time when on he lost hope.<br /><br />When the fighting started, he was quite shocked and didn't care for it much. Windslash liked the art of the sword but has never killed anyone. He would just practice sword fighting with other ponies in a safe environment. He was actually quite a peaceful pony and thought that if people had a disagreement they could just talk it out, but as the fighting went on he lost hope. The mane 6 who once protected equestria were tearing it apart. He couldn't sit around and watch as the fighting went on, he figured that the quickest way to end the fighting was for one side winning, he eventually decided to fight for stormwing, he felt a sense of belonging, since he was a pegasi. He joined as a flying infantry, her wears the house Stormwing chainmail, wing blades and duel wields swords instead of a spear.<br /><br />Shortly after joining, during one of his groups patrols they found and captured a pegasy rebel and by order 313 were forced to kill him. His commanding officer gave him the order to execute the unarmed pegasy. It felt wrong to kill an unarmed pony. He knew that he had to kill him, but he decided that he was going to do it his way. He handed the rebel one of his swords and challenged him to a duel to the death, saying that he could go free if he won. The rebel saw that it was his only way out alive and took the sword. The rebel was nervous, he stabbed at Windslash, who parried the blade with his, Windslash then counterd and lunged at the rebel. The rebel blocked at the last second, the fight went on for a while. The rebel fought with valor tying to survive but ultimatly he couldnt win, Windslash was just too skilled with a sword. Windslash's sword pierced throught the rebel, killing him. The rebel coughted up blood and died, Windslash pulled his sword out of the rebel, he retreived his other sword that he gave the rebel to defend himself with. Windslash's actions caught his superior off guard, the superior wasn't sure weather to be impressed or angry, for giving the rebel a chance to live. After, a moment his superior realised how stupid and irresponsible he was for not only risking his life but giving the rebel a chance to live. He yelled at Windslash. Windslash calmly told his superior that he wouldn't kill an unarmed soldier, even if he was a rebel, saying that it was cowardly and unhonorable. Once again he caught his superior off guard with his reasons. His superior felt a bit of respect for Windslash, he decided to let it slide but warned Windslash that on the battlefield anything goes, and that his ennemis won't show him the same honor. That day he was forced to make his first kill and he will always remember it.<br /><br />After a few years he got used to the battles. Windslash began to think that the wars might never end, but against all logic he still has small hopes that the fighting will stop eventually.<br /><br /><br /><br />


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