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Seeker Dragonhearts Introduction Fanfic


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I've finally begun writing again after putting it off for so long. I decided I wanted to sit down and write out Seeker's story. But it it isn't just one story, there will be many adventurers about Seeker's time as she adjusts to life in Ponyville. This is a big moment for me because I haven't written any fanfiction since the days when Harry Potter was released. The excitement of being part of a new fandom has inspired me to write again after I've had so many family memebers try to encourage me to write because they enjoy it so much. I hope you guys like what I have written so far and don't mind that I'm a bit rusty but I will try my best to stay in practice:




Seeker Dragon: The Introduction


Seeker Dragonheart lowered her map as she glanced around at her surroundings. She had been wondering the forest for days in search of a mystical healing spring that could cure any aliment. Feeling not completely satisfied at where she was, she tucked the map back into her jacket and grabbed her crutch that was resting against a tree.


Her whole life, Seeker had to struggle with the pain of a turned out right leg. It was quick to catch the eye of schoolyard bullies and she was mocked endlessly by heartless teenagers while just trying to walk through a mall.


“No more.” Seeker muttered as she tucked the crutch under her arm and slowly began her trek through the woods. She was sure she should have been close to the spring by now. Maybe she went left when she should have gone right. Maybe she had the map upside down.


Her jumbled thoughts were interrupted by the presence of a white deer standing no more than 20 feet away from her. Seeker froze in place trying not to breathe too hard. The deer stared back as if trying to figure out if Seeker belonged here before turning around to leave.


“H-hey! Wait!” Seeker cried out. She hobbled as fast as she could after the deer.


“What in the world am I doing, following a deer in the woods?” she half laughed to herself. “This isn’t the movies.”


Yet something told Seeker she should chase after the deer. She started to run faster and faster. Her heart started to race and her asthma started to kick in. She had to slow down yet she would lose the deer if she did. She didn’t have a choice. She had to stop.


She collapsed on all fours and her hands immediately felt wet. She looked up at an old marbled horse statue staring down at her. Seeker quickly realized this was what she had been searching for. Too tired to stand, Seeker glanced down at the water, not knowing what to do.


“Do I just drink it or pour it on my leg?” she wondered. Finally, Seeker decided it would be best to take a drink and admired how clear the water looked as she scooped it into her hands. It was cold and refreshing after her hard run. Then Seeker sat completely still and waited for something to happen. And she waited. And waited. Nothing.


Anger began to swell inside of Seeker as she struggled back onto her feet. She was furious she had made such a hard journey only to be tricked by the gypsy that gave her directions. She locked eyes with the horse statue.


“You were supposed to help me! You were supposed to change my life! And now, I have nothing! Nothing!”


With a firm throw, Seeker hurled her map at the statue and watched the map start to dissolve in the water. She turned to leave when the statues eyes came to life and Seeker found herself locked in place covered in a yellow light. She felt her body lift a few feet above the ground. She tried to struggle but to no avail.


Then a warmness took over her body and she could feel her limbs start to change. Her hands started to fuse into hooves, her bones and muscles snapped as they reshaped into a body of a pony and wings started to sprout from her back. Seeker didn’t notice most of the transformation as her vision was spinning and she could barely stop herself from her screams of pain. For a moment, she spotted the white deer watching her and Seeker though she saw the eyes of the gypsy staring back at her.


Then she felt herself getting pulled into the water and a current pushed her body along a dark tunnel. Seeker tried to hold her breath for as long as she could but couldn’t hold her breath any longer and passed out.



The sound of water against a shore was the first sound that woke Seeker up. She slowly opened her eyes and quickly tried to block the sun. She mouth dropped open as she saw a hoof instead of her hand in front of her face.


“What’s this…” she gasped, giving the hoof a shake. “No, no, no, no! I…must be dreaming.”


Seeker struggled to stand up and she instinctly tried to stand on two legs and fell over. She crawled on her belly and peered into the river and couldn’t get any words to come out at what she saw. A yellow Pegasus with grey eyes was staring back at her, looking equally shocked. Seeker covered her eyes with her hooves.


“This can’t be real, what do I do? I…I have to get out of here. Get some help, maybe…I have to stand up.”


With shaky legs, Seeker forced herself up on all fours and stood still for a moment getting used to the different stance. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as she was expecting and felt strangely natural. Seeker could feel herself getting weaker again. She was tired, sore, and hungry and needed to find someone to help her. Her eyes scanned the horizon and she saw the silhouette of a village in the distance. If only she could make it there, she could find someone to help her.


Seeker began her slow walk to the distant village. It was a nice day for a walk. The birds were chirping, bunnies were hopping around, the sun was out. Seeker noticed a nearby turtle that seemed to be walking faster than her with a smirk on its face.


“Very funny…” she growled. The walk felt like it took ages to get to the village and just as she hit the border she felt her strength give out and she collapsed. A nearby pony ran over to her and tried to move her with his head.


“Excuse me, are you alright?” he wondered. There was no reply. “Hey everypony! We have a problem here!”


A small crowd began to gather around Seeker, the ponies were all talking at once trying to figure out who this stranger was. The noise caught the attention of Twilight’s ears and she stopped to listen.


“What’s wrong, Twilight?” Spike asked.


“I’m not sure, let’s go check it out.”


Spike jumped onto Twilight’s back and she hurried through the street following the chatter. She skidded to a stop as the crowd parted so she could get closer to investigate. Spike jumped down and walked over to examine Seeker. The Pegasus looked tired and wet and then something else caught Spike’s eye.


“Hey Twilight! This pony doesn’t have a cutie mark.” he said with a point.


“What? How is that possible? Something weird is going on here. We need to help her and find out what’s going on.”


Twilight’s horn glowed and she levitated Seeker’s body gently off the ground.


“I only hope we aren’t too late.” Twilight said as she hurried toward her library.

Edited by Seeker Dragonheart
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I finished part 2.


Part 2:


Seeker could feel a warm liquid being gently poured into her mouth. It was slightly bitter, making Seeker realize it must have been a medicine of some kind. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was lying down next to a fireplace and had a blanket over her.


“Feeling any better?” a voice gently said to Seeker.


“I think so.” Seeker said quietly.


A sharp noise made Seeker jump as Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash rushed into the library.


“Twilight, dear. We saw you rushing off with the injured pony and we had to come see if there’s anything we can do to help.” Rarity explained glancing from Twilight to Seeker.


Seeker’s eyes went wide and she suddenly became frightened.


“Ah! Talking ponies!” she screamed and backed herself into a corner. She grabbed a bookmark with her hooves and held it in front of her like a weapon.


“Back, back I say! I’ll let you have it.” Seeker said menacingly towards Pinkie Pie who had been walking closer to her.


“You can’t let me have it, its Twilight’s!” Pinkie said, falling to the ground laughing.


Pinkie’s laughter brought smiles to the other pony’s faces and soon the rest were laughing as well. Feeling defeated, Seeker set the bookmark back down.


“Allow me to introduce everypony.” Twilight said stepping forward. “That’s Pinkie Pie. This is Applejack.”


“Howdy.” Applejack said with a polite tip of her hat.


“This is Rainbow Dash.”


“What’s up?” Rainbow Dash said coolly.


“This is Fluttershy.”


“H-hello, it’s…it’s nice to meet you.” she whispered.


“This is Rarity.”


“Charmed to meet you.”


“This cute little baby dragon is Spike and my name is Twilight Sparkle. What’s your name?”


“My name is Seeker. Seeker Dragonheart.”


“Where did you come from? And why don’t you have a cutie mark?” Twilight wondered.


Seeker rubbed the back of her head, feeling nervous.


“Well,” she said. “This is kinda hard to explain but…I’m not actually a pony.”


Seeker was met with blank stares. She could start to feel the tension in the room grow.


“I’m actually a human that was turned into a pony.”


More blank stares. Seeker was beginning to sweat.


“What’s a human?” Pinkie asked, look at Twilight for an answer. Twilight shrugged.


“Humans..you know. Get up in the morning and work 9-5…stand on two legs….”


Seeker realized very quickly she was speaking to a failed audience. With a deep breath Seeker began to explain in depth about her past, about the gypsy she met, seeking out the spring, the transformation and waking up.


“Oh my gosh…I forgot to check my leg.” Seeker yelped, stopping in the middle of her story. She glanced back at her right leg and saw it was as normal looking as the other one. Her mouth opened up in surprise. Seeker could feel tears automatically start to fill her eyes and she quickly looked away to try to hide them.


“I-I’m sorry.” Seeker said, feeling slightly ashamed. “It’s been a rough day for me.”


“Why don’t we step outside so you can get some fresh air?” Twilight offered. Seeker silently nodded and followed the others outside.


“Welcome to Ponyville!” Twilight said happily.


Seeker quickly forgot about her sorrows and glanced around, absorbing everything around her. Ponies were chatting among bright colored houses. Pegasus were clearing away some of the clouds to allow the sun to shine down. A group of fillies ran by Seeker laughing. Everything here felt so peaceful and happy. Seeker had never experienced anything like this before in her life.


“We might not be as fancy-smancy as Canterlot, but we have good friends and we have good hearts.” Applejack said proudly.


“And cake!” Pinkie Pie said, shoving a piece of cake in Seeker’s mouth.


“Mmm! That’s good!” Seeker said, licking her lips. “But where will I stay? I have nowhere to go.”


“Feel free to stay at my library with Spike and me. I insist.” Twilight said kindly. “I have so many questions about your world that I’m dying to know.”


Those eyes, thought Seeker as she looked back at Twilight.


“Alright, I accept.” Seeker said happily. Everyone cheered and for once in a long time Seeker felt at peace.

Edited by Seeker Dragonheart
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Here's the next chapter. It will be awhile until the next one is released.

The sound of the birds singing gently after the rise of the morning sun gently roused Seeker from her sleep. Pushing the blanket aside, she stretched and looked across the way to see that Twilight’s bed was empty and already made. Not wanting to appear like a lazy guest, Seeker straightened out her blanket as best she could and headed downstairs. Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack were standing around the table and there seemed to be some kind of commotion. The conversation stopped when Seeker got closer and everyone began speaking at once, with Rainbow Dash looking the least concerned.

“I came over to invite you to visit Sweet Apple Acres!” Applejack said quickly.

“That’s not fair, Applejack. I’m sure Seeker would rather visit my fabulous boutique.” Rarity pouted.

“What!? I was here first before any of you and I was going to take Seeker to Sugarcube corner!” Pinkie said loudly.

“I wanted to show Seeker all the cute animals back at my place and introduce her to Angel.” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Quiet!” Twilight yelled above the noise, making everyone stop. “Everypony needs to calm down. Seeker’s not going anywhere for quite awhile and you all will have your chance to spend some time with her. I’ve already scheduled Rainbow Dash to spend some time with Seeker today so she could start getting the hang of flying. You are now a Pegasus, after all.”
Seeker gulped down the bite of apple she had been eating loudly and looked nervously at her wings. She was not the best fan of heights and tended to get motion sick.

“Oh…great.” Seeker said, putting on a half smile. When did Twilight make time to arrange all this, Seeker wondered as she started to follow Rainbow Dash out the door.

“So, you think you’re ready to use those wings of yours?” Rainbow Dash asked, now starting to pace in front of Seeker. Rainbow Dash reminded Seeker of a general to giving orders and it took her some self control to prevent herself from saluting. “Let’s see that wingspan!”

Seeker slowly unfurled her wings and held them out awkwardly.

“Keep those wings straight and stand up taller. Now, very slowly try flapping them and push yourself off the ground into a short hover.”

Seeker began to flap her wings. Feeling confident, she got ready to jump in the air and found herself flying backward into a bush.

“You stopped paying attention to the angle of your wings.” Rainbow scolded as Seeker spit out some leaves. “Try again.”

Once again, Seeker straightened out her wings and began flapping them. Feeling ready, Seeker leaped into the air and managed a tiny hover just over Rainbow’s head. Seeker smiled feeling satisfied with herself and hoped Rainbow wouldn’t have her go higher than this.

“Not bad, not bad.” Rainbow said, leaping into the air. “But we need more space than this, let’s go up. Follow me.”

Seeker could feel her breakfast start to jitter in her stomach as she watched Rainbow take off into the sky. Noticing that Seeker wasn’t behind her, Rainbow flew back down.

“No chickening out now.” Rainbow Dash said and began to push Seeker up higher. “And for the love of Equestria, don’t look down. That will just make things worse for you.”

Now at a descent height, Rainbow stopped pushing Seeker and grabbed a nearby cloud. She began shaping it into cones and built a short line before landing on a nearby cloud.

“Let’s practice some maneuvering. I want you to fly in and out of the cones and try not to touch them.”

“Ok.” Seeker said, teeth clenched full of fear. Eyes glued to the cloud cones, Seeker very slowly moved in and out of them making sure her wings didn’t touch. She wanted to land but Rainbow blocked her.

“Do that again and slightly faster this time.”

Seeker turned around and began maneuvering as Rainbow ordered directions.

“Left…now right…just a little faster….stop looking down….try again.”

After a good 15 minutes Seeker was finally allowed to rest on a cloud after much assurance she wouldn’t fall through it. Seeker’s wings ached and her heart was racing.

“We’ve only just begun!” Rainbow Dash said proudly. The next few hours consisted of landing drills, suddenly stops, flying through an opposing wind, wing-ups, and more maneuvering with cones. Throughout practice Seeker couldn’t tell if she was making a good impression with Rainbow Dash or if she was a hair away from giving up on her. Exhausted, Seeker collapsed on a cloud.

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, but I’m a nervous wreck being up this high. Isn’t there some way I can be of use to Ponyville without having to be so…well, far up off the ground?”

“Well…I do know one place that might work…but I gotta say. It’s pretty dull to me.”

“I’ll take it!” Seeker jumped. “I like dull! Especially if it’s dull and low to the ground.”

Rainbow arched an eyebrow and motioned for Seeker to follow her to Ponyville below. Relief filled Seeker’s body as she felt her hooves touch solid ground and the two ponies made their way toward a building. A billboard out front read Ponyville Post Office and a sign in the window read ‘Deliverypony Needed.’

Seeker’s eyes lit up. “Oh, the post office! What a good idea.”

“Hey Postmark!” Rainbow Dash greeted.

“Rainbow Dash! How can I help you?”

“You still need that delivery pony? I brought somepony who needs a job.”

Seeker waved shyly.

“Oh, that’s perfect! Yes, the position is still available if your friend wants it.”

“I’ll take the job sir. It will be my pleasure to help deliver the mail around Ponyville.” Seeker said with a small bow. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I really owe you one.”

“Nah, that’s ok. Just keep practicing and soon….”

“I’ll be as good as you?”

“Pfft…as if. I’m the best flyer in all of equestria, no pony can top what I do. Still for what it’s worth, I’ll tell Twilight you weren’t bad for a rookie.”

“Thanks.” Seeker grinned. Postmark handed Seeker a messenger bag and told her she could begin her new job tomorrow. Seeker waved goodbye to Postmark and Rainbow and hurried back toward the library.

Spike and Twilight were reading when Seeker walked in.

“How did your flying lesson go? I know Rainbow Dash can be a bit…brash sometimes.” Twilight wondered.

“I was very nervous being up so high but I thought Rainbow Dash was tough but fair. And she helped me find a job I can do.” She unhooked her bag and held it up proudly in her teeth. Twilight examined the Ponyville Post Office logo on it.

“What a good idea! You’ll get to know all the ponies in Ponyville and practice your flying while you’re out delivering the mail.”

Twilight’s comment made Seeker feel on top on the world. Seeker became filled with a surge on energy.

“Come on, Spike! I’ll give you a ride!” she said happily.

“Seriously? Awesome!” Spike said, jumping on her back. Seeker leaped into the air and flew in small circles around the room with Spike cheering.

“I think I’m really going to love it here.” thought Seeker happily.

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Here's Chapter 3! This was an unexpected surprise. The idea came to me this morning when I woke up super early and couldn't go back to sleep.


Seeker’s eyes gazed over Twilight’s bookshelf. Twilight had quite the collection of books ranging from the magical to the instructional how-to books on almost any topic. A book on mysterious creatures caught Seeker’s eye and she pulled it off the shelf. Seeker felt a wave of disappointment set in as she realized she couldn’t read the strange alphabet that the ponies used. Feeling like a child, Seeker flipped through the pages looking at the pictures.


“Say Twilight?” Seeker asked as she flipped through the book.


“Yes Seeker?” Twilight said, not looking away from the chemistry table she was working at.


“Do you believe in monsters like Bigfoot?”


“No, I don’t.”


Surprised, Seeker stood up and walked over to Twilight.


“How can you say something like that in a world that has magic? Pegasi? Talking unicorns.” She said with a playful jab.


“Because no-pony has ever actually seen Bigfoot without proof. Bigfoot is just an old pony tale”


“Well…what if I were to go out and catch Bigfoot. To prove that it exists.”


“Ha! If you came back with Bigfoot I’ll do anything you want me to for an entire day. Almost anything.” She quickly clarified.


“Alright. It’s a deal.” Seeker said shaking hooves with Twilight.


“Here, you’ll need this.” Twilight said, tossing her net.


“Very funny, Twilight. You know Bigfoot won’t fit in a net that size.”


“Oh, you’re right. What was I thinking?” Twilight said dramatically. “Here ya go!” she said coyly tossing her a larger net.


“Fine, make fun. Just you wait. I will come back with Bigfoot.”


“Here, Seeker.” Spike said running over to her. “Have a snack for the road in case you get hungry.”


“Thank you, Spike.” Seeker said, patting him on the head. “Good to know there’s somepony around her that has some faith in me.” Seeker winked at Spike and walked out the door.


Seeker had just made it to the edge of town when she heard something bouncing toward her.


“Whatcha doing?” Pinkie Pie wondered.


“I’m heading into the mountains to look for Bigfoot.” Seeker said casually as if it was no big deal.


“That’s-the-most-weirdest-most-totally-bizarre-cucu-thing-I’ve-ever-heard! I’m so in!” she said, rearing on her hind legs excitedly.


“Yeah, we’ll show them! We’ll come back to Ponyville with Bigfoot and be famous! That will wipe that smug smile off of Twilight’s face.”


“Huh? Twilight’s?” Pinkie wondered.


“Let’s go, Pinkie!” Seeker said, full of determination. Pinkie bounced along happily and began to sing:


“We’re off to catch us a Bigfoot!”

“We’re off to catch us a Bigfoot!”

“We’re off to catch us a Big—foot!”

“And be real-ly famous!”


“Now Pinkie,” Seeker said as they entered the woods. “The first thing we must do is look for footprints…er I mean hoofprints. I think that’s the right word?”


“I found some!” Pinkie said proudly.


“No, no Pinkie. Those are our hoofprints.” Seeker exasperated. “We need to find prints that are much larger than that.”


“Oooh, okie-dokey-loki!” Pinkie smiled and began trotting off. Seeker sighed and began to follow Pinkie.


“This cave might be a good spot.” Pinkie said, trying to peer into it.


“Wait, we don’t know what’s in there!” Seeker panicked as Pinkie started to head inside.


“HEY BIGFOOT! ARE YOU IN THERE?” Pinkie yelled, making the whole cave shake. A pair of eyes shot through the darkness followed by another and another. A family of grizzly bears stepped out of the cave, fangs out and growling menacingly.


“Oh look! Bears! And they’re so happy to see us they’re smiling!” Pinkie beamed.


“Run!” Seeker yelled, pulling Pinkie away.


“Hey! I see more footprints!” Pinkie called out happily.


“Those are the bears’ footprints!” Seeker yelled in frustration.


Approaching a waterfall, Seeker quickly grabbed Pinking and with her wings started to rock-jump up the side until they reached the top. Frustrated, the bears gave up the chase and left. Seeker collapsed to the ground to catch her breath.


“Let’s have that snack Spike made.” Seeker said, once she could talk. Pinkie grinned as Seeker opened the bag to reveal some blueberry muffins. After the meal, the two began the search anew. They hunted high. They hunted low. But as the hours passed, nothing came close to what they were hunting for.


“This is ridiculous!” Seeker finally said, stepping away from a bush she had been looking in.


“No silly! That’s a bush!” Pinkie corrected, bouncing around.


Seeker put a hoof to her forehead.


“I promised Twilight I’d bring back Bigfoot…and that’s exactly what I’m going to do!” she said, with a half-crazed look in her eye.


“Honey! I’m home!” The door flew open as Seeker confidently walked in. “And I’ve brought back Bigfoot!”


“What!?” Twilight gasped, dropping the beaker she was holding causing a hole in the floor.


“That’s right! Bigfoot’s right outside. Let’s get this over with so I can order you to begin telling me how wonderful I am!” Seeker boasted as she allowed Twilight to step outside ahead of her first.


“This is your Bigfoot?” Twilight said smirking.


Pinkie Pie was dressed in a furry ape suit, growling.


“Me Bigfoot!” she called out.


“You never found Bigfoot, did you Seeker?”




“You didn’t really think this would fool me, did you?” Twilight asked with an amused look on her face.


“No, not really.” Seeker blushed slightly. Twilight patted Seeker sympathectilly.


“I give you an A for effort.” she teased. Then her mood became serious. “It must have been a little chilly up in the mountains. Come inside both of you and I’ll fix everypony some hot chocolate.”


“With marshmallows?” Pinkie piped up. “I mean….me Bigfoot! Grr!”


“It’s ok, Pinkie. You can stop now. Twilight’s figured it out.” Seeker said calmly as they walked inside.


After Seeker finished her drink, Twilight had suggested that Seeker keep a journal to write about her adventures or just get her thoughts out while staying in Ponyville. Seeker thought it was a good idea and waited for Twilight to find her a quill and some paper to write on.


Once she was ready, Seeker griped the quill with both hooves and struggled writing the first word. It just wasn’t the same without any hands. Frustrated, Seeker slammed the quill down and stared at the ground.


“Would you prefer to type out your journal?” Twilight wondered.


“You have a computer?” gasped Seeker.


“I don’t know what a computer is..but I know I have a typewriter somewhere. Hey Spike! Where’s the typewriter?”


“Hmm, a little old-fashioned but I suppose that would be better then writing.” mused Seeker as she waited for the typewriter. Using her magic, Twilight set the typewriter down in front of Seeker and made sure it had paper. Seeker stared at the strange typewriter and began to look it over.


“Hey Twilight,” Seeker wondered. “Where are the rest of the keys? I only see two of them.”


“What do you mean? Our typewriters are all built like that.”


“That’s strange. Where I come from, our typewriters have at least 47 keys including the space bar.”


“47 keys!?” Twilight shrieked. She immediately ran over to a notebook she had been writing in of everything Seeker had been sharing about her world and began scribbling furiously into it. Seeker smiled and shook her head before turning back to the typewriter. She pressed down on one of the keys and a strange symbol appeared on the paper. Then Seeker tried the other key and another symbol appeared. Seeker began to randomly type not knowing what she was actually saying.


Pinkie Pie leaned over Seeker’s shoulder and started reading what was typed out. She burst out laughing before reading some more. Then she gasped loudly before continuing to read. Seeker stopped typing and looked at Pinkie.


“Don’t stop, it’s getting really interesting!” Pinkie panicked.


Seeker shot Twilight a mystified look before randomly typing and Pinkie started to read once again. She wiped some tears from her eyes and blew her nose.


“Wow, that was the best story I ever read.” Pinkie sighed before walking away humming.


Seeker gave up at that point and ripped the paper off the typewriter. She was tempted to just crumble the paper up into a ball but took it over to Twilight.


“What did I just write?” she asked.


Twilight looked it over. “Nothing. It’s just a bunch of nonsense.”


“That’s what I thought.” Seeker crumbled it up and threw it away. “I think I’m going to call it a night. It’s been a long day.”


“Good night.” Said Twilight kindly. Seeker gave a small smile before heading upstairs. She wondered what the next day would bring.

Edited by Seeker Dragonheart
  • Brohoof 2


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Nice work Seeker. I enjoy reading your story- you have the personalities of the ponies down well, and your writing style is good. I liked the wing exercises you mentioned in Chapter Two- very neat.


Just one thing I noticed- wouldn't Bighoof make more sense in Equestria rather than Bigfoot? Just something that crossed my mind. Still, the writing is well-done and entertaining.  :)

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Thank you! I plan to do 9 or 10 chapters so there will be more to come. :)

Hey guys! I just made Chapter 4. I must be on a roll although I have to admit it's a bit shorter then the past chapters. I hope I've captured Rarity's character correctly. This wasn't the original idea I was going to use but I like how this turned out better. Enjoy!


It was another peaceful day in Ponyville. Inside the Post Office Seeker was keeping busy stacking empty boxes when Postmark approached her with a letter.


“Seeker, this letter needs to be delivered to Rarity.”


“Right away, sir!” Seeker saluted and placed the letter in her messenger bag.  Seeker waved goodbye and flew off towards Rarity’s place. After landing, Seeker cleared her throat and knocked on the door. She pulled the letter out as Rarity opened the door.


“Oh, it’s terrible! Simply awful!”


“You haven’t even read it, yet.” Seeker replied.


“No, no darling. Not the letter. I must show you something.” Rarity said, inviting Seeker inside. Rarity lead Seeker to a dress and pointed at it as if she was afraid to look at it. At first, Seeker couldn’t see anything wrong with it. Then near the bottom she saw a tiny piece of cloth had been torn off.


“Something has nibbled a hole in the new dress I’ve been working on for a client and I will not stand for it!”


“If it’s a mouse, couldn’t your cat Opal catch it for you?” Seeker wondered.


“Please, my Opal is above such feline impulses.” Seeker rolled her eyes.


Suddenly Rarity screamed and jumped on a table. A little brown mouse was standing in the middle of room looking around.


“Don’t just stand there, Seeker. Catch that mouse!” Rarity urged.


“Come here, you!” Seeker yelled, running towards the mouse. The mouse gave out a squeak and took off. Seeker lost sight of it when it hid among a pile of fabric.


“Quick, I need a piece of cheese. I’ll lure it out and catch it with this basket. Then I’ll release it outside.”


“Brilliant idea!” Rarity encouraged and retrieved some cheese from the kitchen. Seeker placed it on the ground and both ponies hid. The smell of the cheese brought the mouse out of hiding and Seeker quickly flew over it and dropped the basket on top of it and sat down on it.


“Well done! Now take that horrid thing outside and…darling? Where are you going?”


“Huh?” Seeker wondered, looking down confused. The basket was moving with Seeker still on top of it. Slowly at first then the pace started to pick up. Seeker’s eyes went wide when she saw where she was heading.


“No, not toward the manikins’!” Seeker pleaded to the mouse. Her plead fell on deaf ears and she crashed painfully into the manikins, the last manikin knocked Seeker off the basket. Seeker moaned in pain as the mouse scampered toward a beam that lead up to the ceiling. Seeker turned red with anger and flew up.


“Ha, joke’s on you, mouse! I can fly! NOW STAND STILL SO I CAN CATCH YA!”


Seeker weaved into and out of the beams but the mouse was too fast. Tired, Seeker flew back down and retracted her wings. She looked back at Rarity sadly.


“We must find where that mouse has been living.” Rarity said thoughtfully. Taking a small bit of cloth Rarity placed it on the ground and once again the two ponies hid out of sight. Making sure it was safe, the mouse quickly grabbed the cloth and ran off towards a small hole in the corner of the room.


“Quickly!” Rarity said. Using her magic, Rarity removed a tiny spot in the wall and the two peeked inside.


The mouse was standing in a tiny makeshift living room and handed the cloth to another mouse with a bow on its head. The female mouse was sewing what looked like a blanket for her little ones who were curled up in a tin can trying to keep warm.


Seeker and Rarity wiped a tear from their eyes.


“Oh, those poor dears!” Rarity sniffed. Her eyes lit up. “I know just what to do.” she said, bringing fourth her scissors and cloth.  Rarity sewed together a blanket and some scarves for each of the mice and placed them outside the hole. Seeker knocked on the wall and the two hid.


The father mouse poked his head out before seeing the presents. He squeaked towards his family calling them out. The mice began to cheer and dance happily. Seeker blew her nose.


“That was the most touching thing I’ve ever seen... Oh my gosh! I have go back to the post office!”


“I understand and thank you, Seeker for your help. Now I can get back to work, I think I can still save the dress in time.”


Seeker waved goodbye and took off. She couldn’t wait to tell Twilight and Spike at home about her day.


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