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Bass Cannon in D djpon3 x octavia


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Octavia smiled as she cleaned her cello. the thought of having to spend the day with vinyl simply didn't appeal to her so instead she spent it cleaning house instead. as she continued her task until every instrument in her home was spotless and her cases shinning like celestias mane in the morning sky. As she placed the last bow in the the case she walked off to check on her tea which was rapidly boiling and ready to drink. Soon a knock was hear d on the door and soon enough she opened it to find vinyl standing there. As she stood staring at the to her mare he smiled. " What brings you here vinyl?" She asked looking at the pony with an odd look on her face as if her face were Nightmare moon herself. "Oh well I need help Octavia, with a remix" Octavia scoffed laughing" Me help you with a remix how absurd" She continued her laugh until the mare stopped her" I need help making a remix of a classical song and I know if you play it for me I could get a feel fro it you are after all the best performer In all of equestrian" She smiled" And im the best dh" Smiling Octavia nodded" Though I do not doubt your praise or deny it, I must decline for I have much work to do" she stopped looking down a moment" But I will assist in the name of classical music what song is it?" The questions truck the dj as odd for a moment before answering" cannon IN D BY Johann PACHEBELL" the MARE NODDED" OH WELL PERFECT TIMIMIGN I WAS SET TO PLACE THAT PIECE FOR PRINCESS TWILIGTH AT HER ROYAL EVENT THIS WEEKEEND ANYWAY"

the DJ SMILED" So was I , Rainbow dash and pinkie asked for a remix to surprise princess twilight as a gift " Soon enough the two were playing together and Vinyl had her mix Octavia snuggling into the mare happily spooning the one she thought she hated but in actuality had only mistaken fro nothing more than a brash lack of class. as he two snuggled she began to hum the son to herself smiling down at the sleeping dj mare.



what do you guys think its my first fic for the the fandom and my first lfuffy one staring the two

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Maybe format it a big? A whole chunk is really difficult to understand. Also, please, no random capital letters. Also, improve your grammar a little. The story can be understood, but if you want to get this published on Fimfic, correct the grammar errors.

Edited by Blitzkrieg


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