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Your Favorite Lines from MLP Tumblr Blogs?


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I thought it would be interesting to see what others can bring forward when it comes to their favorite lines or scenes from the many MLP tumblr blogs that have popped up over the years. It can be just a single line spoken by one within, or full sections of text that stick out to you. It can be lore building established, or a discussion between those within, or a single statement or thought by a character.

Now I ask, while feeling this shouldn't have to be said, please pay attention to the site rules when posting. Whether it be the text you quote, or perhaps the tumblr posts themselves, trying not to post anything that can get this thread in trouble because it is inappropriate for the site. Also you may put down more then one quote it you like in a single post, it doesn't have to be one quote per post.

I will start with something I listened to recently between the blogs Ask Discord Doctor and Fractured Loyalty, with Rainbow Dash teaching the Doctor how to fly:

You feel that? How the wind moves over each feather? How the slightest movement changes your pitch, your banking? Work with it, practice, teach yourself just how much or how little effort you need to control yourself in the air. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Flying is pretty easy once you understand how it works. Imagine the air you're moving through as an ocean. Your body is a rowboat, its oars your wings. What happens when you just move the oars up and down? You don't go anywhere. You need to push the boat through the water with your oars. The same is true with your wings, you push yourself through the air, 'rowing' through the current.

Yet above everything else, just remember one thing. Flying is a privilege, a gift. We gain the ability to move through the skies without effort, without the aid of anything else but our own bodies. At the cost of being at the mercy of the very skies we soar through. Never forget that the skies can take away that privilege whenever they feel like it. Respect the skies, and all it contains, and it will let you go anywhere and everywhere you ever want to go.

Here is another from AskThePoniesInTheBox involving two guards discussion the princesses and on offering a reason why Celestia reads harlequins, trashy romance novels, this consideration is brought up:

What does being immortal entail?
Well... it means she wont die from growing old, I guess.
Right. Now from that, think you can tell me why she reads those books?
I... I honestly have no clue.
Figures, let me make it easier for you hollow horn. What happens at the end of every single one of those books?
They marry and live with each other happily until... oohhh.
Seems like you do have two brain cells to rub together, care to use them and elaborate?
I can do better then that you senile old cloud farter. Okay so those stories always have a happy ending, with the couple loving each other until the day that they die. Except, she can't have that since she is immortal. She would have to watch her mate grow old and die, so instead she reads romance novels.
And now you know why every solider in the royal legion has their coat and mane dyed, and their eyes enchanted to remove different iris colors.
Um.. I do?
And there I thought there was still hope for you stalagmite head. Each rank has a different color set, you tar hides had gray coats and purple hair, solar guards like me have white coats and blue hair, the elite guard have white hair with gray coats, and so on and so forth. That way they all look the same. To the princesses, the guard never changes.

Now admittingly I do not view the royal sisters as immortal, and officially they are not now given the Journal of the Two Sisters, but the above still does hold up strongly. Celestia and Luna would still outlive anyone they form a relationships with, watching as they grow old and die while they stay young and carry on. If they fall in love, it would end in tragedy for them as they would always eventually lose the one they love. That and this adds interesting lore involving the royal guard which very well explains why they share a uniform appearance.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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