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A Matter of Arcane Love (Private 1x1 between me and The Ponyville Critic)

Scarlet Kitten

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It was early morning as the train from Canterlot was on its way towards Ponyville. In 1st class, lay a lone blue mare with glasses. Her name is Arcania Starmane, head librarian for the Canterlot Library and future Arcane teacher at Celestia's school of magic. She was on her way to Ponyville to visit Princess Twilight Sparkle and have a look through the castle's library to see if there were any books she did not have.

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Star Gazer woke up as she usually did, staring up at the brickwork on the underside of the bridge that she liked to call home, with only a stolen blanket to keep her warm during the cold nights. she stretched her legs and got up onto her hooves, she headed down to the river to have a drink. She let out a sigh.

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The train ride was peaceful and quiet, and Arcania looks out of the window to enjoy the scenery. As she looked towards the river, she could see a dirty little filly drinking from it. She sighed softly and made a mental note to go to where the bridge was to try and find the filly. She was a well off pony, that was for sure, but she was not like the rest of the wealthy society members of Canterlot, she would much rather spend her money helping others.

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The sound of a nearby train passing by startled Star Gazer, so much so that she fell in the river. Thankfully it was a warm day so she wasn't too cold when she got out. She shook herself off. Her stomach grumbled, it'd been a day or so since she'd last eaten anything. She was starting to get a little desperate.

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The train soon pulled into Ponyville Train Station and as Arcania didn't have much luggage with her, she decided to go straight to the bridge. She looks around, pushing her glasses up and calls out softly "H-hello? L-little one?" she calls out. "I-I'm not here to harm you, I w-want to help" she says as she takes out a slice of chocolate cake from her saddle bag and places it on the ground.

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She yelped and hid under her blanket. Looking up at the mare, she tip-toed over to the cake and sniffed it.
"Wh- who are you?" Star asked cautiously, this was the most conversation she'd had in the past month. She nibbled the cake slice, it was good... she tried to resist the urge to eat the thing whole.

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"my name is Arcania Starmane, I'm the head librarian for Canterlot Library, what is your name sweetie?" she asks as she kneels down, she had a similar color pattern to Sunburst and looked very soft and kind. She smiles softy "where are your parents?" she asks

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She stepped back a little. She didn't seem unfriendly, but it's always good to be cautious.

"My name is... Star Gazer... I don't know where my mum and dad went." She said. "I came here from Manehatten, they abandoned me." A small tear formed at her eye, she closed her eyes and her head drooped to the ground.

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Arcania's ears drooped, she then picks the filly up "Oh dear, you poor little one, to not have a mother or father.." she says, wiping the filly's tears away and kissing her nose, "I've got a appointment at the spa with the girls, I'm sure they wouldn't mind you coming along to get cleaned up and fed. I'm sure Fluttershy will be very motherly towards you"

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Star looked into Arcania's eyes.

"Arcania.... you're from Canterlot... I like that place, it looks pretty and shiny." She giggled. "I look at it every night before I go to sleep. I dreamed of living there, they wouldn't let somepony like me in to there though." She pouted.

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Arcania smiles "Oh they will, or else they'll have to deal with Princess Twilight being a royal pain and demanding them to" she chuckles a little before fishing around in her saddlebags some more and finds her scarf, she wraps it around the filly, "There all nice and warm now"

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Star Gazer's horn lit up, grabbing one end of the scarf and she started nibbling on it, she kept staring into Arcania's eyes, there was something about them that seemed kind, like with one look you'd be able to trust her.

"I like your eyes, miss Arcania." Star said, giggling again.

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((Arcania is now finished and in my signature))

She smiles and gently strokes her mane "Aww thank you little one" she says as she giggles a little and carries her back to town. "I'll get you all cleaned up and fed properly soon enough" she smiles softly down at the little filly.,

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Being carried like this made her remember being carried by her parents, it made her feel happy and sad at the same time. She wondered if this is what it was like to see Ponyville from the persepective of a big pony. It was a really quaint-looking village.

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Arcania smiles softly at her as she carried her, "Don't worry small one, I'll make sure your life from now is happy and safe" she says softly and gently rubs a hoof through her mane. "your new mummy is here, do not worry" she says as they reach the spa and she smiles as she could see Twilight and her friends.


Flutterhsy squees at the sight "O-oh my miss Arcania, I d-didn't know you had a filly, she's so adorable" she says softly and smiles at Star

Arcania smiles "I don..well I do now, I saw her under the bridge on my way here, I couldn't just let this poor little one go hungry or uncared for, go on sweetie, say hello to the nice mares" she says gently

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Star looked up at Arcania and over at the new ponies. She felt a little uncomfortable but she didn't want to insult this pony's kindness by being rude.
"H-hi, everypo, uh... everypony." Star said. "Wow, that was awkward, I hope nopony noticed that." She thought to herself.

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Twilight smiles as she looks at the mare in front her "Miss Starmane, it is good to see you still have that genuine love to help others" she says and gently tickles the filly's stomach with a hoof "you sure are a cutie Star, though I wonder why none of us have ever seen you around before, I am sure if Fluttershy had seen you, she'd have taken you in without a second thought"

Fluttershy nods "I-I would h-have"

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Star giggled as Twilight tickled her.

"I tried to hide. I did some bad things." Star said. Remembering the things she had taken from other ponies, desperate to get food and to survive. "My mum told me it was wrong to take things that don't belong to me." She She added, a little disheartened. 

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Arcania nuzzles her "Darling, there are times when a pony must take something that doesn't belong to them to survive, you were sadly put through that time" she says and nuzzles her again "sweetie, don't be ashamed, none of us here would be mad at you for it"

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"O-okay." She mumbled before going back to nibbling on the end of the scarf that Arcania had given her.

She hopped out of Arcania's grasp, "All of these ponies are so tall." Star thought to herself.


"Not to be rude or anything, but I think the little filly needs a bath..." Rarity winced.

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Arcania nods "You're right Rarity, and I think getting her clean and some good food in her cute little tummy is top priority" she says as she looks down at the filly, She then smiles at Aloe and Lotus "Do you think you could please do that for us dears?" she asks her sparkly mane and tail sparkled in the sunlight.

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Star grinned at Arcania, she was genuinely happy for the first time in a while, it felt nice.

Star walked over to where the two ponies Arcania gestured at were.
"Hi, my name is Star Gazer, can you help me?" Star Gazer asked the two with a smile.

"We absolutely can." The two said, almost in unison. "Follow us, please." Star turned to Arcania, all

these ponise were starting to make her a little anxious. "C-can you come with me, p-please?" She asked.

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She smiles and nods "Of course I can sweetheart" she says as she begins to follow them, she smiles at the other girls before continuing on with following Star and the spa twins. She smiles at her new filly, "Oh I really ought to adopt you officially" she says softly and thinks about how she was going to do that.

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"Adopt? She asked, as the water and various other things were poured into the bath. "What does adopt mean?" Star was curious, they soon filled up the tub. She tapped the water with her hoof, it was warm. She hopped into it, it was small, but big enough for a pony of her size.

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Aloe smiles and giggles "It means that miss Starmane is going to take you into her home and life as her own little filly and raise you as such" she says, to which Arcania smiles and nods as she sits and watches as she writes out a letter to the local guard station.

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