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Yo, whats up fellow bronies. I got a question that has been annoying me:

To those that know how the mbti personalities work, what is Dash's? She is said to be a Estp but to me she seems to behave like a Istp as they are daring and brash but aren't really social.


Dash is most of the time seen chilling or relaxing alone aside from the times she is with the Mane 6 but other than that, she doesn't know that many other people.


What do you all think?

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I'd say either ESFP or ISFP. Think she is more inclined to act on feelings than think things through. I could see your point about being more of a loner. now that I think about it as she does seem to like some solitutde, although in "Mare Do Well," she does say "I hate being alone" which definitely sounds more like an extravert. 


Gonna go with ESFP, the "Performer."

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I did think of that as a possibility until I looked more into it. Feelers like to show their emotions and are compassionate. This is something that Dash has had trouble doing, even now.

Also, I have a Esfp cousin, and they don't act alike as Esfp' s tend to be humble. I myself am a Esto and while I see some similarities, somethings are different. I tend to joke around a lot and am serious only need to be, and though i love leading, i am comfortable with following if i have to.


Dash loves competition which I do to but not to the extent as her. She also always has to lead.


I think she may be a Estj, correct me if I'm wrong:

E - As you said, she doesn't like being alone for long periods of time but still enjoys it. This is like me

S - She doesn't focus on the big picture or possibilities, she instead focus's on the world around her and is "in tune" with it

T- She doesn't like showing emotion and isn't afraid speaking her mind or hurting other people's feelings

J- She tends to think ahead and has dreams (becoming a wonderbolt) and while she isn't as organized as twilight, she is to an extent


Estjs think to seriously about themselves at times and have big egos while estps joke around a lot.


If not estj, I am thinking entj because they are like commanders in the army and are tough leaders, a side of rainbow we see when confronted with conflict


What do you think?

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