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A Dragon's Treat (A Fanfic of a Fanfic! Yay!)


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I've always wanted to make a Cupcakes fanfic! :D I will update with a new chapter when I feel like it. Note: This is my first fanfic, so it probably won't be very good.





Warning: As I type this story, some parts may be violent, so read at your own risk.


Chapter One- Another Night...


Twilight Sparkle was finally finished with another day of having fun with her friends and learning about friendship. But of course, Rainbow Dash hadn't been with them for months, because it was rumored she left Ponyville to join the Wonderbolts. Twilight was ready to collapse then and there on the floor, but she gathered the energy to carry Spike on her back over to their beds.


"G'night, Twi," Spike mumbled drowsily, followed by a long, satisfying yawn.


Spike yawned a few more times, then Twilight yawned seconds later. "Haha, stop it Spike! You're making me yawn, too!" she giggled, settling herself in bed. Twilight pulled the covers over herself, then used her horn to turn off the lights.


"Hey... Twilight?" Spike turned his head over to her. "Do you think Rainbow Dash will ever come back?"


"Of course, Spike. This is Rainbow Dash we're talking about. She'd never leave us! She does represent loyalty, after all."


Spike sighed. "Oh, yeah. I guess she is loyal. Maybe you're right about her coming back. Maybe sooner or later..."


Twilight had clearly fallen asleep by now. Spike, however, was not intending on sleeping. He had plans. Plans with somepony else. Spike slowly and carefully pulled the covers off of himself. Crawling out of bed, he then made a single jump to the floor, landing on his toes with a light tap. He reached into his pillowcase, grabbing a small, baby dragon-sized shoulder bag. Slinging it over his shoulder, Spike continued to tiptoe across the floor, and was almost in the clear. He reached for the door, and the creaking sound was just enough.


Twilight tossed and turned in bed. "Sp-spike?" she mumbled, eyes still shut. "Whe-....-re are you going?"


Spike froze in his footsteps. "Oh, just going out for some fresh air. I can't sleep," he whispered nervously.


His lie must have been convincing, because Twilight waved her hoof slowly, then dropped it back onto the bed. "Aaalright. Just don't go far..." As her voice trailed off, she slipped from consciousness once more.


Relief swept over Spike. He tiptoed out the door, shutting it slowly with a light click.


Of course, Spike knows Twilight never remembered, because not only was she half asleep, but he has done this plenty of times before.


Spike made his swift movements across the grassy areas of Ponyville. Over the previous nights, he had remembered every rock, crack, hill, bump, fallen branch, and any other obstacle in his path. Spike glanced at a distant clock tower. Shoot, I'm late! He ran faster, still trying hard to avoid the hazards along the way. Gulping in more cold night air, Spike nearly gave out, but instead of stopping, he miscalculated the location of a large rock. He tripped, skinning his knee on the rock, and falling flat on his face. "No...." he groaned quietly. Spike lay there in agony, unable to help himself up. It seemed like hours until finally, he felt a hoof tap him on the back. Spike twitched, eyes widening. He felt a second hoof join it as both scooped him up, placing him gently of what felt like the back of a pony. Spike was too shocked from the fall and the sudden rescue to say anything, but after a few minutes, they arrived to their destination and it became clear who his rescuer was. He looked up with a bit of relief to see the sign of Sugarcube Corner.


"Hey, can you take me inside?" Spike said jokingly. "I'm a little injured here."


The voice responded. "Okey dokey lokey!"


"Sorry for being late..."


"Aw, that's okay!" I was running a little late on making cupcakes anyway!"




Chapter Two- Taste Testing


Pinkie Pie gracefully trotted into Sugarcube Corner, gently shutting the door. "Alright, Spike," she whispered, "Want to see what I have for you next?"


"You bet I do!" Spike cheered, but still keeping his voice down. "But..."


"Oh, of course." Pinkie placed Spike onto a pillow conviently sitting upon the floor, then went over to the kitchen and reached into a cabinet. She retrieved a bandaid and peeled the adhesive off, balling it up and tossing it into the trash. Spike's skinned knee finally was treated.




"Aaaalrighty, Spike! Ready for some tasting?" Without waiting for his answer, Pinkie Pie peeked out the windows for a brief moment, scanning the perimeter of Sugarcube Corner to make sure nopony was around. The coast was clear, so Pinkie closed the curtains and shutters. She turned around, sat down, then let Spike climb on her back. Pinkie Pie had to keep this passage a secret, because only she and Spike were the only ones who knew. She moved two short, thick floorboards to reveal a square of metal with a wheel-shaped latch on it. Pinkie twisted the latch with both hooves and easily opened it. Spike picked up the floorboards, then placed them on the slanted, partially-open door. This would assure that the door would be hidden upon closing it.


Pinkie Pie, with Spike on her back, went down the long, spiral staircase, making light hoof taps so she wouldn't be lound enough to be heard in the building or outside. Pinkie opened the final door at the bottom of the staircase, shutting in gently behind her, then locking it, just in case. Spike looked around Pinkie's head to see her restrained and broken victim, just as she left her. The unfortunate earth pony's eyes were half-open, tears streaming from them, her lavender hair and silver coat splattered in her own flesh and blood.


"Hiya, Silver Tone!" Pinkie looked into her jade green eyes with a smile. "I brought Spike!"


"Pl-please..." Silver pleaded, "Let me go home... I promise, I won't tell anypony!"


"I know, I know, Silver! That's why I brought you here! So we can all share our secrets here, and keep them between the three of us! Right, Spike?"


Spike nodded in agreement.


Pinkie Pie led Spike over to the table she crafted herself from the bones of ponies, rabbits, griffons, and other animals and pulled out a chair. Spike pulled himself up onto it, waiting for what he came here for.


Pinkie trotted out of the room through another doorway, then came out seconds later with a tray full of delectable pony cupcakes.



Chapter Three- A Mistake


Spike's tongue involuntarily slithered along the edges of his lips, craving another bite of an innocent pony's flesh and insides baked into the batch of pastries. "So, who is it this time?"


"Oh, just somepony I met at a party. That's how I make everypony's numbers. I hold some parties, I take some names, get their addresses, then boom! I can make more cupcakes! You know, she was quite a fighter. Lasted for two and a half hours! Of course, that was only because she was stubborn when I kept trying to get her horn. But, a cupcake's a cupcake! Here you go!." Pinkie placed the tray onto the table, then stepped away.


The tray contained four cupcakes, which didn't exactly seem to be enough to take up every bit of the pony's body. Before Spike reached for one, he looked over at Pinkie, who was already fiddling with some sort of contraption by her cart of tools. "Hey Pinkie, what do you do with the rest of the ponies you use for the cupcakes?"


Pinkie's eyes lit up. "Oh! I'm glad you asked!" She trotted to the darkest side of the room, then fumbled in the darkness to pull a light switch. The light pouring through the room revealed something Spike had never seen before, a thick black curtain. "It's my gallery of friends!" Spike was unsure about what she meant by a "Gallery of friends" until Pinkie Pie pulled the curtain back to the right side of the wall. Behind it revealed the real horror show. Several rows on rows of mangled stuffed pony bodies, pegasi with wings torn or cut off, unicorns clearly missing their horns. Some of the stuffed corpses even had their eyes gouged out. Others with their own helium-filled organs tied around their bodies and tails. Silver Tone flinched at the sight, wishing she too, had her eyes missing so she could not gaze upon this disgusting display.


Spike disregarded this and already chewed one of the pony cupcakes to bits.


Pinkie Pie, still sharpening one of her tools, froze for a moment. "Oh no... Spike... I've made a terrible mistake! I shouldn't have done this to Silver!"


Silver Tone's eyes opened wide, hope spreading across her face.


"Because..." Pinkie looked down at the floor. "I skipped somepony else's number, and now I've messed everything up, and I've let myself become disorganized! Why?!" she cried out. "It's okay, though... I can fix this." Pinkie dug through her medical bag, carefully retrieving a syringe. "This ought to do the trick."


Silver's eyes opened wider, not with hope, but this time with fear.


"Sorry I had to do this Silver, but you know, I can't mess everyone's numbers up, so I can just save you for later. Nighty night!" Pinkie pushed the syringe into Silver's spine, filling her veins with a sleep medicine of some sort.


Silver Tone's eyelids slowly closed over her eyes, then lost her consciousness.


"All right, Spike," Pinkie began, "I've set something up in the event that this would happen. Always gotta be one step ahead!" Her head pointed to another dark corner of the room, directing Spike's attention to what appeared to be a small, rusted cage that appeared to be able to fit a pony Silver's size, if she was lying down. Pinkie Pie got rid of Silver's restraints, then dragged the poor earth pony's unconscious body to the cage, gently pushing her inside. She then shut the door, locking it and hanging the key on a hook on the wall about five feet away. "You finished yet, Spike?"


"Yeah, and I loved them! Probably some of the best you've made!" Spike smiled.


"Awww, ya think? Thanks, Spike." Pinkie gave him a hug. "So, I think we should both be heading off to bed, shouldn't we?"


Spike blinked. "Oh yeah, I should probably head home."




Chapter Four- Suspicious

Spike awoke the next morning in his bed, exhausted from the lack of sleep. His eyes were still shut, but he was aware of one thing. Somepony was yelling in his ear.


"Spike! Spike! Get up! Get up! This place is a mess! What did you do?!" Spike recognized it as Twilight fussing at him.


He wondered what in Equestria she was talking about. Spike opened his eyes to see books scattered on the floor, chairs and tables flipped over, and other possessions in the cluttered mess.


"What do you have to say for yourself?" Twilight demanded.


"I-...I-..." Spike stammered, still unable to speak correctly because of his racing mind and half-asleep thoughts. What did I do last night?! Did I go into some sort of fury and knock everything over? Or was I just tired and had a hard time making it back to bed? "I.... Remember when I said I couldn't sleep and wanted to go outside? I... um... let in a bug, and uh... it flew around the room, and I kept trying to hit it, but I couldn't because I was so tired and I didn't have very good coordination."


"Alright, sorry for thinking you did this on purpose," Twilight said with regret. "Come on, let's clean this mess up." Nearly all suspicion left Twilight until her attention was directed to the bandaid on Spike's knee. "Wait a moment. What happened to your knee?"


"I tripped on a rock when I was walking." Spike looked up at her innocently.


"Where did you get it from?" Twilight glared at him.


"The cabinet. Why?"


Twilight walked over to the cabinet where she always kept medical and first aid supplies and pulled out the only box of bandaids she had. This kind were orange. Twi glanced at his knee. The kind of bandaid Spike was wearing was green. He took in a big gulp of air.


"...I went too far away from the treehouse and somepony gave it to me when I fell!" he let out quickly, hoping Twilight would buy it. She didn't.


"What did I tell you about going too far, Spike? You never go too far. Besides, who would be awake in the dead of night? You're clearly lying. You know more. You knew that somepony who gave you this bandaid!"


Spike was ready to scream, until a knock was heard on the door. Twilight sighed, then answered.


"Hiya, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said with joy. "I forgot to give something to Spike. It was an apology for bumping into him and making him trip on that rock last night." Pinkie handed Twilight a sparkling blue gem. It wasn't rare, but when Spike laid his eyes on it, his mouth watered. With a wink, Pinkie darted out the door and slammed it shut behind her.


Twilight was once again guilty. "I'm sorry, Spike. I thought you were leaving or something and was off doing something bad. So, you were out walking, and Pinkie was walking too, she bumped into you, and that's where you got the bandaid from?"


"Yeah..." Spike said sheepishly.


"Aww, why didn't you say it before?" Twi picked him up and squeezed him tight.


Spike grunted, then dropped to the floor to devour his delectable gift.


Twilight Sparkle and Spike spent the next several hours, from daylight to sunset, reshelving books and reorganizing clothes and other objects.


They were both settled in bed, ready to drift off, but Spike still didn't plan on sleeping.



Chapter Five- Not Her!

Spike once again left the library, this time he wore slippers to avoid making noise, and this time using the window since it was always open at night. He dashed through the darkness, using his usual route and tried his best to avoid the mistake he made last time. Before Spike knew it, he was at the entrance of Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie wasn't at the entrance to greet him like she always did, but nonetheless he went inside and made his way to the staircase. Spike was unsure if she was even down there. Maybe Pinkie just accidentally fell asleep or was out looking for him. Still, Spike wondered if he could see whose number Pinkie missed.


Spike made sure nopony was around, then opened the latch, placed the floorboards on top, then secured it shut. On the very top step, he noticed something. A single cupcake. Huh, I guess it's for me, he thought. Spike gulped it down.


He tiptoed down the stairs in his slippers. At the bottom, Spike heard something. A voice. It wasn't just a voice, it was sobbing. The voice that the weeping came from, it was familiar to Spike. He thought about the many voices he knew. There was Twilight, definitely not hers... Pinkie? No, she wouldn't cry. Fluttershy? Apple Bloom? Applejack? Couldn't be Dash. Maybe Scootaloo, or Sweetie Belle.... Not Sweetie Belle's voice, but close. No... Spike thought. No... NOT HER! NO! Spike burst through the door, swinging it open and slamming it against the wall.


"RARITY!" Spike screamed as he ran into the room, glaring at a satisfied Pinkie who just finished removing Rarity's horn.


"No more magic for you! You should know better than to keep me from doing what I do best!" Pinkie scolded her. "Oh, hi Spike."


"If you so much as touch a single lock of her hair, you'll regret it, Pinkie!" Spike roared, sounding more of the ferocious dragon he really was.


"Well, I sorta already have," Pinkie looked at him, a bit confused. "You know, trying to get her horn off and all. By the way, did you enjoy the cupcake?" she smirked, then jerked her hoof in the direction of Rarity's leg, wrapped up in bandages to keep her from fainting. Clearly, she had taken some of Rarity.


Spike connected the two clues. Rarity's missing skin and flesh. The cupcake... Spike gagged and nearly threw up on the floor, knowing he had eaten a piece of Rarity.


"Spike... how could you do this?" Rarity wept. "I thought you were a kind, generous dragon, not a flesh-hungry monster!"


Spike's eyes clouded with tears. He was having a difficult time taking everything in, but before he knew it, he opened his eyes to see he had tackled Pinkie, taken her knife, and was holding it to her neck. "Now, Spike. Don't do anything you'll regret. Remember how I said I was always one step ahead?" She lifted her hoof to reveal she had some sort of bracelet on. On it, was a tiny button covered in a protective plastic. Pinkie removed it.


The sound of clanging metal resounded through the room. "Silver Tone!" Spike yelled. Silver didn't respond. Clearly, Pinkie did something to keep her from speaking.


"You see, I wanted to keep Silver's prescence a secret, so I could make up for my mistake. And now that you want to interfere, I'll mess everything up by making her a cupcake extra quick!"


Spike glanced across the room. There were knives attached to a big metallic machine of some sort. It appeared that, at a press of a button, those knives would dive straight through the bars of the cage. "That contraption you were sharpening the other day..."


"Always one step ahead, Spike!" Pinkie laughed.


(End of chapter five)



Now, for the end of chapter five, I will need some help. Should I:

A: End it with a happy ending?

B: End it with a horrible ending?

C: Give two alternate endings?

Edited by ShinyRibbonsAndSparkles

Hi there. I'm SRAS. This is the most boring signature ever made.

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