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Tea Talks

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Do you wanna talk? Need a went after long day? Have any news to share? That's what this topic for. :D

The rule is simple, to start a conversation you should post a pic of your cup of tea. :proud:

I'll start.


It was a long working week for me, but I'm proud for fruits of my labor. I even found a time for tidying up the new apartment.

But the best is that weekend is ahead and I'm going to have a proper rest. Every weekend I spend some time with family, but this one I wish to have some quality personal time in addition. :jazz-hooves-please: Maybe I'll be so lucky to shake dust from my wacom tablet after all this years. :winking-izzy:

So, what's your plans for a weekend?

P.S. happy summer solstice everypony.:sunbutt:

Edited by Crypty Scribbles
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Oh wow I really like this! Um umm.. yes! I have a lot on my plate and I'm not even sure where to begin ;~; I tend to come here for the good vibes and wholesome retreat <3 

But let's see... Weekends, I tend to work cause those are good days for business. But this week I have some days off.. and I'm planning to go Rock Climbing with @Sir Hugsalot!  Looking forward to some Fall decoration <3 

Edited to add some tea after Crypty told me: [pout pout] ^_^



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@Ice Princess Silky , I'm happy to see you here, but rules is rules.


On 2024-06-22 at 6:26 AM, Captain Salty Scribbles said:

The rule is simple, to start a conversation you should post a pic of your cup of tea. :proud:

I don't want to encumber anyone, but rule makes this game fun. Just try it.:muffins:


I started this September day with a cup of my usual sencha. It's zucchini season and every Thursday me and my darling are hosting party for friends. So this time it shall be a zucchini party! Going to make a high stack of zucchini draniki for dinner. When weather gets chiller and days shorter what can cheer better than meeting together for feast? :toldya:

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30 minutes ago, Silly Druid said:

Oh well, I'm fine I guess...

(Sorry, I'm not very talkative.)

Sure, no pressure. :kindness: Enjoy your hibiscus in your beautiful mug :squee:


Me and my dear enjoying green tea in caffe after light dinner on the go. Weather is beautifully chill and dry for promenade. :sunbutt:

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Tea with white currant leaves and red currant berries.


There are currant bushes in my garden.

Yesterday I returned to the village for the weekend. Today I dug up the potatoes that grow behind my garden and put them in the cellar.I'll have to go back to the city tomorrow, but I don't want to do that. It's quieter in the village than in the city.

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15 hours ago, ComanderZhabikKlavik said:

Returned to the city. Not happy with this.

Changes is part of life. I believe, you'll handle this. And I'm pretty sure the city shall annoy you less in the near future when you'll get more financially independent. Maybe even you'll be able to buy your first car in couple years to drive to your village any weekend you wish. :winking-izzy:


I have a cup of sagaan dali after lunch.


I use my days off for an experiment. Logging how I spend all my time last 4 days for analysis. Results are... interesting.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Tea with ginger. Honey, walnuts and garlic are nearby. I sometimes drink ginger tea with garlic.

I think about whether I can support people. It seems to me that I may be bad at it, but recently I supported one person from a forum on fighting addiction (I do not want to say what addictions are fought on this forum) and gave some advice. He wrote that I instilled in him self-confidence.

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4 hours ago, aestheticloudice said:

Hello everyone! Hope you all having a great day:hug_day::coco:

Nice to see you with us. Enjoy the atmosphere and chats. But remember the only rule, please ^•^

On 2024-06-22 at 6:26 AM, Senior Butterscribbles said:

The rule is simple, to start a conversation you should post a pic of your cup of tea. :proud:


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23 minutes ago, Senior Butterscribbles said:

Nice to see you with us. Enjoy the atmosphere and chats. But remember the only rule, please ^•^


I would like to follow the rule, but the thing is I'm not used to drink tea, and when I tried to send my first message, i was confused as i don't know how to say this exactly. I'm sorry for not sharing a pic of a tea. :scoota-sad: Hope one day I'll try to buy one and share it to you the next time I send a message!! :coco:

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Good time, ponies ^•^

Long time no see. How are you being lately?

For me it was a difficult and wholesome week. I planned reconstruction works in our apartment, was experimenting with a new time management system and got pleased, worked on some challenging project on mah work and got pleased again. As a bonus had more nice chats with forummates than usual and got pleased even more :Pip-giggle:

Now planning to throw a party for friends tonight. Was going to do it last weekend but was busy. :pip-err:

(Me and mah lady are having some nice classic sencha during the breakfast :squee:)


On 2024-09-21 at 2:01 AM, ComanderZhabikKlavik said:

recently I supported one person from a forum on fighting addiction (I do not want to say what addictions are fought on this forum) and gave some advice. He wrote that I instilled in him self-confidence.

That was really nice of you. We should support our friends. It makes our bonds stronger and creates wholesome environment of mutual support. ^•^

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