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Pony High School (>RolePlay thread<)


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Breakneck Thunder confidently strode into the grounds of the school. Her wings neatly folded in. Her short multi-coloured hair flopping around in a bouncy fashion as she made her towards the entrace. Her royal blue orbs catching the attention of another pegasi pony.

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The bell rings just as lily finishes her art. She tucks the book under her wing and the pencil behind her ear. She looks around. Apart from a few pegasi, she was alone. She made her way to the first class of the day. Science.

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Breackneck Thunder, flicked her ears at the alarming noise of the school bells. She hustled around the other ponies, and gathered her things before heading into her home room. Although she preferred to fly around, she resigned to walking- flying would probably only cause more chaos in the hallway in which was already crowded and bustling with other mares and colts.

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Breakneak Thunder made her entrace into science class, casually seating herself near the middle section of the class room, and placed her books and writing tools on the table in a neat order so she easily have enoguh space to write in her notebooks while being to read from her text book.

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Lily stalked into the class room. She placed her books on the table next to some blue Pegasus. She started to doodle in her notepad as the teacher talked. Her horn aglow, she multitasked to take notes as well. She stretched her wings. Her art book fell to the floor, open to her latest art peice. It was a perfectly drawn picture of two ponies dancing.

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Breakneck Thunder focused on the science lesson, but boredum soon struck over her mind. 'I've learned all of this before, why can't the teachers teach something we don't know? ' She thought to herself, her brows furrowed in annoyance. Something glowing caught her attention now. She looked beside her, her blue irises studying the picure. She leaned over and picked it up. "Hey, is this yours?" She asked in a hushed tone, prodding the other pegasi.

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some blue pegasus poked lily in the middle of the lesson. lily saw the book in her hand. "oh, thank you so much." she said quietly, grabbing the book. she blushed "my name is lily, what is yours?" she asked, continuing to use her magic to multitask.

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Raincloud, realizing she was late for class, flew quickly through the hallways in order to make it there. Obviously, she was a new student, considering the fact that she had no idea where everything was. She observed the different room names, and finally saw the Science room, and made a sharp turn into the room. Unfortunatley, the filly hadn't slowed down enough, and crashed head first into the floor.


"S-Sorry... for being late..." she said, wobbling back up to her hooves.

Digi-pony :D

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Splinter opened the class door. His left eye was twitching and there were scratches on his face. ''Let's get this over with.. I've already been clawed by a Cat, Now I'm late for class.'' Splinter said while clenching his hoof.

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"oh really? well, ive been here a while. if you need help let me know." lily turned her attention to somepony behind her. he was scratched all over. "are you alright? those look painful" she asked him

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''CATS!'' Splinter Yelled While slamming his head against his desk. ''Cats Did this.'' Splinter said while looking at the Pink Mare.

Edited by The Scout
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"Well atleast you didn't crash face-first into the floor, " Cloud laughed to cheer him up, but was quickly shushed by the teacher.

Digi-pony :D

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lily was holding back giggles as she spent the rest of the double in science. when the bell finally went, she invited the three ponies from class to sit with her in the cafateria. "i normally sit alone, but i would love some company!"

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Splinter Received nothing but a rotten apple. ''Why was I cursed with bad luck?'' Splinter said while shrugging. He sat next to Lily.

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"Pretty much everywhere, Fillies out number Colts. I think some ponies did a research thingy on it." Raincloud said before taking a bite out of her carrot, but accidentally dropping it instead.


((Though it is true, there's like, 10 mares for every Stallion))

Edited by Otaku Chan

Digi-pony :D

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