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Incoming for an older, experienced soul.. :)

Poppa Pony

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Hella community, hella y' youngster ponies, fillies and colts. I've been here in this Celestia-given plain for many a year and come to know some truly great and nurturing fellas, ponies with confidence, kindness and dedication. As I trot by this forum of friends and new experiences I, Poppa Pony, come to give my two cents, my wisest experiences and grown nature. Now, I know y'all might be thinkin' I'm a bit old for all of this and such, that I'm just a weary old stallion past his mind, past his age but let me remind ya that don't go treatin' folks as such. I'm here to touch you all one for and make some lasting relationships in my old age; I'm here for some deep and rich conversation and magical experiences so don't be shy to butt yourself over toward me. I won't give ya my age but I will give you a story or how about two stories; so don't be sorry to ask me a thing or two. If you're ever in doubt, ever in trouble feel free to confide in me, and that's a pony-promise from me to you. The best of us are here so lets not bicker and bat, let's just have some good times y'all!

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Well welcome to the board :3 You should talk to a fella on here named Blue. I'm sure you two would get along well and have many merry nights discussing tales of the salty sea and your adventures upon it, so to speak.


I hope you enjoy your stay, and have plenty of fun.


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