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Fanstory Brainstorming and Critic/opinions


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If I get enough requests and my friends don't mind we may end up posting it on here.   Otherwise the only way to get the story is for us to e-mail it to you. (If that is okay, it it isn't then I will edit that out)


On another note, like the series, this fan story will be completely appropriate for all ages.  No vulgar language or inappropriate descriptions or anything.  All PG.


This is purely for fans sake, of both MLP and PI. So completely non-profit and anywhere we post it or show to people in RL we will state that very little to none of this is ours, except the OCs.  And credit any original sources.




Our fan story setting is about 10-15 years after the current place in the series (not taking into account possible events in season 4 and Equestria Girls)   Where the main 6 are much older and have children of their own now.  

 The fan story will follow the new generation and a series of story lines that we may do a "Chapters".   They will feature new breeds/locations/creatures and fan-made world of MLP:FiM.



Twilight Sparkle has created another new magic, which has begun only to show on new-born pones, so even pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake would not be affected, she cast a powerful spell of Diversity, giving markings to the ponies.  (Not to be confused with Cutie Marks)  And not all new-born ponies will not immediately start showing extravagant markings.   This she cast just after becoming and Alicorn. (Fanplot)


However this caused unrest and amnesty between some of the ponies in Equestria.  


That is the beginning mini-plot.



The problems we face before actually starting are on the breeds and the locations.   Obviously existing breeds and locations are fine.  But we need to flesh the fan-made one up a bit.



Breeds we are using (Original/PI):

(These are all taking into cosideration normal breeding/genetics and Lauren Faust's explanation of the Current MLP breeding system.)


Earth Pony:  Possesses Earth Magic

Good with anything involving the Earth and Land.  They have good connections with plants, animals and nature.   These ponies are better at gardening and food making that other breeds of ponies.  Also has general gifting in fashion and fame. (Not overly notable)


Pegasus Pony:  Possesses Pegasus Magic

Pegasus ponies are gifted in weather magic and an ability to walk on clouds.  Of course they can fly as well.  Physically gifted they can be quite adept athletes but can be matched by some Earth ponies.


Unicorn: Possesses Unicorn Magic

Unicorns are notably the most magical of the three basic breeds.  What they lack in physical strength they make up for with intellect.  Most unicorns only have a small magical ability in their natural talent.  Their horn contains all their magic, in instances where their horn has been "removed", blocked or rendered useless so is their magic.  Most notably the only original breed to use magic consciously.  (Whilst Earth and Pegsai use theirs unconsciously)


Alicorns: Possesses Earth, Pegasus and Unicorn Magic

Considered the "Royal" breed in Equestria.   They can use all three types of basic pony magics.  And it is stated that Alicorn status must be "Earned".    They are the most magical of the breeds, being known to have deep connections with animals, and more cosmic forms of nature, like the night/day cycles, and romance.    Their physical abilities are unknown, but it can be assumed by their lack of examples that it is not extraordinary. 



PI Breeds:

(PonyIsland.net breeds. Fan/story based breed descriptions)


Reindeer Pony: Possesses Forest Magic

Even more in touch with nature than Earth Ponies.  More graceful and agile than normal Earth Ponies as well.  But much shyer and secretive.  They great inner strength.  Unusual result of Earth and Fire Magic types. Usually Wild and Valkyrie.


Mountain Pony: Possesses Mountain Magic

These hardy ponies are suited more to tough weather coditions and heavy lifting.  They actually fair worse in clear conditions.  Steadfast and open, they have no secrets.  They are the unusual result of Earth and Air Types.  Usually Earth and Pegasus.


Flutter Pony: Possesses Flutter Magic

The weakest of the Air types.   They tend to flutter and hop around rather than really fly.   They are always optimistic and it takes a lot to get them down.


Fairy Pony: Possesses Fairy Magic

This air type is a more adept flyer than Pegasus Ponies.  They have a serenity that cannot be matched, they glide around lazily simmilar to Flutter Ponies.   They have almost as much magic as Unicorns.   (Very very rarely a Fairy pony may be born from a Flutter/Peg breeding)


Wishing Pony: Possesses Wishing Magic

These ponies are much more powerful than Alicorns.  They possesses both Unicorn and Fairy Magic, the strongest of both subtypes, while still only possessing normal Earth Magic.  Wishing types are a "Wild Card" Type for - Earth, Unicorn, Fairy.


Mer Pony: Possesses Mermaid Magic

Mer magic is not very well known.  (Not a big description)


Shell Pony: Possesses Shell Magic  (Debating on this breed)



Valkyrie Pony: Possesses Fire Magic

Currently the only Pony Breed that possesses Fire Magic.  They are easy to anger but their tempers cool quickly.   They like working with their hooves and always keep busy.



Fan breeds:


Wild Pony: Possesses Wild Magic

This type of Pony likes to be left alone, they don't live with normal ponies of any other types.   They have more luck with animals than other types do and are known to caueses land disaters, like earthquakes and mudslides.


Breed we are not using(PI):


Kirin Pony  Seems too much like a Dragon/Unicorn Cross.

Purr Pony Unrelaistic.  Rarity has a pet Cat.

Sea Pony Does not fit in with the way we have planned this Fanfic.

Mer Dragon Since we nixed Dragon ponies these are mute point.

Dragon Pony Unrealistic.  Twilight has a pet Dragon.  (Technically assistant)

Pheonix Pony Unrealistic.  Celestia has a pet Pheonix.




So then the problem we face is what other, MLP universe "Realistic", breeds we can have.


Earth Types: Earth Pony, Unicorn and Wild

Air Types: Pegasus, Flutter and Fairy

Water Types: MerPony, Shell(?), and ____

Fire Types: Valkyrie, ____, ____

Hybrid Type: Mountain, Reindeer, ____, ____, ____  

Magic Types: Alicorn, Wishing, ____, ____


(Unknown amount of Hybrid and Magic types)

Also.  Though  it is said that Changlings are not ponies and are more insect like.  In our stories we may create another Magic type that is in fact the Changlings.  Being: Gloomy + Fairy + Unicorn.


Sub magical types:

Crystal Ponies and Gloomy Ponies

Crystal ponies are a cannon sub type while Gloomies are a fan made subtype for this story.


Bringing back Breezies.  But they are not able to crossbreed.  :D




The next problem we have is a lack of new locations.


The challenge is coming up with unique names that do not sound ironic/cliche/lame.  Most fo the current locations themes are a pony breed/action with a popular city of fitting combo.  (Cloudsdale and Canterlot)


Names we have thought of:

Whinnipeg  ~ Whinny and Winnipeg

Salt Lick City  ~  Decribes itself

Corralina  ~  Corral and Carolina

Gelderland  ~ Ironically this is a real horse breed and name of a place!

Prance ~ A movent of horse and themed after France   (Possible name for the Sky Kingdom)

New Hamshire ~ New Hamsire and Shire


Thinking of re-using Aquatica for the underwater city from the original series.   Thinking of using "Breezy Villiage" for the Breezies.  And possibly using "Butterfly Island".



We still need:

Places for the Frozen North.


Name for a volcanic Island


Outerspace/celetial cosmic location for alien/star ponies (Secret/undeveloped)


And a  general idea of other locations.   Such as the name of the land of Dragons and the land of Griffins.   Also need a name for the "Sky Kingdom"  Where Wishing/Fairy/Flutter Ponies live.






Also "Filler/Extras" Ponies


If you would like to give us a description of a OC mlp of yours feel free!   We might use them in our story and give you credit!   Unless we ask permission they will mostly be filler/background ponies, keeping as true to your description as possible.  (IE, not putting them in a relation ship/or doing something they would otherwise not.)  (Think like Derpy Hooves and ScrewBall, who will both be in our story!)  


In fact my friend and I watched a fansode of MLP and her main char is going to be a decedent of the OC form the video!  :D



If you have any questions or comments feel free to post here or PM me.  <3

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As being one of Silane's friends taking part in this big project we want this to be a really big thing and try to make it as close to canon as we possible can at the same time have a lot of fun writing it. My part in this is introducing my own group of ponies that are part of a family-type of organization known as the Highertayle Clan (reason why it's my username wink.png ) that work in secret all around Equestria. 

I will have more information up as soon as I can.

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