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"Ponies in a Polka" A Mareie Melodies Cartoon (Script)


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I wrote a script for any MLP Fan Animators and Cartoonists who like to make cartoons. img-1899194-1-smile.png


Here it is:


*Merrie Melodies Theme Plays after Sheild Zoom*


Canter Bronies

(or whatever the animation studio is called depending on the username)








A _____________ CARTOON


*Reorchestrated Title Card Music from "Mouse Mazurka" plays*


“Ponies in a Polka”





Film Editor:



Voice Characterizations

Cast of Characters




Sweetie Belle


Babs Seed

And a very special guest


Written and Directed by




        *A piece of Hungarian Dance No. 7 plays*


        After fading in on the podium of a concerto, Octavia steps onto the top of the podium and then faces the audience.


Octavia: Mares and gentle colts, tonight, it gives us great pleasure that we present you with a ponified rendition of an old classic fairy tale, entitled: The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. To which, in this take of the original version, shall be called “The Three Little Fillies”. In our interpretation, we have cast called some young fillies to portray the roles of the three little pigs and one role for the big bad wolf. For two of the three little fillies, they will be played by some of the members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle.


         At the sound of the audience clapping, AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle galloped out onto the stage and faced the audience as they waved out to them. From the audience, you can see Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Rarity is clapping her hooves like a proper lady for Sweetie Belle while Applejack whistles and cheers for AppleBloom... albeit much to Rarity was being annoyed by it.




          The audience then stopped clapping


Octavia: For the third little, but smart filly, allow me to introduce, from all the way in Marehattan, AppleBloom’s Cousin, Babs Seed.


          Being her first time out on stage, Babs Seed was a little shy and embarrassed. But when she walked out, everyone was cheering for her. And that made her a little bit brave and in fact, even takes the initiative to be a showoff.


Octavia: Finally, the role of the big bad wolf, to which shall be a timberwolf, will be portrayed by the leader of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Scootaloo.


                Scootaloo then stage slides onto the middle of the stages and greets the audience with a rock start attitude.




                The audience remained surprised and silent by Scootaloo’s appearance. Except for Rainbow Dash, who totally supports Scootaloo and even gives her two thumbs up.


Rainbow Dash: YEAH! WHOO-HOOO! *whistles* BRING IT ON! WHOOOOO!


The Cutie mark Crusaders take their bows and proceed offstage to prepare for the concert.


Octavia: Also, in addition to the story, we will be setting it to the delightful music of the Hungarian Dances as composed by some pony we don’t even know. I think the name of the composer might be… Johannes Brahms. But either way, its music shall be used for tonight's performance.


            The orchestra beings to tune up for the concert as Octavia turns to the baton stand. Octavia then taps her baton on the stand to get the orchestra ready to play. But before she starts playing, she turns to the audience.


Octavia: As our story opens, we will find our three little fillies, building some respected houses…


            As Octavia raises her baton and faces the orchestra the scene fades out slowly.


            *A piece of Hungarian Dance No. 7 plays*


            The scene now opens to an open field as AppleBloom overlooks a design for a house. With her are some mixture bales of hay and straw and a box labed, CACME (Canterlot has A Company that Makes Everything) Pre-Fractured Straw House Kit.”


AppleBloom:  (turns to audience) Ah’m-a gunna build mah house outta straw and hay!


            *Hungarian Dance No. 5 plays*


            As the music begins to play, and while working to the music, AppleBloom started building her straw house by standing up a wire structure for the house. After setting up the structure, AppleBloom, quickly bushels the straw and hay over the structure, thus finishing the house of straw. AppleBloom shows off her finished straw house to the audience.


            *A piece of Hungarian Dance No. ## plays again as AppleBloom shows off her house.*


            (Scene Transition: Wipe)


             We now find Sweetie Belle with a bunch of little boxes labeled, “CACME Unused Popsicle Sticks”.


Sweetie Belle: (to audience) I’m going to build my house out of sticks… (shows audience a pile of popsicle boxes) Popsicle sticks to be exact.


          *Hungarian Dance No. 5 plays*


            As the music resumes playing, Sweetie Belle begins building her house out of popsicle sticks while doing it to the rhythm of the music. She first makes a line of sticks for part of one corner. As the music speeds up a little, Sweetie Belle base of the house and then makes the doorway. And when the music plays really fast, she swiftly and rapid builds the house made out of popsicle sticks. But just before setting one last stick, the whole popsicle stick house falls apart, much to her surprise.


Sweetie Belle: (to audience) Oops.


       (Scene Transition: Wipe)


        *A piece of Hungarian Dance No. 7 plays again during the transition.*


        Finally, we now find Babs Seed building a house out of bricks. She has a carpenter’s cap on her head. The brick house was nearing completion as she was finishing up the chimney.


Babs Seed: Ah, I ain’t no stool pony. I know how a house is really built over here. Ah’m buildin’ my house outta bricks.


       *Hungarian Dance No. 5 plays*


        As the music plays and to the rhythm and timing of the music, Babs Seed spreads some cement and stacks some bricks on top of the layer of cement. She layers cement and stacks bricks this two times to the timing of the music. Then we pan over to a tired stork who gazes over at Babs Seed as she slowly stacks the row of bricks. Babs smiles to her hard work as she finished the chimney. But then, just as the music finishes, the stork builds a nest on top of the chimney and on top of Babs, too. Then the eagle lay down on the nest as he began to relax. Before the stork could fall asleep, Babs enrages herself out of the nest and shoos the stork away!




                As the stork flew away, Babs huffed her mane. But after a few seconds…


                *Sound Effect: Bomb Drop Whistle*


                Babs heard something falling from the sky and looked up: The stork dropped an egg right on Babs and yolk had covered one of her eyes. She gives an irritated look to the audience.


Babs Seed: (referring to Stork flying away) Joik.


                (Cut to Scootaloo, offstage, wearing timberwolf outfit with a brown derby on her head as part of the costume.)


Scootaloo:  My big part’s coming up soon! When Rainbow Dash sees my performance, I bet she’ll make me her BPF and maybe even make me a Wonderbolt like her!


                As Scootaloo waits for her part to come, she doesn’t hear the sound of the backstage emergency exit begin opened. As she continues to wait, a strange shadowy figure emerges from behind. Scootaloo notices this. She turns around and to her surprise and fright; she sees a real-life timberwolf!


                But this timberwolf was different from any other timberwolf, he was standing on two feet, and hand hands for his two-front paws and most of all, he had pupils in his eyes and they were staring directly down at Scootaloo! The timberwolf gazed down at Scootaloo, who imagined her as a roast with an apple in her mouth and even being garnished with garlic and celery bits as well as being surrounded by carrots, onions, turnips, potatoes, and even radishes.


                The timberwolf licked his chops in delight, but Scootaloo, being scared, did the only thing she could: She dashed back to the dressing room, leaving only her derby behind. The timberwolf, bummed about Scootaloo getting away, picked up the derby in confusion. Suddenly,  The timberwolf found that there more than just one little pony: he noticed two more little ponies on stage: AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle! Then he heard Octavia’s narration and then cups an ear to listen in on the narration.


Octavia: (to the audience) As the first two little fillies dance, laugh and play, after finishing their houses, the third piggy had a foreboding feeling that danger was slowly approaching them.


                Octavia then turned back to the orchestra as she resumed conducting the music.


                *Hungarian Dance No. 7 plays*


Back on stage, AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle, whom after finishing their houses, start dancing around and laughing with each other to the music.


As the music continues to play, back off stage, the timber wolf’s eyes widened his jaw dropped and his tongue drooped in delight to see two more little ponies out on stage. He imagined AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle being in-between two burger buns as a Horse Burger. They were covered with a slice of cheese on top with bacon, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, ketchup and mayo!


Timberwolf: (moans in hunger and delight) MMMMMMMM-MMMMM! (licks his chops)

                The timberwolf then knew what was going on. There was a reenactment of the three little pigs going on, this time with ponies! The timberwolf looked at the derby as if it was part of a costume. And since he’s a real timberwolf, he decided to portray the part of the wolf himself! But he needed an additional outfit to make it look official; he spots a pair of raggedy pants and a pair of white gloves hanging from a dresser line. He grins as he rubs is hands together in a scheming, devious, planning sort of way. The Timberwolf suddenly hears the music stopping and hears Octavia narrating once more. We cut back to Octavia on the podium.


Octavia: As the two little ponies dance and played, little did they know that something… or someone was heading their way! The Big Bad Timber-wolf!


                *Fade Out*


                *Cut to a path in the forest*


                *Hungarian Dance No. 5 plays*


                The Big Bad Timberwolf, who was really the real timberwolf dressed in pants, gloves and a derby on his head, does a leg kicking dance as he dances his way down the path!


                He suddenly stops as did the music as he noticed that he was getting closer to the two little ponies, AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle.


               The music resumes as the wolf crept and snuck behind some trees. The music accompanied him as he snuck behind some of the trees. The music then played quickly as he quickly tiptoed across the plains to the next tree! The timberwolf continued sneaking behind the trees as he was getting closer to the ponies.


               Then the timber wolf quickly tiptoed into a bush! The timberwolf then slithered and slinked from bush to bush while being accompanied by the music. The timberwolf then tiptoed out of the bush and then without noticing where he was going, fell into a giant lake!


                The timberwolf grabbed the derby that was floating above the surface of the water and continued to sneak across the lake, undetected and underwater. The music accompanied the sound of bubbles as the wolf snuck across the lake slowly. Soon enough, once he was at the other side of the lake, he quickly tiptoed out of the lake and jumped behind a big, giant rock. The music stopped momentarily just as the timberwolf went behind the rock.


                Then the music started playing again as the wolf jumped out of the rock, now disguised as a gypsy, was dancing around playing with a tambourine as he danced towards AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle, who suddenly notice this! The gypsy-guised timberwolf then danced around the two ponies and he even did a fantastic twirl as the music sped up a bit. The two little ponies were amazed at how well she danced.


                Then, as they moved to the timing of the music, the gypsy-guised timberwolf began dancing away while trying to get AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle to follow him. This happens two times before the gypsy-guised timberwolf danced behind the large rock and motioned the two ponies to follow him, which to his delight, they did.


                Everything remained silent for a moment, before you can hear AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle gasp in fear! As the music resumed, a huge melee took place behind the rock! But AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle, both dressed in gypsy clothing, jumped out from behind the rock and danced to the up-tempoed music!


                As they danced away from the rock, they were suddenly ambushed by The Big Bad Timberwolf, who was really the real timberwolf, but he ditched his gypsy disguise and switched back to his original Big Bad Wolf Outfit! But now he was really sore that they tricked them! The Big Bad Timberwolf stepped closer as AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle stepped back a few steps as the Timberwolf closed in on them.

Soon enough, the Timberwolf tried to pounce on them, but AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle, jumped out of the way in time and dash off, leaving their gypsy disguises behind! But the Big Bad Timber wolf soon followed them, the moment they took off!


               AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle galloped away into AppleBloom’s Straw House, slamming the door behind them.  However, The Big Bad Timberwolf, remembering the old story, decided to not blow down the house, but instead burn it down with a match! As he lighted the house of straw and hay, it soon disintegrated. The Big Bad Timberwolf was surprised to see the whole house burn up in one light of fire.


                *Hungarian Dance No. 5 ends*


                *Hungarian Dance No. 6 starts playing*


                AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle, unharmed and safe, were also surprised to see that the house of straw and hay had been burned so quickly. Just then, what was left of the house, the door, suddenly opened and from it, The Big Bad Timberwolf poked his head right in through the door frame. He took a few steps closer to AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle, but they took a few steps away from the Big Bad Timberwolf.


                As the Big Bad Timberwolf was about to prepare to catch his prey, the two little ponies turned around as they tried to walk away as the music tempoed up a bit. But the Big Bad Timberwolf was still following from behind.


                The music got faster as The Big Bad Timberwolf and the two little ponies walked faster and faster. Then when the music got really fast, AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle started running away from the big bad timberwolf. The Big Bad Timberwolf, still followed the two little ponies, but now he’s walking very, very, fast! So fast, he didn’t see what was coming: Another door, the front door of Sweetie Belle’s House of Popsicle Sticks, that wasn’t quite built yet.


               Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle entered through the doorway and slammed the door behind them and the big bad timberwolf had bumped himself right into the door!  Being dazed from confusion, he turned around and fell over and hit the ground.


               Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were shocked to discover that the house of popsicle sticks still wasn’t built! So in a flash, they quickly built the house of popsicle sticks before the Big Bad Timberwolf showed up. However, they missed one popsicle stick for the roof of the house and to much to their back luck, The Big Bad Timberwolf had it. He lightly placed the popsicle on top of the missing spot of the roof of the house, causing the whole house of Popsicle Sticks to collapse once more.


                The two little ponies, surprised by the house being collapsed for the second time, saw the Big Bad Timberwolf standing right behind them and ran for their lives! Apple Bloom ran down the path across the fields until she ran behind a huge rock, as did Sweetie Belle from behind! The Big Bad Timberwolf was hot on their ponytails as he ran off, right past the spot where Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were hiding behind!


                The two little ponies poked their heads out from behind the rock to see if the big bad timberwolf was gone. But to their bad luck, the Big Bad Timberwolf also poked out as he looked at AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle with hunger in his eyes, licking his chops in delight! Now knowing that the big bad timberwolf was right behind them, they began running away like crazy as the big bad timberwolf chased them from behind as he tried to catch them!  Soon enough, they ran right for Babs Seed’s Brick House, ran inside and slammed the door from behind! And the Big Bad Timberwolf, once again slammed right into the front door, got dazed, and fell over on the ground on his back.


                *Hungarian Dance No. 6 stops playing*


                The Big Bad Timberwolf picked himself up after regaining consciousness, but now he was really mad as he prepared to charge towards the front door!


                *Hungarian Dance No. 6 resumes playing*


                He thrust himself at the front door 3 times and tried banging and kicking on the door to get it opened, but it was locked tight from the inside. Then resorting back to the original fairy tale, he took a few steps back and then he huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed and tried to blow down the brick house, but it the house remained intact. In fact, the little door front door opened and a hoof came out holding a bottle of Colgate Mouthwash.


                The Big Bad Timberwolf knocked the bottle of mouthwash away and then he resorted to his only option: He took a lot of steps back away from the front door to give him enough momentum and speed to break down the front door! Once the big bad timberwolf was a few distances away from the door, he proceeded to charge towards it! But as he got close, the big bad timberwolf suddenly slowed down and stopped, right at the front door.


                He forgotten to check the width and height of the front door to see if it was big enough for him to go through the doorway. Lucky for him, it was just his size. And so, the Big Bad Timberwolf, once again, took a lot of steps back away from the front door. And once he was far enough, he started charging towards the door! But while the Big Bad Timberwolf had his eyes closed as he charging towards the front door, inside of the house, Apple Bloom opened the door for him as he charged through the door way! Sweetie Belle had opened another door for the Big Bad Timberwolf as he charged past Sweetie Belle as well.


                But Babs Seed, well, before the Big Bad timberwolf could make it through the back door, she slowly closed the back door. And when it was closed, the Big Bad Timberwolf slammed himself once again at the door. The Big Bad Timberwolf vibrated himself away from hitting the back door. And when the back door finally opened, the Big Bad Timberwolf fell over, unconscious.


                *Hungarian Dance No. 7 plays briefly*


                We fade to the Three Little Ponies as with the Timberwolf now out of their house, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle start dancing around and laughing with each other to the music once again as Babs just loitered against the door frame. Meanwhile... over at a window...


                *Hungarian Dance No. 17 plays in a sad way*


                Outside of the window, you can see a poor widowed, homeless woman playing a violin while its snowing outside. Sweetie Belle and AppleBloom go up to the window and sees the poor woman outside in the cold.


                However, it wasn't really a poor old woman at all. It was the Big Bad Timberwolf in disguise again. And the snow wasn't really snow. It was just a container of powdered sugar held above the Timberwolf's head tied on to a stick. The Big Bad Timberwolf was playing Hungarian Dance No. 17 in a sad way just to lure the two little ponies into letting him inside.


                And to his luck, it worked: AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle felt tears in their eyes and they felt really bad for her. They decided to let her into the house. But when they went to front door, Babs Seed blocked it. She knew that there was something screwy going on. Babs refused to let them let the old woman in. But AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle pushed Babs out of the way as they let the old, homeless woman in. Babs hid behind the door and watched as AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle took in the old, poor, homeless woman.


                Just then...


                *Sound Effect: Telephone Ringing*


                Babs heard a telephone ringing. So she went up to the phone and answered it.


Babs Seed: Yea? *pause* Scootaloo? But how are you-? *pause* If you're not here, then who's-? *pause, Babs' confused look turns into a stern look as she turns to the direction of the poor, old, homeless woman* Is that so? Thanks, Scoots. I'll take care of 'im.


                Babs Seed hung up the phone and stomped right up to the old, poor, woman while AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle looked at him with sad looks on their faces.


                While they weren't looking, Babs lifts up her robe to see that she wasn't really an old woman at all. And she wasn't even playing the violin: it was actually a record being played! Now knowing of the Big Bad Timberwolf's trickery, she formed a devilish sneer and decided to trick him back by flipping over the record disc.


                *Hungarian Dance No. 17 stops briefly as Babs flips the record over*




                *Hungarian Dance No. 5 'Leg-Kicking Dance Music Part' plays*


                The Big Bad Timberwolf suddenly heard the dance music being played again. Confused by the music, he does his leg-kicking dance once again. But as he did, the result of his dancing caused his costume parts to fall off, revealing who really was! AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle were surprised by this as they saw that the old woman was really the Big Bad Timberwolf!


                *Hungarian Dance No. 5 'Leg-Kicking Dance Music Part' stops*


                When the music finally stopped, The Big Bad Timberwolf looked to see that he was no longer wearing his disguise. Babs Seed motioned AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle to run away as The Big Bad Wolf then took chase after the 3 little Ponies!


                *Hungarian Dance No. 6 starts again*


                The three little ponies ran up the stairs as the Big Bad Timberwolf took off after them!


                The three little ponies entered the room and slammed the door behind them, hoping to try and keep the Big Bad Timberwolf out! However, there was another door right next to them as the Big Bad Timberwolf entered the room and closed the door, hoping he had trapped the little ponies in the room with him. Soon enough, the little ponies and the Big Bad Timberwolf noticed they were both in the same room! The Three little ponies then ran off as the Big Bad Timberwolf continued the chase!


                Babs Seed opened up a lower part of a two-way door as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ran through the bottom part of the doorway with Babs Seed following from behind.


                The Big Bad Timberwolf tried to follow them, but he didn't see where he was going and he slammed his face right into the top part of the door, causing him to vibrate backwards and then fall over forward on the floor.


                Meanwhile, Babs Seed was running down the hall until she stopped in front of an elevator. Babs pushed a button as an elevator opened up for her. AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle were the first ones to enter. Soon enough, Babs noticed the big Bad Timberwolf catching up, so she quickly entered the elevator as the doors closed! The three little ponies rode the elevator down just as the Big Bad Timberwolf had caught up.


                The Big Bad Timberwolf then tried to go down the same elevator as he pushed the button to call for it. But when the elevator doors opened up and when he tried to step inside, he didn't notice that... there was no elevator!  The Big Bad Wolf then decided to wait until he got to the bottom, unknown to him that he was really falling down the empty elevator shaft!


                Soon enough, at the basement, where AppleBloom, Sweetie Belle and Babs Seed were...


                *Sound Effect: CRASH!*


                The elevator doors opened up and the Big Bad Timberwolf, who was dazed from having a lump on his head after falling to the bottom of the shaft, dizzily walked out of the elevator, tips his hat to the three little ponies and finally, falls at the feet to the three little ponies who then smiled triumphally at the Big Bad Timberwolf.


                *Iris Out on the Big Bad Timberwolf as Hungarian Dance No. 6 ends*




                Soon enough, the lights then brighten the stage to see that AppleBloom, Sweetie Belle and Babs Seed were standing in front of the stage. But the Big Bad Timberwolf wasn't there, but Scootaloo was in her big bad timberwolf costume. They smiled to the audience who was applauding loudly for their performances. Soon enough, they were joined by the maestro, Octavia who then walked in-between the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Soon enough, they all took their bows as the audience cheered for them as the curtain came to a close.


                Outside of the theater, The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Babs Seed all walked out of the building, commenting of their performance.


AppleBloom: Wow! That was quite a show, ya'll! You really gave it all ya got out on that there stage.

Sweetie Belle: Do you think we'll get our cutie marks for acting on stage?

AppleBloom: I hope so! We did our very best! You did great, too, Scootaloo! You were really acting like a real-life Timberwolf out there!

Scootaloo: Uh... guys? I didn't even make it out on the stage. I got ambushed!

Sweetie Belle: Aw, come on, Scootaloo! Don't tell me you chickened out and sent a stand-in for you. You did a really great job!

Babs Seed: Uh... I'm vouchin' for her, goils. She ain't fibbin'. Dat Timberwolf on stage... *huffs* wasn't... really... Scootaloo at all.

AppleBloom: Huh? Babs? What do you mean?

Sweetie Belle: You don't expect us to believe that there really was a real life Timberwolf out on stage now, was there?


                Suddenly, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Babs Seed heard a voice.


Voice: MMMMMMeeeeehhhhhhh... it's a possibly.


                They turned to see that there really was real-life timberwolf, standing on two legs! And boy, was he furious! The fillies then get scared and screamed as they ran for their lives with the REAL Big Bad Timberwolf chasing after them!


                *Russian Folk Dance Music that used in Looney Tunes Cartoons plays*


                The ponies ran around the Big Bad Timberwolf, trying to avoid being caught!


Male Chorus: (as the Big Bad Timberwolf tried to pounce on the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Babs, but they dodged him in time) HEY!


                The Big Bad Timberwolf chased them down the road as he tried to pounce on them!


Male Chorus: (as the Big Bad Timberwolf tried to pounce on the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Babs, but they dodged him in time again) HEY!


                The Big Bad Timberwolf chased them down the hill until they were all out of sight.  And after a few moments as the scene remained still, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Babs Seed then jumped up in front of the celestial moon in the sky.


Male Chorus, CMC and Babs Seed: (as the CMC and Babs Seed jumps up high, in front of the moon) HEY!


                And when they fall down, the cartoon... fades out. But only for a short time everything was black until...


*Insert Merrie Melodies Ending Theme*



“That's all Foalks!"




Well, I hoped you liked it. img-1899194-2-smile.png I tried to submit this at FiMFiction, but their stubborn rule of NO SCRIPTS ALLOWED gave me trouble. :/ So now I had to post it here.


I'm still awaiting a response from Equestria Daily. I submitted a copy of my script there and I haven't gotten a reply yet. Who else had troubles with Equestria Daily?

Edited by LooneyTunerIan
  • Brohoof 1
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Seems pretty good. I wish I could help animate etc, but alas I do not have the required skills at all. Still, I hope you find somepony to help there soon.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Thank you.


I hope so, too.


I worked hard on this for quite a while.


By the way, I've got a little trivia challenge to go with this script:


What cartoon was this script based on?

Edited by LooneyTunerIan
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