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Stare Master r63 version (Script Mode)


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Elusive: Were’d I put that? Oh I thought I already! And I can’t forget about! Ohh how will I ever get this done. (He is pacing around the boutique worried about an order).

Silver Belle: Are you sure I can’t help- I could


Silver Belle: Maybe just a

Elusive:No thanks!

Silver Belle: How bout?

Elusive:Just stand over there

Silver Belle: But…

Elusive:Where you’d be out of the way. Ribbon, ribbon, where’s the ribbon?

Silver Belle: I got it(he’s standing on a stool reaching to a high shelf to get the blue ribbon he then swats it causing it to fall down then Elusive freaks out causing the boutique to be very destroyed).

Silver Belle: I-i’ll just stand over there where I can be out of the way.

Elusive:(sighs) Then the main theme starts to play.

Silver Belle: Won’t you at least let me clean up?

Elusive: No you helped me quite enough today.

Silver Belle: I’m sorry bro I just thought that if I could help I could find my special gift and finally earn my cutie mark.

Elusive: I understand it’s just that I need this time to fill the order without any…..complications. Ok all done(he just finished fixing up the boutique after the ribbon incident). Now back to work. I’ve lost a lot of time and can’t have any more interruptions.

Ding dong(the doorbell rings)

Elusive:What now!!

Butterscotch: Oh, sorry I thought the open sign meant you were open but I must of been mistaken.

Elusive: Oh Butterscotch forgive me my good man,  I was so wrapped up in my work that I forgot you were bringing Alex home from his grooming.

Butterscotch: Don’t worry about it Elusive I left him here in this basket.

Alex hops out and purrs in front of Butterscotch and Elusive

Elusive: He looks great I just don’t understand how you’re able to do it. I just can’t get anywhere near him without being swiped by his claws.

Alex hisses and swipes at Elusive.

Elusive: Did you use the stare on him?!

Butterscotch: Oh no I wouldn’t, I couldn’t. I don’t really have control over it when it happens it just happens. No I’m just good with animals it’s my special gift you know.

Elusive: Well you should have a picture of Alex as a cutie mark instead of those butterflies.

Silver Belle: Ohh ohh ohh maybe I could be good with animals too.(Alex swipes at Silver Belle)Or not.

Elusive and Butterscotch: Ha ha ha ha

Elusive: I’m sorry I can’t invite you to stay and chat Butterscotch I bit off a little more than I can chew with this order.

Silver Belle: But you’re not eating anything?

Elusive: No Silver it’s an expression meaning that I’ve taken more work than I can handle. I’ve got 20 of these special towels I need to make tonight they’re due in Trottingham tomorrow morning!

Butterscotch: (Gasps)

Elusive: See I’ve given them a special gold silk it took so long to make but I think it adds just the right touch don’t you think.

Butterscotch: These are gorgeous but 20 by tonight how would you get it all done.

Elusive: Well I…..

Silver Belle: Ohh ohhh ohhh maybe I could…. just stand over here and watch.

Elusive: I’d manage.

Butterscotch: Maybe I should get out of your mane so you can work.

Apple Buck and Scootaroll: Hey Butterscotch, Sup’ Elusive

Elusive: Oh hello boys.

Apple Buck and Scootaroll: Hey Silver Belle.

Silver Belle: Scootaroll, Apple Buck

Scootaroll: You ready for tonight

Silver Belle: Yep cutie mark planning session is a go!

Apple Buck: Tonight’s the night we each try to find our own special talents.

Scootaroll: Even if it takes us all night.

Apple Buck: I’m ready are you ready.

Scootaroll: Very ready

Apple Buck, Silver Belle, and Scootaroll: Sleepover at Elusive’s yay!

Silver Belle: And…look what I made us.

Apple Buck and Scootaroll: Woah cool

Butterscotch:What does that patch on your cape mean?

Together: The cutie mark crusaders!! Yay!!

Scootaroll: We’re on a crusade a mission.

Apple Buck: To find our cutie marks.

Silver Belle: Yep and look I’ve aligned them with this special gold silk it took so long to make but I think it adds just the right touch.. don’t you.  Elusive then freaks out then runs over to the gold fabric and notices that three square holes are left in it where Silver Belle cut out the capes for the group.

Elusive: Silver Belle what the hell have you done!? That was the last of the gold silk! Now I’ll have to make more! Oh I hope I could make more I’ll have to work all night. Which means sorry guys but I’m afraid the crusaders sleepover is cancelled.

Silver Belle: WHAT!!!

Elusive: I just won’t have enough time to watch you if I want to get these towels delivered on time.

Silver Belle: But

Elusive: No buts this time Silver Belle it’s just the way it has to be.

Crusaders: Awwwww!

Butterscotch: I suppose I could take them for the night

Elusive: Oh no I couldn’t ask you to do that.

Butterscotch: Oh it’s no problem at all.

Elusive: Have you met my brother and his friends a problem is all it would be.

Butterscotch: Did I have a problem with Alex? You’ve seen how well I handle small creatures.

Elusive: Well I suppose that’s true and I do have a lot of work to do

Butterscotch: Come on it will be fun.

Elusive: I assure you they’re quite a handful.

Butterscotch: These good little angels.

Elusive: Well…..

Butterscotch sighs.

Elusive: Well alright.

Crusaders: Cutie mark crusaders sleepover at Butterscotch’s cottage!!!!! Yay!!!!!

Butterscotch: Wait for me.

Butterscotch : Oh won’t this be fun. We can have a nice little campfire, we can tell stories, sit quietly and color, and listen to some tunes.

Crusaders: Zoom past Dusk walking through town.

Dusk: Hello Butterscotch

Butterscotch: Oh hello there Dusk where are you off.

Dusk: I’m heading to the everfree forest to Zecoro’s to get some of my favorite tea.

Butterscotch: The everfree forest, You’ll be careful won’t you.

Dusk:Of course how ‘bout you what are you doing with the boys.

Butterscotch: Elusive had a big order to fill so I volunteered to take them for a sleepover.

Dusk: Wow it sounds like everypony has their hooves full today. Taking care of those three little colts all by yourself are you sure you can handle it?

Butterscotch: What these three little angels they’ll be no problem at all.

Silver Belle: Wow look at this place.

Crusaders: Wow look at that(then they carry on with random shouting).

Butterscotch: No problem at all Ok boys what should we do?

Scootaroll: I’m going to get mine first

Silver Belle: Nuh uh

Apple Buck: I am!

Butterscotch: Now boys

Scootaroll: I’m staying up all nightt

Apple Buck: Me too.

Silver Belle: Me three!

Butterscotch: I know you’re excited but, boys. Oh careful with that(Apple Buck is tipping over a chair).Oh uh boys(Silver Belle got his head stuck in a bird house). So what do you want to do, play a game?

Scootaroll: We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders,

Apple Buck: and we want to crusade for our cutie marks

Silver Belle: and and and um what they said

Butterscotch: Um I don’t know how about a nice quiet little campfire.

Scootaroll: Or we could go adventuring in the everfree forest.

Apple Buck and Silver Belle: Yeah!!

Butterscotch: Oh no the Everfree forest is much too dangerous it’s full of far too many strange creatures.

Silver Belle: But you can come with us and we could fight those creatures. We could be um…. Creature Fighters!Yay Cutie Mark Crusader Creature Fighters.

Apple Buck and Scootaroll: Rawr I’m a dangerous creature from the Everfree forest rawr!

Silver Belle: Halt dangerous creature of the Everfree forest I’m Silver Belle the creature fighter and I’m here to fight you.Apple Buck and Scootaroll: You could never defeat me, I’m far too powerful and dangerous

Silver Belle: You can’t run from me.

Apple Buck and Scootaroll:Rawr

Silver Belle: Haha ha ha ha
Butterscotch: Oh maybe that’s not such a good idea. Now boys(they are now running around the room ignoring Butterscotch). How bout we do some nice coloring.

Silver Belle: No, ( Silver Belle hops on Butterscotch’s head) come back dangerous creature I need to defeat you.

Apple Buck and Scootaroll:Never.

Butterscotch: Don’t..don’t, break anything.

Silver Belle: Sorry Butterscotch.

Scootaroll: Yeah sorry

Apple Buck: I guess we aren’t creature fighters.

Butterscotch: Oh boys it’s Ok I---

Apple Buck:I know we could be Cutie Mark Crusader carpenters.

Butterscotch: Carpenters?!

Apple Buck:Hammer


Silver Belle: Hammer

Scootaroll: Hammer

Scootaroll: Hammer, Hammer.(They bow then get to work on the broken table making loud driller noises bothering the animals and Butterscotch).

Silver Belle: That doesn’t look like a table.

Scootaroll: We were making a table?

Apple Buck: Somepony needs to put this thing out of it’s misery.

Scootaroll: We are definitely not Cutie Mark Crusader carpenters.

Silver Belle: Who wants a picture of a hammer on their flank anyways.

Butterscotch: Well now that we gotten that out of the way, how about a game?

Apple Buck: A game?

Butterscotch: It’s called Shhhhhhh.

Scootaroll: What’s that?

Butterscotch: It’s a game of who can be quiet the longest, sound fun? I’m a world champ you know but you can’t beat me(squee).

Crusaders: I lose, me too, me three


Apple Buck: How bout Cutie Mark Crusader coal miners.

Silver Belle and Scootaroll: Yeah!!!

Butterscotch: No!!!!

Crusaders: Awww!

Butterscotch: I mean time for bed don’t you think. Aren’t you excited to get all nice and warm in your snuggly wuggly little beds.

Apple Buck: Snuggly wuggly, but we have more crusading to do.

Scootaroll: We have plans.

Silver Belle: And capes.

Butterscotch: Maybe the crusading can wait till morning. When it’s light and not so dark.

Apple Buck: How are we going to find our special talent in our sleep?

Butterscotch: Maybe you’ll have an awesome little dream about your special talent.

Scootaroll: But we’re not even tired.

Butterscotch: How bout I sing you a lyabi.

Crusaders: Uhm, Yeah

Butterscotch sings then Silver Belle takes over song on Youtube.

(Chickens then start to cluck)

Scootaroll: What’s that?

Butterscotch: Boys?!

Apple Buck: Butterscotch Your chickens are on the loose!
Silver Belle: I wonder what could of caused it?

Apple Buck and Scootaroll are looking at him mad like.

Scootaroll: Don’t worry Butterscotch the Cutie Mark Crusaders can handle this.

Silver Belle: Cutie Mark Crusader chicken headers!Yay!

Butterscotch: No I don’t think that’s… come back!!

Crusaders: (shouting while chasing chickens)

Butterscotch: Cmon boys come back, boys!, BOYS!!!!! C’mon in you go (death stare because chickens won’t go in the pin).There are some good chickens. OK you three isn’t it about time you get into bed.

Crusaders: But!!!

Butterscotch: Please?So no more crusading for tonight alright.

Scootaroll: Yes Butterscotch.

Silver Belle: We promise Butterscotch.

Apple Buck: Goodnight Buttersca.

Butterscotch: Ok goodnight.

They each blink open one eye.

Silver Belle: Ok what kind of crusading should we do next?

Apple Buck: There’s not much we could do from this room unless we become Cutie Mark Crusader carpet cleaners.

Silver Belle:No thanks.

Apple Buck: Well we gotta think of something we can’t just waste this opportunity to find out what our special talents are. Hey boys look one of the chickens made an escape into the forest.

Crusaders: Cutie Mark Crusader chicken rescuers at go.(quietly because they’re suppose to be asleep).

Butterscotch: I really wasn’t that hard all I needed to do was show them who’s in charge. Nothing’s going to get past Butterscotch good with animals good with kids.(The Crusaders then sneak out of the cottage to follow and save the chicken.)

(Scootaroll’s cape tears on the fence)
Scootaroll: Wait up!

Butterscotch: Um peace and quiet, (gasps) too quiet. Boys?! Boys?! Easternibeak he’s missing! Boys!? (Oh no they must of gone looking for my missing chicken and they went into the Everfree forest(gulp). Those boys have really done it this time they really bitten off more than they could chew. Oh just like me I should of never offered to watch them.(breathes deeply then enters the Everfree forest).

Apple Buck: Here chicken bawk bawk bawk bawk.

Scootaroll: What are you doing?

Apple Buck: Callin’ for the chicken.

Scootaroll: That is not how you call a chicken!

Apple Buck: And you know how to call a chicken!

Scootaroll: I know that’s not the way.

Apple Buck: Then show me!

Scootaroll: I don’t have to show you!

Apple Buck: You’re just chicken.

Scootaroll: Am not!

Apple Buck: Oh now I know how to call a chicken, Scootaroll Scoot scootroll.

Scootaroll: That’s so funny I forgot to laugh!

Apple Buck: You also forgot how to call a chicken.

Scootaroll: Why you!

Silver Belle: C’mon guys we’re not going to get our cutie marks our find the chicken by arguing.

Apple Buck: Maybe that’s our special talent arguing.

Scootaroll: Is not!

Apple Buck: Is to!

Scootaroll: Is not!

Apple Buck: Is to! Anything yet?

Scootaroll: Nope.

Apple Buck: Darn

(Then Apple Buck and Scootaroll start laughing).

Apple Buck: Here chick chick chick bawk bawk bawk.

Butterscotch: Boys? Boys? Get a hold of yourself Butterscotch, put one hoof in front of another.(He then steps on a brance and freaks out then rams into a tree backwards then finds Dusk but he’s made of stone). Dusk is that you, oh Dusk it is you. Thank goodness you’re here I need your help the boys are missing. What’s happened to you you’re stone and that would mean oh no the boys! Don’t worry I’ll be back for you Dusk.

Scootaroll: Is not

Apple Buck: Is too.

Scootaroll: Is not.

Apple Buck: Is too.

Silver Belle: Boys our special talent is not arguing, besides what would a cutie mark of a pony arguing even look like?

Butterscotch: Boys, Boys

Silver Belle: Butterscotch!

Butterscotch: Boys thank goodness I found you!

Apple Buck: Buttersca, what?

Butterscotch: We have to leave the forest at once!

Silver Belle: But we haven’t found the chicken yet.

Butterscotch: There’s no time there’s a cockitrice on the loose.

Apple Buck: A cocka-whatnow

Butterscotch: A cockitrice a dangerous creature with the head of a chicken and the body of a snake.

Scootaroll: Head of a chicken and body of a snake that doesn’t sound scary that sounds silly.
Apple Buck: If I ever saw one of those cocka thingeys face to face I would laugh at how silly is was.

Butterscotch: No never look one straight in the eye.

Crusaders: The Chicken!

Butterscotch: Boys wait!

Crusaders: Here Chick chick chick.(All Clucking)

Silver Belle: There he is.

Scootaroll: Two chickens!?

Apple Buck: I thought only one escaped. Grab them both!

(Then the cockitrice revealed itself by going out of the bush and showing it’s long snake tail).(Then it turns the chicken into stone.

Crusaders: Ahhh aah ahhhhhhh!(Then they all trip over a rock).Next they see Dusk getting slimed on by a snail.

Butterscotch: See now we got to.

Crusaders:AHHHHHHHHH ahhh ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Butterscotch: Boys please.

The crusaders are still freaked out by seeing the stone chicken and Dusk.

Butterscotch: Boys behind me now!!!! He then starts to talk to the monster. Who do you think you are turning others into stone. The cockatrice then tries its’s best to turn Butterscotch into stone. You should be ashamed of yourself. I have a mind to find your father and tell him what you’ve been up to young lady. Now go over there and turn Easternabeak and my friend Dusk back to normal. You better never let me catch you doing this again. Do you understand me? Then the cockatrice returns Dusk and the chicken back to normal. Are you boys alright I was so worried?

Scootaroll: Yeah fine.

Silver Belle: Thanks to that stare of yours.

Scootaroll: You’re like the kings of stares.

Crusaders: You’re the stare master!

Silver Belle: We’re sorry we snuck out of the house and into the forest.

Apple Buck: Yeah we’ll listen to you for now on.

Scootaroll: Yeah we promise.

Butterscotch: Well you do… do you… you better or I’ll give you the STARE!!!!!!!

All start to laugh.

Dusk: What-what happened.

The chicken is now in the dirt trying to get free.

The crusaders are now running around Butterscotch's yard laughing.

Butterscotch: That’s when it brought you back from stone.

Dusk: This will make quite a letter to the prince. I was wrong about you, you actually do know how to handle those boys.

Butterscotch: I wouldn’t go that far.

Dusk: Hmm, how so.

Butterscotch: I assumed I’d be just as good with kids as I am with animals boy was I wrong. I really learned the hard way not to bite off more than I can chew.

Dusk: You and Elusive both. Good morning Elusive.

Butterscotch: Did you finish all those capes.

Elusive: (sighs) Just delivered them. I would have to admit if you hadn’t come along I may have not have, thanks again.

Butterscotch: Won’t you stay for some tea?

Elusive: I really must get back to the shop to clean up. Boys get your things time to go. Boys, boys(they were ignoring Elusive).

Butterscotch: Allow me, boys

Crusaders: Yes Butterscotch, you called

Butterscotch: Go and get your things Elusive is taking you home.

Silver Belle: Of course Butterscotch right away.

Elusive: H-how did you-how did you do that.

Butterscotch: I guess I’m just as good with kids as I am with animals.

Crusaders: Thanks Butterscotch, see ya stare master.

Elusive: Speaking of which can I get your help with Alex?

Butterscotch: Of course how bout later today.

Elusive: How about right now.(Alex just scratched Elusive’s back with his claws).



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