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Spess' Blog

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My little OC

I was bored, so I decided to compose a song dedicated to all the black and red Alicorn OCs out there. It's written in Allcaps to give you a real feel of how the song is meant to be sung. Enjoy     MY LITTLE OC MY LITTLE OC   AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH   MY LITTLE OC I USED TO WONDER WHAT BADASS COULD BE MY LITTLE OC IT'S A BLACK AND RED ALICORN PONY   FUCKING LAZERS TONS OF GUNS A MYSTERIOUS PAST EDGY AND STRONG   RAPING CANON IS AN EASY FEAT AND SHIPPING MAKES IT ALL COMPLETE   MY



Spess Mehreens!

Ok,first things first, don't listen to anything I say in the future, because I am a fickle bastard. Looks like that leave I was taking lasted a grand total of 2 days. You guys must be such charmers to have me come back so fast   Secondly, I've decided to actually live up to my avatar and username, and make a Warhammer 40,000 army. Specifically, Space Marines. Specifically specifically, Dark Angel Space Marines. So here's my first Battle brother, I thought you guys might want to see him.  



Going AFK

Some of you guys may have noticed that I've been posting less and less on these forums. There are numerous reasons for this (a few being that I'm completely bogged down with collage work and my new job, plus my ongoing battle with eczema) but the main reason for this is that, well, my interest in ponies has waned a little. I don't know. Alot of the topics on these days seem a little stale to me. No one seems to want to talk to me.   So before I go off into the self-loathing bullcrap that no-on



Italics, Bold and coloured text.

I have this certain voice in my head that I read most people's posts in (I'm not crazy), but when someone changes that text, the voice in my head changes. For example, ANY POSTS IN ALL CAPS I READ IN AN ANGRY 12 YEAR OLD'S VOICE, or any of Scootlove's posts I read in a really soft breezy voice (Because italics are soft and breezy, according to my brain.)   I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed this.   Btw what do you guys think of my sexy new avatar?



My place on MLP forums

So, after a week on holiday to Cornwall in the South-West of sunny (and rainy) England, I finally arrived back home today, looking forward to catching up with all my friends on my favorite forums on the entire internet.   And that isn't just me pandering to Feld0 either. I love these forums and I love u guise. You're all awesome, open minded, wonderful people.   Admittedly, I did post ONCE while I was away quickly, but I didn't really stay for more than a couple of minutes. There's no room



I don't know how to react - Can someone tell me how to react?

As a brony, I've always prided myself for my tolerance. I've stood up for and defended things that are abhorrent by society's standards, and I pride myself on that. 'If it's not hurting anyone, there's nothing wrong with it'. That's always been my motto.   But for the first time since I've joined this fandom, that motto has been brought into question. In all my 4 or so years surfing the internet, I've never encountered something like this. I've literally sat here for 10 minutes slamming my hea



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