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Changeling Queens, Kings, and Other Special Types

As to not make the previous post too long I decided to put all of the details regarding special changeling types into their own post. Most players playing a changeling will play a standard changeling, but might know about these special types and use them as secondary or background characters. Note that I don't consider most of the Other types cannon in my own works, but I have encountered them on the forums so I'll provide information on them, and recommend more lore-friendly alternatives.

The Plan (follow up from my last blog post)

So firstly I want to say that I'm feeling so much better than before, well other than a bit of coughing sometimes.    Secondly, in my last blog post I hinted at what I was going to do going forward concerning finances. The plan is to sell mostly prebuilt gaming computers and the occasional separate component if I'm unable to use it myself.  I already have some stuff that can still catch a decent chunk of money, so if I basically put that all together I can use it as a starter

Espy Vibe

Espy Vibe in personal life

Another Doodle! :3

Another doodle of Rebel, courtesy of math class boredom!  Rebel's backstory: Rebel is a demon from the Underworld who was commanded by his uncle to terrorize and torment the humans of the mortal world. One day, Rebel saved a human boy his age from drowning in a nearby lake following a motorcycle crash, feeling ashamed and guilty for "betraying" his kind, he left, for fear his uncle would exile him and see him as a traitor. He took the boy he rescued with him, seeing as he fel

Uspavanka za Aćima (Na Slovo Na Slovo) Organ Cover

Here's the end credits (Uspavanka za Aćima/Aćim's Lullaby) from the popular children's TV series from former Yugoslavia, Na Slovo Na Slovo, on the Organ. Enjoy.  Special Thanks to the following members for supporting me on BMC (Buy Me a Coffee): [Ultimate Fan] Big Mama & Ncard00 [Hardcore Fan] BosnyanDave [Enthusiast Fan] Tronald Dump [Moderate Fan] Jesh PK, Wouter & Juke Denton If you enjoy my content as much as they do and myself, then join them here

Jonny Music

Jonny Music in Organ Covers

Na Slovo Na Slovo Organ Cover

Here's the opening theme from the popular children's TV series from former Yugoslavia, Na Slovo Na Slovo, on the Organ. Enjoy.  Special Thanks to the following members for supporting me on BMC (Buy Me a Coffee): [Ultimate Fan] Big Mama & Ncard00 [Hardcore Fan] BosnyanDave [Enthusiast Fan] Tronald Dump [Moderate Fan] Jesh PK, Wouter & Juke Denton If you enjoy my content as much as they do and myself, then join them here or buy me a coffee: http://www.buy

Jonny Music

Jonny Music in Organ Covers

What you're made of

But David, we wonder We wonder if the thunder Is ever really gonna begin Artist "Leave me alone Because I'm alright, dad Surprised to still Be on my own..."       And if the people stare Then the people stare I really don't know and I really don't care      


abronymouse in 2nd February

Rising Shine in Numbers 2.0(2nd February 2025)

Content Count: 3.456 Posts made, that counted.(+3) Day's Won: 7 Days having the most brohoofed content.(--)(No longer available) Last day having most brohoofed content: 30th December 2014(No longer available) Ammount of Brohoofs: 55.769 Brohoofs received(+265) Followers: 440 Users following me.(+0) Friends: 35(+0) Forum Rank: Yak(--) Profile Views: 913.088 times User watched my profile.(+10.689) Last 6 Visitors: @Silly Druid Samurai Equine @

Deae Rising Shine~

Deae Rising Shine~ in stats

My Updated Top 10 Favorite Episodes of Tell Your Tale List

So yeah, remember that list I did of my Top 10 favorite episodes of Tell Your Tale way back when? https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow/art/MLP-G5-Top-10-Tell-Your-Tale-Episodes-2022-970898862 I decided to give that list a much needed update.  https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow/art/MLP-G5-New-Top-10-Tell-Your-Tale-Episodes-2025-1153964158 This also includes a ranking of every episode of the show, hope you enjoy. 

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Reviews

The 10 Years Milestone

Hello my little fellas! Today is the Day. 10 years ago I came here to meet some pen-pals and learn English. Or it wasn't me but another Crypty, now it's hard to say... Today I'm feeling nostalgic and want to make a note. There's no magical tale to tell nor deeds to be proud, but today I want to left at least any brief note. On this road I grew up, met friends, lost them all, regain some of them who are truly golden grains in sandy desert I crossed. I found love and lost it. I

Reviving Hollow Bastion (Kingdom Hearts II) Organ Cover [BMC Request]

Here's Reviving Hollow Bastion from Kingdom Hearts II on the Organ. A BMC Request. Enjoy.  Special Thanks to the following members for supporting me on BMC (Buy Me a Coffee): [Ultimate Fan] Juke Denton, Big Mama & Ncard00 [Hardcore Fan] BosnyanDave [Enthusiast Fan] Tronald Dump [Moderate Fan] Jesh PK & Wouter If you enjoy my content as much as they do and myself, then join them here or buy me a coffee: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/jonnymusic And don

Grasser and Copper

Grasser. One who gives information. A "squealer" or "squeaker". The origin derives from rhyming slang: grasshopper – copper; a "grass" or "grasser" tells the "copper" or policeman. Copper. The term copper was the original word, used in Britain to mean "someone who captures". In British English, the term cop is recorded (Shorter Oxford Dictionary) in the sense of 'to capture' from 1704, derived from the Latin capere via the Old French caper. -------   All I see are two bright

Big announcements everypony!

I have some announcements about me, there are a couple projects that involve me, @Ice Princess Silky <3 is making a game and I was asked if I'd like my ponysona Saturn Ring to be an NPC, this is legitimately so cool, and I can't wait for others to see something of mine in a game!  And my friend @Lawyer Slip is thinking of making a digital comic series and has asked me to voice my OC Ghostie Brightlight! This is legitimately another SUPER cool thing *sheds a tear of joy*   

Eyewitness Intro Opening Theme Organ Cover [BMC Request]

To celebrate BMC Member Juke Denton's 100th overall paid request, here's the Eyewitness Intro Opening Theme on the Organ. A collab with My Sheet Music Transcriptions. Enjoy.  Special Thanks to the following members for supporting me on BMC (Buy Me a Coffee): [Ultimate Fan] Juke Denton (requester), Big Mama & Ncard00 [Hardcore Fan] BosnyanDave [Enthusiast Fan] Tronald Dump [Moderate Fan] Jesh PK & Wouter If you enjoy my content as much as they do and mys


Exactly what Changelings are and how they operate is something that few people here on the forums have a concrete consensus on, at least in my experience in the Roleplay section. This is additionally complicated by the introduction of 'Reformed' Changelings, which I will discuss at the end of this post. I personally derive most of my changeling functionality from the FiMFiction story, A Novel Tale, but I have made some modifications. For the sake of clarity, I will write here assuming that

Wild Manes Review

Quick note, the reason this review is being made now despite the fact that I wanted to review the show when it was done with its initial order of forty episodes is because it's now gone on two hiatuses out of the blue. Feel there's no point in waiting anymore, especially since I want to do an updated list of my Top 10 Tell Your Tale episodes some time in the near future, so here we go. https://www.deviantart.com/mistybrightshadow/art/Wild-Manes-Review-Wildly-Mediocre-1151367537 Don't e

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Reviews

These Eyes (The Guess Who) Organ Cover

Here's These Eyes by The Guess Who on the Organ. Enjoy.  Special Thanks to the following members for supporting me on BMC (Buy Me a Coffee): [Ultimate Fan] Juke Denton, Big Mama & Ncard00 [Hardcore Fan] BosnyanDave [Enthusiast Fan] Tronald Dump [Moderate Fan] Jesh PK & Wouter If you enjoy my content as much as they do and myself, then join them here or buy me a coffee: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/jonnymusic And don't forget the wishlist too! Here i

Marks and Coming of Age for Non-Ponies Part 2

Continuing from part 1   Changelings This differs from hive to hive, and builds off of my own fanon for how changeling operate (Which is inspired in large part by the story A Novel Tale) which I will detail extensively in a later blog post. Changelings are born or hatched with certain attributes commonly called 'predispositions'. These can vary from subtle to obvious but tend to be similar among those grown in the same cocoon with minor variations. These predispositions often

Illiad Easle

Illiad Easle in Mechanics

I found a picture of you

The powers that be That force us to live like we do Bring me to my knees When I see what they've done to you Artist       Dawn is a sunrise. We get it. Just. Write. What. They. Are. Saying.   *waves wand* Now very "union" becomes "unicorn!" you are welcome  European Unicorn Artist The Unicorn Jack Artist Unicorn of Soviet Socialist Republics Artist   [hr]

We Are The Champions (Queen) Organ Cover [BMC Request]

Here's We Are The Champions by Queen on the Organ. A BMC Request. Enjoy.  Special Thanks to the following members for supporting me on BMC (Buy Me a Coffee): [Ultimate Fan] Juke Denton, Big Mama & Ncard00 (requester) [Hardcore Fan] BosnyanDave [Enthusiast Fan] Tronald Dump [Moderate Fan] Jesh PK & Wouter If you enjoy my content as much as they do and myself, then join them here or buy me a coffee: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/jonnymusic And don't fo

Main Theme (TADC) Organ Live MIDI Performance

Here's Jonny performing the Main Theme from The Amazing Digital Circus via an Organ Live MIDI Performance on a Viscount Cantorum Uno Plus. Enjoy.  Special Thanks to the following members for supporting me on BMC (Buy Me a Coffee): [Ultimate Fan] Juke Denton, Big Mama & Ncard00 [Hardcore Fan] BosnyanDave [Enthusiast Fan] Tronald Dump [Moderate Fan] Jesh PK & Wouter If you enjoy my content as much as they do and myself, then join them here or buy me a cof

I'm not gone: where I've been + life update

Hey everyone, I'm not totally gone! If you haven't noticed, I disappeared within the first or second week of January this year. I was supposed to announce the winners of the last art contest but couldn't get around to it, so thank you @Dynamo Pad for doing it for me and congrats to everyone involved!   So, where have I been? I've just been very, very sick. To keep it as short as possible, I'd gotten sick since this new years started. I think I picked it up from my sister
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