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Nearly A Year to the Day...

I offhandedly started this blog almost an entire year ago, with intentions of, well, actually using it. Perhaps predictably, that didn't happen. Is this my second effort? Another one-off post? I don't truly know; but I do know that I wanted to use it this time, to speak a bit about my life to anyone whom might take the time to listen. I don't know if I'm hoping for a response, or if I just need to spill a couple things out. I suppose I'll start with the latter and see how things go from there.



I never knew these existed

These blogs, that is. Perhaps I should learn to look around more? I love reading a well written blog post, and I can't wait to discover what the members of this wonderful community have to offer in their own blogs.   Well, I suppose I should get on with actual blogging. Except I'm not very good at that, whatever it means. I would assume blogs are supposed to talk about something interesting, generally having a main focus point and perhaps useful information. Maybe some are just online diaries,



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