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About this blog

Will blog about things in my life or randomness, who knows what wonders will come from this blog!

Entries in this blog

Art Feature #10

Source: Pinkie Pie meets a chick   Today I'm featuring a great artist here on the forums, Suntouched Coco's drawing 'Pinkie Pie meets a chick' !   I love Coco's art style, the linework is fantastic, traditional art types are among the best types in my opinion, and this drawing is a great example!   Great work!



Chaos' Art #2

Alrighty, I have another drawing, this time with Vicke's OC, and one of my OCs.               So the most difficult thing in this picture to do was probably the cutie mark of Vicke's OC, hehe, hand drawing it was interesting, also I feel I should've made the outlines of his OC a bit darker, but overall, it's a decent picture.



Art Feature #9

Source: Luna on a Swing   Today I will be featuring a picture by Brisineo!   Now, this one is purely awesome, ponified the 'girl on a swing meme.' Replaces with Luna, so adorable! It's amazing, great job Brisineo! (:



Chaos' Art #1

So as you know, I do an 'art feature' that features other members art, now I will also have one for my own art, for whenever I do any art, wether it be a detailed one, or just a silly one, it will go in 'Chaos' Art'.   Well, I've just finished one piece, it features Fluttershy with a member's OC on her back. The picture is in the spoiler below.         To be honest, it took a while to get the pose right, many tries in fact, but I'm happy the way it came out.   I'm still figuring out h




Get your body ready, because this entry is going to have a lot of love in it! Chaos will give you some chaotic lovin'! If you'd like a hug, then comment here! I will hug you so hard, your organs will fly out! ...Okay maybe not THAT hard, but there will be hugs all around this place!   Because sometimes, we just need a little love!   So C'mere! Don't be shy, hug away!     I'll start it off!     *hug*



Art Feature #8

Source: Derpy in deep ponderment   Today I'm featuring Xero1's drawing of Derpy!   How could you not like this, Derpy in deep ponderment, I mean so cute! Great job by Xero1 !



My feelings as of late.

Lately, I've been feeling different than I usually have, I'll try to explain it, so I feel as if pony related things aren't as exciting anymore, and also just haven't been posting as much as I used to (which some of you may understand) I realize that it may re-kindle when season 3 arrives, but these are my feelings right now.   But don't get me wrong, I still have an interest in ponies, it's not like I'm leaving or anything, this is just how I am feeling at the moment, but I think these feel



Mario Kart!

As a young child, I've always loved the Mario Kart series, well, pretty much any Mario game for that matter, I'm a Nintendo kind of guy, and always will be!   Recently, I've been playing those classics, to relive my childhood, and it feels so good, I will never get sick of them, it's just impossible to do so, the early 3-D graphics of MK64 are just great, that feeling of going back in time, just amazing.   Double Dash is also a wonderful addition to the series, good times were had, and sti



Too-D' EH.

Alrighty!   Just wanted to write some ramblings about my day! So buckle in if you'd like to read about it!   The day started off with a trip to Tim Horton's to get a Coffee and Doughnut, it was a good time indeed, the doughnuts complimented the Coffee oh so well, (BTW, if you didn't know, Tim Horton's is pretty much like Dunkin' Donuts in the US of A, except better) anyways, that happened.   A few hours later I proceeded to go to the mall with my cousin, he was looking for some clothes,



Art Feature #7

Source: Welcome everyone to another MotionSparkxHoneyPuffxSugarPlum traditional art trio   This time I'm featuring a great drawing from Motion Spark!   I love this drawing, the emotion of Sugar Plum is very amusing, and it is drawn very well, the shading in the colored version is excellent! Great job Motion!



Art Feature #6

Source: PeachPalette Style!   Well, today I'll be featuring an artist you all know and love! PechPalette! With her version of 'Gungnam Style'. It is now PeachPalette style, I love this drawing, and the song, so it just had to be featured, haha.   Great job Peach!



Handicapped girl targeted. (anger blog)

So this is something that happened in my local area, and it has made me quite angry, and I don't usually get angry, this is the news article if you'd like: http://www.castanet.net/edition/news-story-80081-1-.htm#80081     So anyways, it all starts out with a mother and her handicapped daughter, (who functions as a three year old) stopping off at a local park to take a little break, and to listen to the birds (it's a bird sanctuary) also to have a bite to eat, they were minding their own busin



Art Feature #5

Source: Bright Might and Motion Spark hugging:3   Today I'm featuring Bright Might The Vagabond's drawing of his OC, and Motion sparks OC hugging! Who doesn't like two ponies embracing? I know I do, great drawing! You can just feel the love.   Nice job BMTV!



Art Feature #4

Source: the main six   Todays art feature is Mr. Brony's drawing of the mane six! What amazing art, the detail is outstanding, he is very talented with a pencil, I always look forward to his drawings.   Great job Mr. Brony!



Art Feature #3

Source: Mane 6 Drawing - Pony Art   Today I am featuring Yo Dawg's renditions of the mane 6! They are very well done, the traditional style is always a treat, for me at least, good Ol' pencil and paper! He has done a fine job







Memories: Old animes I used to watch!

So my friend and I were talking a bit about animes, then we reminicing about the past animes we've watched, I still remember them well, good times were had back then!   The first one I loved was Beyblade, it seemed like everyone at school had the toys and that was the 'thing' to have, the show was amazing back then, with the characters Tyson, Ray, Kai, and Max! I'd always draw them, yes I was drawing back then! Oh how I miss it.   Then there was Yu Gi Oh, the original series, I used to colle



Art Feature #2

Source: slendy and me     Today I'm featuring HorrorshowMania's drawing of 'slendy and me'!   This picture is great, it adds a great amount of humour to the topic of Slenerman, clean artwork makes it easy on the eyes, and his unique OC always catches my eye.   Great job he has done!



Art Feature #1

Source: Pony Digital Paintings   So basically what I'm going to be doing is feature an art peice from the fanart section of the forums, I'll try to do it at least once a day, and it doesn't matter the skill level of the artist, if I like it, then I'll feature it!   So to kick it off, today I'll be featuring Enigma's work, and what amazing work it is, the dark feel to the paintings is very cool, lots of emotion packed away inside them, and the detail is outstanding, I recommend you check out



Soul Eater!

As you can plainly tell by my avatar, I'm a big fan of the anime Soul Eater, I'm glad I found out about it, I think it was a couple summers ago when I did, I remember watching it for the first time, and I've come to love the dark feel of the show, I've watched the series twice so far, and I'm planning on watching it for the third time.   The character designs are unique, and I love the diverse personalities that vary through out each one, Tsubaki is my favorite female character, while Soul is




Good ol' Slenderman, haha, I think I may do some lets play's at one point in time, I know lots of youtubers are doing that kind of thing at the moment, but it's the only game I really have one my computer right now, I have a Mac so gaming isn't the best, eventually I'm hoping to get those tv recorder technologies so I can record video games from my TV.   It'll be my first thing on Youtube, so I don't know how it will turn out, it's mainly just for fun really, and if people watch it, then that



Clop: My view on the hate.

Alright so this is my view on the whole clopping situation, it seems to be a bigger deal than it needs to be, this community sure looks down on it, it seems that if you are a clopper, then you're at the bottom of the barrel, it's just rediculous to me, why should it matter that someone likes clop? I mean it's nothing thats hurting you, so I don't see why people make a whole shitstorm over the topic.   Clopfics can actually be really good, well written pieces of literature, just like ordinary



Secret Box!

Whoa! Guess what guyz, I have this box, it's no ordinary box, because it contains a secret! I'll have you know that what is inside here is truly flabbergasting, but what is it you ask? neigh my fellow comrades, that is not for your eyes to witness, you will cringe at even the slightest sight of what's in this very box, but hey, you can try to sneek a peek, but I warn you, if you even try, our friendship is over!   Items that could be in this very box:   -An embarrasing snapshot of Feld0 a



Death Note: My Review

I will write my own review of this anime, if you haven't seen it, and want to know a bit more about it, then read this! This is just my personal review. (may contain spoilers)   So imagine that one day, your sitting in school just like any other day, nothing seems out of the ordinary, when all of a sudden a mysterious notebook falls from the sky, on to the school yard, but this is no ordinary notebook, if you happen to write a name of any human being in that notebook, they die, you can deside



Those Little Things.

I thought I'd actually make a serious blog here, instead of random nonsense, now we all have these little things that can make your day a bit more enjoyable, here a some of those things.   -Music: Those moments when you just lay down, relax and put on your favorite songs and just ignore all your problems, even making senarios up in your head while those certain songs are on.   -Rain: When it's raining and a feeling of relaxation and peace comes over you, and when it stops everything smells f



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